Tag: Pranks from spirits

More Erik Stories

More Erik Stories

Before you read these lovely Erik encounters, I want to share an update on Arleen’s gift. Now she sees Erik, and Robert asked what he was wearing and she said, “White.” Robert confirmed that. The day before, I asked her to get another birthday message from Uncle Erik. She looks to the left and gets this…

Erik Shows Some Love

Erik Shows Some Love

I know; I know. I’m such a bad girl. I left you all high and dry the last two days because I was too busy having fun to post anything on the blog. We’re driving back from Austin to Houston right now, so I finally have time to do my job. If was nice to…

Erik Makes His Rounds

Erik Makes His Rounds

Enjoy these great Erik encounters as well as this last week’s radio show! Story #1 Greetings, I have been experiencing Erik pricking whenever am watching Erik, Jamie and Elisa conversations, of late I try to involve myself by asking k Erick questions, its like he is responding by directing me to get some answer to…

More Erik Stories

More Erik Stories

I have a couple of announcements before we get into the “Erik stories.” First, don’t forget Kim, Erik and I will be on the Dave the Mystic Show at 9:00 PM CT for 90 minutes. During the last half of the show, Erik will take questions from callers, 917-889-7890. Click HERE to access the show.  Also,…

Farts and Saving Lives

Farts and Saving Lives

We’re driving back to Houston now after a wonderful camping trip with my husband, my sister and brother-in-law and Bella, of course. I documented some of it on Instagram, so follow me, peeps, if you want an insider’s view of my boring life. Haha. It’s raining now, but all the other days were beautiful, so…

Erik Touches Lives, Human and Spirit

Erik Touches Lives, Human and Spirit

I found these stories so touching. I love you so much, Erik. Story #1 All this first started when my daughter Allie told me she had a coworker, Lisa, who was having some disturbing dreams about a little girl. The little girl was looking out the window and saying Help Me. So I agreed to talk to…

More Erik Stories

More Erik Stories

Don’t forget to download the free Channeling Erik app, guys! It’s available HERE for iPhones and is under review for androids. You can also search for it in the apps store. Be sure to give it a good review if you can! We have a couple of glitches, but that’s pretty normal, and they’ll be…

Things to Inspire Hope

Things to Inspire Hope

Not certain if there is life after death? Wondering what happened to your loved ones after their death? I think these three short stories and the video that follows will give you the hope you need to take that leap of faith.  Story #1 I watch CE YouTube videos and read the CE Blog everyday…

Epic Erik

Epic Erik

Right now, we’re driving back from College Station where we had a successful camping experience and the Texas A & M Ring Day for Annika. Ring Day is huge. Over 6,000 rings were handed out in a very organized way throughout the day. Annika’s time slot was 4:15 PM yesterday. The hardest part was being…

More Great Erik Stories

More Great Erik Stories

As you’ve noticed, the blog has a new theme, nice and clean. The original one was old and glitchy, like me. It seems like not everything has migrated over yet, but eventually they will.  Here are some more great Erik stories.  Story #1 Hi my name is Leah (in Canada!) and I love your site…

Busy Boy

Busy Boy

I have over 200 Erik Encounters in queue to post, and they still keep coming, so he’s constantly busy. I’m glad he can split himself infinitely to make it happen! It exhausts me to even think about it. I hope you enjoy these! As soon as I finish posting this, I’m off to Erik’s grave…

More Erik Pranks

More Erik Pranks

I’m packing up the campsite, getting ready to head home. We had a wonderful weekend in beautiful weather, and I didn’t end up with any broken bones mountain biking, although I can say there were a couple of close calls.  Last night was a little hard. I was thinking how much Erik used to love…

More Erik Fun

More Erik Fun

It’s an hour and a half until the festivities begin for Michelle’s baby shower. Big sister, Kristina, has done a magnificent job with the planning. I’m going to try to vlog about it. I figure I better post on the blog now before I start getting into Lukas’s famous (industrial strength) Sangria. But before I…

Erik, the Guardian Angel

Erik, the Guardian Angel

What a glorious day. The weather is beautiful, I have Lukas home from college and Annika on her way soon! Not only that, I’m doing what I love doing the most: working on the blog that saved me life. I was thinking about that last night. If my daughter, Kristina, had not encouraged me to…

More Erik Mischief

More Erik Mischief

Slowly but surely, I’m making my way through all the Erik Encounters you’ve submitted. I think I’m around the October ones. I just want to thank you all for being patient and promise that I will post them!  Today, I’m trying to get a lot of work done on the blog and write a couple…

He’s Here for Us.

He’s Here for Us.

I’m so sorry I didn’t get a chance to post yesterday. It always makes me feel guilty when that happens. I was so busy with family related things, and I also had to take my son, Lukas, to get checked and treated for strep tonsillitis. By the time I got back home, friends were on…

Erik Encounters

Erik Encounters

I’m really enjoying time with my family here in Little Rock. Alas, it’s too short. We’ll be driving back tomorrow. Meanwhile, here are some Erik stories. Sorry I’m not editing them! Story #1 Hello, I was “led” (by Erik) to the channeling Erik videos. I am a Chiropractor, empath, healer and medium. I have “talked”…

More Erik Pranks

More Erik Pranks

If you missed the first radio show, click HERE to listen. Sorry about the 4 minutes or so of dead air. As I said yesterday, I had trouble connecting. Hopefully, that glitch will be fixed before next Thursday’s show! Do any of you know how to generate an embed code? I have the icon and…

Erik’s Got Game

Erik’s Got Game

Enjoy these four great Erik encounters. Tomorrow, I’ll share an amazing one–and I mean a freaking amazing one–that happened to Kim this weekend. Story #1 Hi everyone- I’m new here but not new to paranormal experiences and psychic phenomenon. I have been a psychotherapist for 30 years and started doing hypnotherapy 6 years ago. Imagine…

Erik Strikes Again

Erik Strikes Again

In case you didn’t see this, please help me get a headcount for our first two cities, Denver and NYC. Here are the polls: Now check these stories out. They’re pretty dang amazing! Story #1 A few days ago I was watching John Edward on periscope. (FYI John is a rather famous psychic medium who…

More Erik Encounters

More Erik Encounters

I have a dilemma. Bluebell, our Russian Blue rescue cat from Hurricane Katrina, seems to be suffering from dementia. She pees in the oddest places: our fruit bowl, countertops, the stairwell and any dishcloth or piece of clothing that might be lying around. We’ve checked her for urinary problems and she has none. Now she’s…

Fun with Erik

Fun with Erik

Okay, guys. I’m going to publish the first Bigfoot YouTube Monday morning, so be sure you subscribe to the Channeling Erik YouTube channel so that you can get a notification for the second and third one. Should be fun! Be sure to read these great Erik stories. He loves it when you do. Story #1 Hi…

More Erikness

More Erikness

The get-together with the local CE peeps was so much fun, guys! I think there was around 12-13 of us. We sat around a big table at Jason’s Deli and ate, shared Erik stories and more. Then we drove to my house and enjoyed each other’s company some more, sipping wine by a cozy fire….

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