As you know, this is the second post of the day. I hope you enjoy the interview. Medium, Denise Ramon, did a wonderful job. PLEASE check her out at As always, the transcript follows. Love you guys!
Elisa: Hello Denise Ramon, how are you doing?
Denise: Hi, I’m doing well, how are you?
Elisa: Very well, and my little boy Erik, my big boy Erik?
Denise: When you said little boy, he just puffed himself up, with muscles and he said I’m not little.
Erik: Hello, I love you and I love these times when you’re talking to me.
Elisa: You’re always going to be my little boy, what can I do?
Denise: Now, he’s showing me little height wise but buffed up (laughing).
Elisa: Yeah, like this, this is my little boy.
Denise: Awe, how sweet.
Elisa: Yeah, anyway, today’s going to be part two of Terrence McKenna, and I hear that Erik has already brought in and you Denise said that Terrence seems more than ready.
Denise: Yes.
Elisa: Okay, well welcome back Terrence, how are you?
Denise: He’s real, I don’t know, he just seems very polite, like almost kind of like shy or whatever but he’s very polite.
Elisa: Like demure, maybe?
Denise: Yeah.
McKenna: Hello, and I’m glad to be here.
Denise: And I find that odd because that is so not like what his character is though, how I feel how his character is.
Elisa: Yeah, maybe he can explain, what’s going on Terrence?
McKenna: I always was a very serious person.
Elisa: Oh! Okay.
McKenna: But people, sometimes misconstrue that because of the things I liked to experiment in.
Denise: And I’m asking him, are you talking about drugs and that?
McKenna: Just in anything.
Elisa: Yeah.
McKenna: I have always been like this, and I feel like now I can be myself.
Denise: Which I think is kind of funny, he can be himself now, because I’m thinking well of course you’re yourself on the other side.
McKenna: I was always this way, I was a perception that people had that I was wild and untamed.
Elisa: Because he did hallucinogens, is that why?
McKenna: That and I just always coloured outside of the lines because I always knew that there was so much more.
Elisa: Yeah.
McKenna: I just never felt like I had to colour inside the lines.
Denise: It just didn’t go with him, and he’s using that phrase I think because I use it and other people use it but I feel like he kind of brought himself back in a little bit when he was getting too many eyes on him, like too many people were watching him because I feel like he’s, I don’t know, but I feel like he either has been arrested or he was close to being arrested before.
McKenna: I had to watch out for that, because people were wanting me because they knew I was on to something.
Elisa: Yeah, okay and so who was after him? Big Pharma? Or the government, or?
Denise: He’s showing me the words FBI.
Elisa: Ooo, okay.
Denise: Yeah, that’s what he’s showing me.
Elisa: Why, why were they, what did they have against you?
McKenna: Other people.
Denise: And the way he says that I feel like he means within the government, within that group that we talk about a lot, like the.
Elisa: The Kabbalah? So, to speak?
Denise: Yeah, those type of people, the elite.
McKenna: All of that.
Denise: Like the were bringing that attention to them, and the way he’s telling me it’s like the FBI are so dumb, they don’t realize that they’re being set up for something else.
Elisa: By the Global Elite?
Denise: Yeah but when you say that I feel like it was the pharmaceutical people, the pharma that is who that is by the way.
McKenna: Yes, yes, yes.
Elisa: Okay, all right well let’s get to the rest of the questions from blog members, oh did you want to say something first?
Denise: No.
Elisa: Is human DNA, changing based on humans focused raising of consciousness, or is the planet on an accelerated path of DNA change based on time change? In other words, is each human in control of his individual state of consciousness or are we all on this ride together? The E-Ticket to Disneyland!
McKenna: We have control of our own consciousness to a degree, you know, because you go there with free will and choice and stuff, you all have that still. It is accelerating.
Denise: The way he’s showing me, I’m telling him to slow down.
Elisa: Yeah slow down Terrence, and maybe just use words instead of so many images or feelings.
Denise: Yeah because I’m like, starting to stutter.
McKenna: Our DNA is definitely changing because our consciousness is changing but we come in here wanting our consciousness to change, that’s why.
Denise: He’s showing me little ones, so I’m assuming he means babies, he’s very intelligent by the way.
McKenna: But they’re coming in, and their consciousness is more aware than say when I was here, but our DNA has evolved.
Elisa: Like Lipton, his biology belief that you know our thoughts can change our biology and can change our DNA even, so if our consciousness i.e. thoughts change then of course that could change our DNA, is that what you’re saying Terrence?
McKenna: Yes, because our consciousness, controls all of that.
Elisa: Oh, wow!
Denise: And he’s jus showing me how our consciousness, the more we evolve the more everything else in us evolves, so yes.
Elisa: You wouldn’t think of it, the whole physics notion that thought creates reality, our consciousness creates our entire reality, I guess including our biology, is that right?
McKenna: Yes, and that’s also a proven fact, that you can heal yourselves.
Elisa: Oh yeah, yeah.
McKenna: And it’s through consciousness and how you change, definitely.
Elisa: It sounds like the same person, aren’t we each responsible for our own evolution, if so, what’s the most efficient and effective way to grow? I guess in the same sentence I’ll say and are psychedelics that important for humans to raise consciousness?
McKenna: Thank you for asking that.
Denise: I feel like it’s a female too, the way he’s saying something.
McKenna: Psychedelics can enhance our awareness, but it all depends on where we are emotionally and mentally.
Elisa: Oh.
McKenna: To handle that. So there plays a big part in that, you have to be of sound mind and body before you can have that take you somewhere else.
Elisa: Why?
McKenna: If someone has tendencies for some form of mental illness or any kind because there’s different levels of it and then they take these psychedelics because they’re wanting to take it, not all is mental illness but the ones who are wanting to take it who are not.
Denise: I don’t’ know how to say it, it’s like I’m just repeating stuff but if someone is having mental illness and he wants people to understand that that, because when you say that people shame on that word.
Elisa: Yeah, I know.
Denise: But there’s all forms of mental illness and he’s telling me when people have menstrual cramps, this is him saying this.
McKenna: When people have menstrual cramps, PMS, that’s a form of mental illness, you know, it’s not, there’s something imbalanced and that’s what mental illness is, something’s imbalanced, it doesn’t mean you have to be, you know schizophrenic or something or multiple personalities.
Elisa: Or medicated.
Denise: Yeah, or medicated.
McKenna: Someone who is bipolar, who knows how to control that because they are on a very strict clean diet, they take supplements to help them, they are very rigours of an exercise program, they are very solid in they’re belief system.
Denise: And he’s referring if they do meditation or something like that to keep them grounded and that.
McKenna: And then you take another person whose bipolar, that isn’t doing all those things, whose eating crappy, whose not trying to clean their body and keep it in alignment and then you give both of them psychedelics, the one that’s eating clean and doing what they can to help keep their bipolar at a balance is going to have a different reaction to the one that doesn’t and the one that isn’t doing that can have an adverse effect to the trip.
Elisa: Yeah, so like a bad trip. Especially with paranoia, I bet.
McKenna: That is definite do not do that. So, with those two analogies, that’s where one would enhance them and one where it isn’t and the one that’s doing all they know to do to keep that, is totally aware that they have bi-polar that is not in denial of it and knows that if they don’t do these things to keep them self in check. They’re of sound mind. They both have mental illness but one’s in sound mind.
Elisa: Okay.
McKenna: So, that’s where that would help. Then you also have to have somebody that is really knowledgeable and educated in administering and helping. It’s almost kind of like when someone has a very deep past life regression, how you have someone who helps facilitate and walks you through so it’s not so scary and keeps you in a safe mode, you need that type of person, a doctor or someone who’s very educated in that field and knows how to walk you and bring you through that.
Elisa: Yeah, I think it would be good to have somebody that’s certified in that whole, you know taking you on a hallucinogenic journey and talking to you and helping you make sense of it etc., in a padded room with a straight jacket, I’m kidding. It seems like that would be the safest way to do with somebody who knows the dosages, somebody knows how guide the dialogue during the trip.
McKenna: That’s why I did a lot of them, what I was doing is no different than what people do with animals, experiment with animals. It’s the same thing, there’s no difference in that, the only difference is that I was doing my stuff in a safe way, in a controlled way, but I do want to say, did he go a little too far? Probably.
Elisa: Well you know you have to kind of know what the boundaries are of the envelope, right? You have to understand the limits, like a child testing the limits with a parent.
McKenna: Exactly!
Elisa: Okay, is human DNA changing to create a completely different body in the future? I don’t know, that doesn’t have anything to do with hallucinogenic but, you probably know, tell me.
McKenna: Down the road.
Denise: And when I say down the road, I’m talking like 25-30 years or so, DNA will be different, and it’s going to accommodate the changes that are coming forward.
McKenna: Don’t ask about the changes.
Elisa: I won’t, I guess not. I see during ascension there are lots of people, who their dietary needs are different, they react to foods differently, the bodies have been changing.
Denise: Yes.
Elisa: And we have people who are Breatharians who don’t need anything, they just need to breathe, they know how to change the energy around them into the energy needed for the body, which would be so cool, man, I’d be able to stop going to the gym, I was supposed to go today but don’t tell anyone.
McKenna: But you’d still need some kind of movement.
Elisa: Oh God! All right, yeah.
McKenna: But they understand, they know how to fuel their body and we’re going more towards a plant-based environment.
Elisa: Yeah, okay, all right the world is influenced by a materialistic paradigm will the paradigm of science and education as it stands today be transformed into a new system which will include the study of metaphysics and expanded consciousness? We wish!
Denise: It so funny that they talked about education because Erik and I were talking about education before the session started and he is saying that education is definitely going to change and we will start seeing that sooner than some of us had hoped for and sooner what we think, and I feel like it’s a good thing for people like you and I. People like you and I will be thankful and the teachers. Will that be brought into the school? I feel like not for another 20 plus years.
Elisa: Yeah, I can imagine, and that’s certainly not the public-school system, maybe charter schools will, or online schools.
Denise: Yeah.
McKenna: That’s kind of like classified like a religion even though it isn’t but it disrupts a lot of people’s illusion
Elisa: I know.
McKenna: Right now, we can’t handle that.
Elisa: Yeah.
McKenna: We would collapse.
Elisa: We can’t handle the truth.
Elisa: All right here’s another one, you said you smoked pot daily from your teen years, do you think it had a bad effect on your body, like alcohol would have had?
McKenna: One hundred percent No!
Elisa: Okay. Well I understand that if you start smoking pot very young, that it increases your likelihood of developing schizophrenia, I don’t know if that’s true or not.
Denise: He’s not saying that that’s true.
Elisa: Are you saying that it’s not true?
McKenna: It’s not true, that’s B.S.
Elisa: Okay.
McKenna: Smoking though as we all know.
Denise: Because he’s showing me his lungs, it’s not good for the lungs, so I’m asking him, so are you saying it’s better to bake it or whatever?
Elisa: Make edibles?
McKenna: Yes, and when you eat it or drink it like that, your body responds to it different than smoking.
Denise: And I feel like the way he’s showing me with the smoking, it’s because your body has to go through so much when you digest it through your lungs, because everything inside of you is a bunch of little entities you know, and so your lungs and everything are having to over work and stuff like that. He’s showing me that’s why a lot of times he smoked it out of a bong, is what he’s showing me because he thought that was a little healthier.
Elisa: You don’t have the tar or whatever, I don’t know.
Denise: Yes, he’s showing me something from paper, the rolling paper, but it still wasn’t.
Elisa: The rolling paper can have bad stuff in it?
McKenna: Yeah, there’s a chemical on it.
Elisa: Oh great!
Denise: I feel like he’s knowing that he could have, that he wished he would have known then what he knows now about making it into some type of edible is what I feel like he’s saying.
McKenna: No, it doesn’t cause schizophrenia, however, though there is some truth to it where it does form, where it does take away your inhibition to want to do anything.
Elisa: Make you want to have not much motivation, is that it?
McKenna: Yes, it can just take that away, but then it goes back to are you smoking pot all day, every day to just stay high and check out of reality? There’s a difference between that.
Denise: I just want everyone to know I am not pro cannabis and I’m not against cannabis, I’m just giving the information.
Elisa: Me too, same thing. It’s got to be a personal choice that maybe you can talk about with a physician or a health care provider that knows about this.
McKenna: You know if you wanted to take a little nip, once or twice throughout the day that’s different.
Denise: And the way that he says it, I feel like its kind of adjusts you, and I’m asking him do you mean like kind of relaxes you and that?
McKenna: Yeah, it just kind of relaxes you.
Denise: And he’s showing me the way its kind of relaxes you, and he’s not talking about getting full blown high, but he says it relaxes you enough so you can be more conscious of your thoughts.
Elisa: Oh! Do they make a transdermal, like a cream or I know that you can do sublingual, like CBD oil but do they have creams and bypass the whole liver enzymes and the lungs? Or maybe the should, but anyway.
Denise: He’s showing me that there is some kind of cream.
Elisa: I bet they do.
Denise: Yeah because he’s showing me a little round thing with a cream and he’s saying yes there is.
Elisa: Who should partake in this, in cannabis?
Denise: The person uses it? You know right when I did this, he said people who have arthritis, that would be good for them, he’s showing me. People that have insomnia real bad, that would be real good for them.
Elisa: Okay.
McKenna: People with anxiety, real bad anxiety, panic attacks, people with PTSD. This would be so amazing with kids with autism.
Elisa: Oh my God, I just wrote that down! It must have been channelled, I was wondering, that’s why I thought transdermal creams because you know they sometimes don’t like the taste of things.
Denise: Yes, yes and he’s showing me that you can put it on like, right by the neck you know massage that in, and also back by the neck where spine and the I don’t know.
Elisa: Brainstem.
Denise: Yeah, yes. You know put it there, he’s showing me on the bottom of their feet.
McKenna: There is so many places. That would be amazing. What it does is it just allows things to relax more where you can think more clearly and consciously about what it is, you’re doing next.
Denise: I would not do this to my daughter, if it was even legal in this state, but he is saying people with panic, and I think he’s saying this because my daughter had a big test today, about taking a little bit, you know you could use the cream or a little edible, like before you take a test so you can relax about it.
Elise: Yeah what about people with ADHD?
McKenna: Yes.
Elisa: What about depression?
McKenna: Yes, but you have to be careful with that because people with depression, yes there’s a clinical situation going on with that, but there is also a lot of deep healing that needs to happen with them.
Elisa: Oh yeah.
McKenna: So there needs to be some form of therapy, and I’m not referring to having to go talk to a counsellor every day of the week, but some form of therapy whatever it is you do whether it is hypnosis, past life regressions.
Elisa: EMDR, oh my God there’s so many.
Denise: Yes.
Elisa: The Soul Happy Technique.
Denise: Yes.
Elisa: Girl, there is so many, but for me I will ask you why it does not work at all. I tried it the first time after Erik died, one of my kids said I want to help you with your grief, why don’t you try this, even though they weren’t doing it, and it did nothing for me.
McKenna: You were very deep in your grief, if that would have worked and done what it was supposed to do to help you, you wouldn’t be where you are right now.
Elisa: Why?
McKenna: Because you needed.
Elisa: The pain to move forward.
McKenna: Yes, for you to say I’ve got to find something different, I’ve got to find some meaning to this, I’ve got to get some understanding.
Denise: And when he is saying this, Erik is like standing next to him, saying go gentle on this, and I feel that he is very protective of you Elisa.
McKenna: That pain.
Denise: And he’s showing me a heart that’s broken, that, you needed that for you to push forward because in you pushing forward, not only were you working on the pain of the loss of Erik, but you were also working on a lot of pain from years back, which I feel like he’s talking about growing up.
Elisa: Yeah.
Denise: Because that brought all that crap up too.
McKenna: Now, it would work, so try it now, now it will work.
Elisa: Well, it’s not legal here, unfortunately. How does it work in terms of energy? Does it do weird stuff to the meridian, or the chakras, I mean how does it affect us from the energy standpoint? Let’s do that but also let’s talk about that with hallucinogens too.
McKenna: On your energy, it can affect that and that’s why it’s important to be grounded in what you’re doing, like you’re not doing those things to totally escape.
Elisa: Are you saying that before you do like an edible or whatever that you should do a grounding exercise maybe? Is that.
McKenna: That would be good, but just believe that you’re grounding. A lot of people say their grounding, but they’re not grounding. So, you have to really know. Get familiar with your own energy first, that’s real important.
Elisa: Yeah, you got to know what it feels like to be grounded, you know.
McKenna: Yes.
Elisa: Okay, so does it do things like blow open different chakras or I mean just in terms of energy what does pot do?
Denise: He’s so showing me like it can relax you.
Elisa: What does that mean energy wise?
Denise: It can relax you enough to where you can allow, he’s showing me chakras from you first, second and third chakra where you can start allowing that stuff to surface because we work very hard at not allowing that stuff to surface.
Elisa: Oh, that’s true.
Denise: And I just asked him, did you do that?
McKenna: Yes, I did. There were things within my own self that I didn’t address.
Elisa: I see. Okay, what about hallucinogens, how do they affect our energy?
McKenna: First you know that you have to be careful, you have to know what it is that you’re taking because so much of that stuff now, when you get it on the streets it’s so diluted. That’s why I don’t understand why they don’t market this stuff, have it available.
Denise: He’s showing me like they have the opiates. You know have that available instead of that stuff.
Elisa: Yeah. It’s probably safer than opiates like OxyContin.
McKenna: It is! Very few people got addicted to psychedelics, like they have been to the opiates.
Denise: He’s not saying that they haven’t but he’s just saying.
Elisa: Or overdoes on them.
Denise: Yeah.
Elisa: Can you overdose on it?
McKenna: Yes, you can.
Elisa: Okay.
McKenna: And people have and that’s documented.
Elisa: Okay so how does it affect our energy, chakras, meridians?
McKenna: Its kind of like takes away all your inhibitions and so it just.
Elisa: Like does it disconnect your conscious mind that has the linear thinking, the analytical thinking, the logic and disconnect it from the subconscious, is that what it does, move it out of the way or, I want to know that kind of thing.
McKenna: It’s almost like when you say disconnect, it doesn’t disconnect.
Denise: He’s showing me it’s like in layers, it’s in layers to where it’s in alignment with one another. He’s showing me that your able to talk to all those different pieces of you.
Elisa: All right, so the different levels of consciousness.
Denise: Yeah, yeah that’s what he’s showing me, it’s like you’re standing back and you see all those different sections of you and you’re able to go in and address each one.
McKenna: The good thing about that, the thing I learned also you could go in there and rewiring that information, that one event that you would like to do, you can erase that tape and put it the way you want it.
Elisa: Right, and you can probably see it in a different perspective.
Denise: Yes. That is so cool to be able to go in there and do that.
McKenna: But that’s when you need somebody.
Denise: And he’s going back to the person who has bipolar who has everything under control, so to speak as opposed to the other one that doesn’t.
Elisa: So, Erik do you have anything to add to that whole thing about how hallucinogens affect our energy and our different levels of consciousness?
Denise: Erik is telling me that, he’s saying this doctor, was he a doctor?
Elisa: Oh, I don’t know.
Denise: Because he’s saying this doctor, and I’m like was he even a doctor I don’t even know if he was but maybe he wasn’t a medical doctor but.
Elisa: Maybe he was a doctor of hallucinogens, I don’t know.
Erik: What he has to say about how the hallucinogenic work for us for the better of us, you know how it can enhance us.
Denise: When he’s telling me this, it’s like he’s going in and feeling all of that, and he says it feels so fluid, what he’s saying and then I’m asking, well, he wouldn’t have a reason to not tell the truth because when on the other side they only speak the truth in my belief.
Erik: I want people who are listening to this to be very responsible if they choose to do this and make sure that they have people around because this is a serious, as you would label it as a type of drug, so we have to be real careful with it.
Denise: And I feel like Erik is addressing this to people who are young who think that they are invincible.
Elisa: Yeah.
Denise: But Erik’s acting like he’s on some right now by the way. (laughing)
Elisa: Uh-oh, what are you doing Erik?
Denise: He’s just acting like he just did some mushrooms, is what he’s showing me. Did he even like mushrooms, I’m wondering.
Elisa: I don’t know that he ever did any.
Denise: No did he like mushrooms, edible wise.
Elisa: I don’t know, I don’t remember.
Denise: Because I don’t feel like he did.
Elisa: He really wanted to smoke pot but we didn’t want him to, so I tested him and stuff. I’m just wondering maybe you wouldn’t have died, if I had just let you do that.
Erik: No. Don’t even think that.
Denise: He’s just so adamant on that. He wants you to erase that from your thoughts.
Elisa: Okay. Now, here’s a person asking should drugs be legalized or decriminalized?
McKenna: Both.
Denise: He’s showing me what would the DEA do and what would.
Elisa: Big Pharma?
McKenna: Yes, what would they do.
Denise: And he’s showing me the cartel, and what we do, because when he says cartel, he’s talking about the drug cartel and he’s not just referring to people in Mexico because when he says that he’s showing me we are involved in that too.
Elisa: The government you mean?
McKenna: Yes.
Elisa: How so?
McKenna: Because we’re allowing, we’re paying them, who do you thinks paying them that money?
Elisa: So, the drug cartels are paying people (inaudible) and then the government?
Denise: Were paying them.
Elisa: Who’s we, the government?
McKenna: Yes.
Denise: I asked him, so are you saying like the President level?
McKenna: No, but it’s up there, they know the pharmaceutical people and it’s like a smoke screen to what else is going on.
Elisa: Oh God. Drain the swamp, man, just get rid of everyone in the government.
McKenna: If they would legalize all this stuff, we wouldn’t have that kind of stuff.
Elisa: Yeah. Well what about big pharma and the government do you think they are behind criminalization, including the DEA?
McKenna: Yes.
Elisa: Yeah, I believe it.
Erik: Yes, why would they not legalize it, it’s no different like they did with alcohol.
Elisa: Yeah, well is there anything that should not be legalized? Like heroin?
Erik: Stuff like that should not be legalized, but if you legalize some of these other drugs, you wouldn’t need heroin.
Elisa: Oh, Wow!
Denise: And when Erik is saying that and Terrence is right here, in agreement with him but when he said that I was like but what about for pain, like when you have surgery or something and when he said that he reminded me I remember I had a surgery, years ago and they did a very large cut and how they treated my pain was with electric shock.
Elisa: Oh, okay.
Denise: And I didn’t need anything, I didn’t need absolutely nothing.
Elisa: There are alternative ways.
Denise: Yes, because you can use that edible or a pill or whatever you prefer to take, however form they want to put it in because that would relax you because that’s what your body is, of course it’s the cut open but he’s showing me your insides kind of muscle spasm.
Elisa: Its how your brain perceives it.
Erik: Yeah, and then when you get that relaxed then you wouldn’t need that other stuff.
Elisa: All right well let me go real quickly, I thought this was going to be short session but Terrence has a lot to share. Awesome stuff. Real quickly, these are my spiritual questions, my catch all’s. My catch all questions, what was your spiritual mission, this time as Terrence McKenna?
McKenna: (laughs) To express myself, to bring awareness that there was multiple was to achieve things and to explore things. People still look me up.
Denise: And he makes me feel that people are studying him.
Elisa: Yeah, I bet, I’ve gotten so many requests to interview you. What about what you were here to learn, were you here to learn anything?
McKenna: Compassion.
Elisa: Oh.
Denise: And when he says that I feel like he separated himself from people quite easily and he makes me feel like because he was so caught up in doing what he was doing that he just never allowed himself to connect fully. I’m wondering if he had a kid because I feel like there was a child that he never connected with, I feel like the way he’s showing me.
Elisa: I don’t know.
McKenna: Compassion. (inaudible)
Elisa: Did you not connect because you were on these hallucinogens or were you on the hallucinogens in part because you didn’t know how to connect?
McKenna: That’s kind of like the chicken and the egg.
Denise: He tells me how he was very inquisitive and very he’s showing me very out there in his thoughts and so people couldn’t connect with him, he didn’t know how to communicate with people. It’s like he didn’t find enough people on that level, so he always kind of felt alone in a sense. When he says that he’s showing me that that he always had people around him, so I don’t understand.
Elisa: You can have people around you but not connect with them, but your lack of connection wasn’t because you were affected by the drugs, right?
McKenna: It wasn’t because I was affected by the drugs but it was because I did the drugs.
Elisa: Okay. What do you mean?
Denise: Because he said that it was so hush-hush back then.
Elisa: Oh! Okay.
McKenna: It was like having a baby out of wedlock, it was like Oh My God!
Elisa: It alienates you from people.
McKenna: Mmm-hmm.
Elisa: That’s too bad. That so sucks. Do you have any regrets besides that you didn’t connect with a child or other people?
McKenna: I don’t have any regrets because I can see from where I am that everything was done perfectly, but from a human perspective.
Denise: I feel like he wishes he would have connected with someone the way he’s showing me because he’s showing me love and I feel like he wished he would have connected with a significant other, like he missed that.
Elisa: Awe.
Denise: Missed that connection.
Elisa: Do you have a message for that significant other and was it a soul mate, a spouse, a girlfriend, a kid, a friend?
Denise: I feel like it was, I’m getting wife is what he’s showing me but I’m questioning if he was married but I’m getting wife.
McKenna: I didn’t allow myself to be absorbed in that type of energy.
Elisa: Okay, any message for her?
McKenna: She was right.
Elisa: Oh. So, whoever you are out there, you were right. Do you have another life that you want to share that most influenced your one as Terrence McKenna?
Denise: He’s showing me and I feel like I want to say, I feel like they were, well everything’s parallel, I mean because everything’s now. He’s showing me in another life he was a pharmaceutical person.
Elisa: Oh boy!
Denise: Yeah. He was a pharmacist, but when he’s showing me this it was old timey where they mixed their own stuff.
Elisa: Okay.
McKenna: That influenced me in this life.
Denise: It was almost like he didn’t get to complete what he wanted or achieve whatever it, because I feel like they way that he was saying it he was on a break through and he wanted to continue that same.
Elisa: So, you experimented with the pharmaceuticals that you were working with?
McKenna: Yes.
Denise: Because he’s showing me blends, so that’s why I’m saying he’s mixing, because he makes me feel like he intuitively knew what needed to go with what for whatever it was.
Elisa: Did you experiment with these blends on yourself or other people for that matter.
McKenna: Other people.
Elisa: Oh, okay. And they knew about it, they were on board?
McKenna: No, they didn’t know about it.
Denise: But whatever he was giving them medicine for was for whatever it was that was ailing them.
Elisa: Okay.
Denise: And when I say ailing them, I feel like something that was causing great pain.
Elisa: Pain, emotional? Physical?
Denise: Physical, more physical.
Elisa: Oh really, okay. All right that’s interesting, did you ever get in trouble?
McKenna: No.
Elisa: Good. So, you helped a lot of people in that life, I guess, right?
McKenna: Yes, and the reason I didn’t get in trouble is because you didn’t have all these people watching all over you like you do now.
Elisa: Oh, I know.
Denise: He’s showing me, you didn’t have to count all your medicine, either, when you owned your own place.
Elisa: Yeah, now did you try anything for yourself at all?
McKenna: Yes.
Denise: And you know I feel like there was like some type of an outbreak or something and he made himself some kind of a potion or cocktail, not a cocktail because it wasn’t liquid but some kind of a blend of something to beef up his immune system.
Elisa: Oh! To protect him against this infectious.
Denise: Yes, whatever it was because he’s showing me a break out of something.
Elisa: Wow, do you know what it was? I mean can you say what it was, like Polio, yellow fever, cholera, fever?
Denise: He’s showing me fever, it’s something with a fever.
Elisa: Typhoid fever? Typhyis? Oh, it doesn’t make any difference really. All right so, a couple of more questions, do you have anything that you want to share that almost nobody or maybe nobody knows about? It can be little like, I smell socks after I take them off, I don’t care.
McKenna: I had a mole on my butt.
Elisa: Oh, okay, can you show Denise?
Denise: He is showing me! (laughs)
Elisa: Uh-oh, does he have a nice butt.
Denise: It’s very white. He wasn’t a big guy either.
Elisa: Oh, okay, well hey thanks for mooning Denise.
Denise: It was a half moon.
Elisa: Oh, a half moon, was it waning crescent or? All right do you have a message for mankind, at all for humanity? Message or advice?
McKenna: Don’t be afraid to change.
Elisa: Yeah.
McKenna: Don’t get caught up in the fear, because that is what they tried to do to me.
Denise: And he’s showed me that he just didn’t go in that route and listening as much.
McKenna: Don’t be afraid to change.
Denise: And he’s saying that because there’s going to be some really amazing changes coming forward and just allow them to happen because that’s what we’re here to do is experience them.
Elisa: Any one particular change you want to share that’s coming our way?
Denise: He makes me feel like how we’re going to be living.
Elisa: Okay.
Denise: And when he says that I feel like, we’re not going to be so territorial, this is my house stay out or you know.
McKenna: It’s going to be 5-10 years but you are going to gradually start to see how things are changing.
Elisa: Okay. Two more, what are you doing now in the after life? Do you have life’s work or an after-life’s work?
McKenna: We all have, I don’t want to speak for everyone.
Denise: But he’s making me feel like everybody has an afterlife type work, what is what we would consider work or whatever but he is showing me how he is working very heavily with the pharmaceutical people and it is not to promote them but it’s to help bring awareness to it.
Elisa: Help them see the error of their ways?
McKenna: Yes, well they’re not going to say the error of their ways because there’s too much attached to that but it’s to bring an awareness to it.
Denise: He makes me also feel like he’s working.
Erik: He is.
Denise: He’s working a lot with this opiate epidemic that’s coming around and, in the way, that he’s saying it, he’s helping to bring more awareness to this.
Elisa: Okay.
McKenna: Because you don’t have the awareness to it.
Elisa: Be aware that there is this global elite that wants this new world order, there’s the media, academia, big pharma, the career politicians, you know it’s terrible that they really want to have world domination and a lot of people have been brain washed about this, so and big pharma is part of that.
McKenna: But it’s not going to happen and that is why you feel so much uncomfortableness because things are starting to crumble.
Elisa: Good, thank God.
Denise: He’s showing me, like our foundation is on a graham cracker, I don’t know if you like graham crackers.
Elisa: I do.
Denise: Okay that maybe why he said that, our foundation is on a graham cracker and he’s showing me how graham crackers crumble and he’s showing me how that’s what’s happening.
McKenna: Don’t get caught up in the fear of that, just know that there’s a good purpose for that.
Elisa: The Indigo’s they’re the ones that are supposed to raise everything to the ground, topple the old, so that the crystals and the indigos too can bring it up. Okay, last thing Erik, do you want add anything, do you want to ask Terrence anything, and Denise do you want to also?
Denise: No, I don’t want to ask him anything because I wouldn’t know what to ask him.
Erik: Do you feel like you did these psychedelic drugs, in your experimental stage do you feel like you did in moderation and could you have done more moderate that what you did?
McKenna: Of course, there is always room for improvement. Yes.
Elisa: Moderated himself more.
Denise: Yeah. Like limited to maybe 3 times a week instead of 5 times a week.
Elisa: Okay.
McKenna: Yes.
Denise: And I feel like there was somebody else with him when he was doing this stuff but he’s not going to tell me, but there is a male, another male that was with him, involved in this.
Elisa: I have on purpose not read anything about Terrence.
Denise: Me either, but I feel like there was another guy in on this with him taking notes because back them they didn’t have tape recorders and stuff like this.
Elisa: At least he didn’t.
Denise: Yes, I just feel like there was somebody else there taking notes, monitoring him, talking to him and I just feel like there was somebody else.
Elisa: Definitely need to read about it, or you guys out there can report back from your own research.
Denise: There was somebody else with him, I just know that there was.
Elisa: Okay, thank you so much Terrence for sharing and being vulnerable to us. We’ve learned a lot from you. Erik, thank you so much for adding your two cents and for bringing him in. Denise thank you for being such an awesome clear channel for both Erik and Terrence, and you guys can check out Denise at, which I will put right here. I promise. Y’all subscribe to my channel, our channel rather, please subscribe to our channel, it means a lot to us.
Denise: Thank you.
Elisa: All right, anything else you want to add Denise?
Denise: I don’t thank you.
Elisa: Thank you guys, Terrence, Erik and Denise, I love you all.
Denise: Love you, thank you.
Erik: I love you Mom.
Elisa: I love you, bye baby.
