Yesterday, I started the Soul Happy program the other day because I want to be your own personal little guinea pig. So far, I find it FASCINATING and easy. There are 4 sessions. The first was a 13 minute video and the second is a 38 minute program that gets you into an alpha brainwave state, then uses very interesting exercises to break up clusters of negative thoughts/memories. I can’t wait to see what the third and fourth session is about. When I’m finished with the entire program, I’ll film a YouTube, probably along with the program’s creators, Cara Hewett and Tracy Zboril, describing my experience. If you want to take a sneak peek, click HERE. There’s a special discount for CE peeps.
I don’t know if this is the reason I decided to start the Soul Happy program, but a few nights ago I had a terrible nightmare about Erik. It was so graphic. In that dream, he had hanged himself from a tree in the front yard of my childhood home. He also had shot himself in the head and that’s where the graphic part comes in. I don’t want to describe it further. I think when Erik tries to connect with me, in dreams or otherwise, it triggers terrible symptoms of grief. Sigh.
I’m very concerned about the situation in Venezuela and the polar vortex in our own country in which temperatures are life-threateningly low, on a par with those in Antarctica. Please send prayers and healing energy to both.
Enough of that. Let’s see what Erik has to say about this topic as channeled by the lovely and gifted Denise Ramon. Check her out HERE. The transcript follows but, again, please pay the YouTube for a while so I can get some ad revenue, however small.
Elisa: Hello, Miss Denise Ramon, how are you doing?
Denise: I’m doing well, how about you?
Elisa: Good, how’s our boy? Hi, Erik, are you there? I love you.
Denise: He is here, and he talking (bad audio 00:12). Right before we started, he was just really pushing me. He wants me to tell you how beautiful you look.
Erik: Mom, you look so beautiful, whatever you’re doing, you’re glowing, you’re beautiful.
Elisa: You’re sweet.
Erik: You know I love you.
Denise: It’s just sweet, he’s just bursting to wanting you to know how beautiful you are
Elisa: You’re so sweet. Well, you know it’s not real super high definition, so you don’t see as many wrinkles.
Denise: (laughing)
Elisa: But anyway, we are going to talk about something we touched on before, in the past but you know I want to do this and Denise you’re going to be a part of it if you want. A spiritual online school for the incoming children, probably starting around 8, maybe 10 I don’t know until 16 or so, I don’t know but I want them to learn about meditation, mindfulness, non-violent communication, how to energy heal yourself and other, how to read auras, how to read energy, just I got a mile-long list, okay. But you know I think that’s probably going to have the biggest impact if we get the kids early, indoctrinate them, brainwash them, nah, nah, nah, teach them about duality.
Erik: Yes, because having a school for that is going to help them to really understand what it is that they’re going through because a lot of these kids, really all of them are seeing and hearing and feeling things but there are not very many people for guidance on what to do. They don’t teach any of that in the f’ing schools. It should be an elective course.
Elisa: Absolutely, a requirement.
Erik: At least an elective.
Elisa: Meditation alone can increase productivity etc. So I do think it’s important and I do think it’s one answer for ensuring we become a more spiritual world in the future, long past when I’m dead and gone but all right so you touched on somethings about how different kids are coming now and I’ll say Arleen, she struggles in school a little bit and it’s because she gets energy just boom, boom, boom, and she doesn’t know how to process it and so it’s really hard for her to pay attention. Of course, schools, generally you don’t have too many teachers who are into spirituality or understand that so you know. So, what other things, so they have trouble setting boundaries for all the energy that comes in, they can read energy right, and channel in all the various ways, claircognizant, clairvoyance and all of that. What else Erik?
Erik: These kids they’re coming in, their just so opened. They just have all of this wisdom, but with no directions, you know no instructions, so they come across as troublemakers in school or they’re slow learners or they’re a problem kid or they’re anti-social or stuff like that and that’s not anything but they’re just doing what they can do on whatever maturity level they are what they know to do and so that’s why they are not doing the grades they could be doing.
Denise: As you know with your granddaughter, he’s showing me all the energies, kids sometimes they’re scared, they don’t want to go anywhere and they don’t know why, but it’s because of all the energies coming around them and stuff. So, having this online school or something, you know to where kids could know.
Erik: A lot of kids would find this online because so many of them are on social media, that would spread like wild fire, having something like that. Of course, not every kid’s going to be open to it right away but it’s definitely a start because it definitely not going to be an elective in school.
Denise: And he’s reminding me of how we used to have silent time or prayer time whatever it was and then they took that away.
Elisa: Yeah, we need to bring meditation back.
Denise: Yes. yes.
Elisa: Passive and active meditation, but as far as the online school is concerned, we could just, are you or do you feel uncomfortable in crowded room, do you have trouble paying attention, you know we could list some of the symptoms that happen with kids now or does your kid blah, blah, blah, blah.
Erik: Does your kid have trouble testing? A lot of kids are having so much trouble testing. These really smart kids are having trouble testing and their being labelled as they’re not a good test taker.
Elisa: Oh, that’s so true because that’s Arleen’s problem, she cannot stand timed test because she has to sit there and all this incoming energy and concentrate on math equations and all that stuff. Should it be.
Erik: It would be good if they could give her 5 minutes and then say okay everybody put on some of your essential oil, your lavender or whatever it is frankincense.
Denise: I have on that I love it’s called Believe by Young Living, its a blend.
Erik: It would be good, if they could say, okay spray your sage or whatever and spend a few minutes getting quiet, you know gather your thoughts, remember to breathe and stuff like that.
Denise: He’s showing me like a classroom of 30 kids and none of them are breathing, you know they’re all in there like panic, I hope I get this done, I hope I got this right because everything’s contingent upon it.
Elisa: Yeah, just imagine, their self-esteem as they get behind, maybe they have to skip, not skip a grade but go back a grade and stuff, it’s really difficult, I mean you have a bad self-esteem then that opens the door to drug abuse and self medication of various sorts. I think it’s really important, but how do you approach a teacher like hey dude my kids getting energy, she’s an empath, she’s getting a lot of energy just incoming, incoming, incoming, she can’t concentrate on tests so I’m going to have this oil diffuser by her or I’m going to have these lava rocks and they’re going to have lavender oil, I mean really.
Erik: It’s not so much the teachers per se, it what the teachers are being dictated to what they have to teach because the teachers know it’s such a sterile environment when they’re having to do the testing that they have and the teachers try to make them feel comfortable by allowing them to bring their phones in where they can listen to music or some kind of snack as long as it’s not (inaudible) or whatever but even that’s kind of pushing because not all teachers allow that, and the teachers know that they’re not really allowed teach like the used to be able to teach 40 years ago, it’s all about testing.
Elisa: That is awful. I think personally that school’s ought to not have grades, they should have mastery lists. If you master this click, if you master that click. I think they ought to do away with math in classes, really, we have calculators. Yes, it teaches them to use their mind but there are other things you can use to help the with the critical thinking skills etc., but that ain’t going to happen.
Erik: That mastery list is awesome because then it’s not bearing on the kids’ self esteem. What it does is it allows them room to excel
in the things they are interested in.
Denise: He’s showing me some school, that is like that, Montessori School is like that, but not all Montessori schools are Montessori schools just because they have that name, so you have to be careful with that to make sure that they’re a really good, true Montessori school because even that’s not regulated right but the true Montessori school go by grades, but it’s like levels, you go to what you want to work on and then they when you finish that you go on to the next thing.
Elisa: Jude and Lead learning.
Denise: Yes.
Elisa: You have to let them use all their senses. That’s another question, a lot of kids are auditory learning, visual learner etc., but some are multi-sensory, like Michelle, my daughter, when she was practicing her spelling words, she had to twirl. She had to move her body, and when I was trying to teach my kids math facts, multiplication facts I would have to get a ball and say 5X9 and bounce it and they had to say it before they caught it so it would embed in their memory better, or paint the words out on a hot patio with water and a bucket. We teach the kids to take tests, we teach to test.
Erik: Some of the learning, it’s not just the schools, the materials, the teachers, and the programs, a lot of it is that but since we have.
Denise: And I feel like it’s years down the road.
Erik: The schooling is going to change, because things have changed so much between now and how they were doing thing 5 years ago.
Elisa: For the worse right? Oh, maybe not.
Erik: Not all.
Denise: Before 10 years are up, Erik’s showing me everything’s going to be electronic. You’re not going to have books and stuff like. Everything’s going to be on a computer and all age groups will have access to that. He’s showing me the lower grades are probably not going to have access to take their laptops home just because of the maturity level of the kids but that’s how they are all going to be working, most of the time.
Erik: They’re definitely going to be well more advanced that what kids were 20 years ago just because of technology and that, what we can do is teach them. One of the things kids don’t know how to do is soothe their self. That’s an important skill, we have to learn how to soothe our self, we teach the babies when they are young how to soothe themselves.
Denise: He’s showing me how like when a baby is in the crib and they are cooing and making noises, they’re kind of waking up a little bit now and parents will let their baby sit there and do that because they can tell they’re not ready to get out of bed or they’re going to sleep. The baby is learning how to soothe them self, but we take that away from the kids we don’t teach the children how to soothe them self and that’s a big part of what a lot of what these kids are needing.
Elisa: And that too is a risk factor for eventually developing substance abuse, not being able to deal with frustration and to be able to soothe yourself.
Erik: That is on the rise with kids, with substance abuse and stuff. We think maybe it isn’t.
Denise: When he’s telling me this, and I guess that’s why he’s telling me that. I thought maybe it was going down, as far as cigarette smoking because I thought the next generation wouldn’t be smokers but he’s telling me no, they’re just learning how to do things differently, in a different way, they might not have the actual cigarette in their mouth but they’re learning how and they have access to everything.
Elisa: Oh yeah, well do you think that these kids with their special gifts and being so open to energy, do you think that’s a reason for them to self medicate?
Erik: Some but it’s not the whole reason. There are kids that are open and aware of stuff and they’re in environments where it is talked about so they know, like okay I feel weird because I’m picking up everybody’s energy, or I feel weird because I can see things, or taste things or smell things, and they’re talked to about it. It does come back to communication, the communication within the home and also having other people to talk to about it. On another hand, yes because when you have a lot of uncomfortable feelings, emotions that you are having to feel and you don’t know what it is, you get to a point where you want to do something because you can’t talk to people about it because you really can’t put it into words other than I just feel really weird or this doesn’t feel good to me, the suicide rate is even higher. We need to talk, we need to communicate, parents, aunts, uncles, brothers, sisters need to communicate to people we see are having problems or even if you don’t believe in this shit, at least put them in direction where they can get some information from.
Denise: And he’s showing me books, so you know go sit in the Barnes and Noble and go look in the metaphysical department or the self-help because a lot of metaphysical books end up in the self-help section, when you feel things.
Elisa: Well maybe we also need to start a course for adults online too because then one of the subjects can be how to raise a spiritual child but then they will know how to recognize those certain qualities in their children, address them, help them with them and also spread the word to another parent, or share it with a teacher. It will probably be both but we’ll probably start out with the kids. Should it be an online live or just online not live?
Erik: Try it not live and see what you get from that.
Denise: The way Erik is saying is like watch it grow to see what kind of live sections of it you’re needing, is what he is showing me.
Elisa: That’s true because some subjects tend to lend themselves better to live teaching and integration with the students, like on learn it live etc.
Denise: Yeah, yeah.
Erik: You’re even have kids on there.
Denise: Teenagers I feel like is what he’s showing me.
Erik: Teenagers also helping with the talking because it’s really good when you can have a year-old talk to 14, 15, 16, 17-year-olds, (inaudible), they can relate better.
Elisa: Yeah, I could also see this being offered as an online course for universities, so you can get the young adults too.
Denise: Erik’s smiling real big.
Erik: Yes.
Elisa: Oh good. Eventually do you think it should go to a charter school that has spirituality has the main thread but also you have to have regular curriculum in there too? Then you have to deal with the government, ugh.
Erik: Yeah. (inaudible) a charter school (inaudible), still the school but they’re different in a way. They don’t have to follow everything exact.
Elisa: Oh, I’ve heard that before, they’re not as heavily regulated.
Denise: Right, that’s what he’s showing me. He tells me a lot of charter schools don’t have homework, which I’m thinking that’s nice.
Elisa: Homework is such a pain, but you know what, when I think about it, it’s like, when Arleen didn’t have any homework, we realized that she didn’t know her math facts and that would have been picked up, if she had sat down with me or one of her parents, we would have picked up her deficits, that doesn’t always happen in a classroom with 30 kids. I mean I don’t think they should be over loaded, but I think parents should bear some of the responsibility in assessing their child and seeing what needs they have.
Erik: In a perfect world, yes parents should be involved, the amount of people who are not involved in their kids’ academics or a lot of their lives like you were with us. You were wanting to know who we were hanging around with, where we were going and everything else, involved in our schooling and wanting to know.
Denise: He shows me you were a little bit heavy handed in the schooling part, but not every parent is like that. Some parents don’t even know what time their kids come home or if they have any school work. There’s some parents that aren’t, I don’t want to say intelligent enough.
Elisa: Really busy and stressed, and on the hamster wheel at work.
Denise: Well that is the big one but some parents didn’t go to school.
Elisa: So, they do not realize just how important it is.
Denise: Right, how important it is.
Erik: But that’s when the parents and the teachers need to communicate with one another.
Elisa: Well, there’s a consequence for the parents, you need to sign off, check your kids’ homework and sign off on it, or after 5 times the kid get a detention or whatever, or something like that.
Erik: There should be where parents go in and talk to the teachers or at least email or something, but a lot of that doesn’t even happen because sometimes some teachers, when they see the parent is involved and want truly want to help the child the teachers will, there’s more teachers than there is not that will be willing to be more flexible with it, as long as they feel that they’re being backed up because when they feel parent involvement, they feel like they have support because they don’t get a whole lot of support from the administration part. The teachers don’t get a whole lot of back up for that.
Elisa: Yeah, that’s a shame. It’s such an important job, and so under paid and so over worked.
Erik: That’s going to change. Their pay is going to change in the next 10 years, teachers pay is going to have a different pay scale than what it does right now.
Elisa: I disagree with 10 years, if your performance sucks then you need to get fired just like anybody else who is performance sucks on the job, so I am against 10 years totally!
Denise: Yeah, you know I think you have to reward good behaviour with money, because it gives them something to look forward to and to want to do better, the teachers. He’s going back again, and I’m asking if that’s because of my thoughts?
Erik: Some of this has to go with their diet, it’s not just one thing, stop feeing your kids pop tarts before they go to school in the morning.
Denise: It’s funny that he says that because I used to love those.
Elisa: Oh, you know what, that’s true, the non-frosted one, because when I was growing up, they didn’t have frosting on the pop tarts, and melted butter on it. Put it in the toaster and put melted butter, mmm, good, but yeah that should be a course about nutritional, the kind of diet you need to support your spiritual self.
Erik: Yes, yes.
Elisa: Have you ever read Three Letters from Teddy, it’s a teachers account of her relationship with this one kid, I swear to God, I broke down in tears reading it.
Denise: That sounds so familiar.
Elisa: Everybody out there, Google, write it down right now, stop the computer, just for a little bit now and write down Letters from Teddy, I think it’s Letters from Teddy, it’s so powerful. But anyway, parents need to be more supportive and you know you just help who you can, you can’t drag a horse to the water. Now, I also believe that social learning is super learning in schools that the kids at a certain age get into groups and teach each other because each one has, one might be better at math, one might be better at geography or whatever and also when a kid teaches and they have to resynthesize the information in their mind and they embed it in their minds a lot better. When I was in medical school, and high school and all that, the way I studied would be complicated but I would pace and resynthesize, I was making like I was teaching a class basically, and resynthesize the information for the class and it really helped it stick a lot.
Denise: As you were saying that, Erik is showing me the reason why is because when you’re doing it, he’s showing me how your body’s relaxing and so all your cells are on high alert and it’s like the can receive the vibration of what you’re giving it because there’s no resistance, and you’re able to relax and you’re body’s able to absorb that information as you’re doing it.
Elisa: Ah. Do you believe that social learning, not all the time, but after a certain age, I mean if you do it when they are in kindergarten forget it, first grade, second grade, third grade, the girls would be doing each other’s hair and all that stuff but what do you think about social learning circles?
Erik: Some schools are doing that, on a small scale.
Denise: When you were saying about kindergarten, they’re kind of doing that in a way and I feel its more not so much as in public but in private schools so they have the kid’s kind of work with each other because they’re teaching kids socialization. So, they’re teaching them, each person has a part, so what they’re teaching them is how every person has an important part in the class but how they have an important part in playing in the role, I guess is what Erik is trying to show me. So, they’re kind of doing that in a way, teaching the young kids how to basically socialize, but then the stop doing that, he’s showing me when they get older but he shows me that the schools are doing more of that though in highschool is what he’s showing me. How they’re doing it more in highschool because what they’re seeing is how the circles in college will study and one person will talk about one part of the subject and another person will talk about the other part of the subject that their strengths are so they’ll do stuff like that. Some schools, not all, and I feel like it’s a small, but they’re starting to know that that works and that helps, and also what it does it helps to strengthen the kids self-esteem because they’re calling on you, Elisa, because you’re the smartest one when it comes to math, when it comes to calculus, they know you’re good at that, so they’re calling on you for that and then they’re calling on me because I’m good at memorizing so they want to call on me because of the formulas or something that you just have to memorize. He’s just giving me this information, I don’t know why he’s doing that, I’m not good at memorizing so.
Elisa: Oh and he knows, he didn’t give that roll to me. I think it would be good for both sides because well first of all everybody has some sort of strength, but self-esteem would go up for the student.
Denise: Yes.
Elisa: The student teacher, but also, they are learning even deeper what they’re teaching but also the student, they are teaching gets more proficient and I feel like in many cases a kid would learn better from a peer than with this teacher hovered over them and you know it would be a little bit more open and learn better. Not always but.
Denise: Well right,
Erik: There’s always an exception but because the kid is feeling really awesome about himself, so he comes across in a more, I really want to do this role, because he’s not doing it because this is what he went to school for 4 years to do, but he’s doing it because he wants to do it and then that helps to raise his self esteem or her self esteem in a lot of areas helps him to feel like he’s part of or she’s a part of. The person that’s receiving it is also feeling like they’re being taught by somebody that understands.
Elisa: They’re developing a bond with a peer.
Denise: Yes.
Erik: And people are also learning to communicate and socialize, a lot of young kids don’t know how to socialize.
Elisa: Yeah, because we don’t let them go out and play anymore. The world appears to be such a scary place now that we don’t let them, where I stayed out until dark when I was playing with the neighbourhood kids, and we would go hiking 3 or 4 miles away, I mean we would take the bus downtown, when we were like 5,6,7,8 years old, it was crazy. We learned how to share, we learned how to lead, we learned how to follow, we learned how to compromise, negotiate, I mean all those skills that are so important, that you can’t learn with PlayStation 4.
Denise: No, you can’t, no you can’t.
Erik: You’re interacting with something, you think this is an illusion? That’s even more of an illusion because there’s no emotional connection between the characters in the game, so they’re not going to respond in the same way. A lot of those games are violent, they have a lot of violence in them.
Denise: He’s just saying violence is what it is. I don’t do the game so I don’t know. I’m asking him is are all of them that way?
Erik: A good portion of them, that’s why they like them.
Elisa: Yeah, it gets dopamine going, I guess.
Erik: It’s a conquering type feeling. They feel like they are able to conquer stuff.
Elisa: Well there’s other ways to conquer. A teacher, teaching other students.
Erik: Yes, yes.
Elisa: Humanitarian power. I remember when I was a den mother for Boy Scouts, for Erik’s boy scout troop, there was one kid that was so noisy and disruptive, he created chaos all the time. So, I put him in charge of signalling the kids when they just needed to calm down. So, I said what signal do you want to use so and so, and he said well I’ll just raise my hand. Oh, he was so perfectly behaved, and he’s got a leadership role, I’ll quiet the kids.
Denise: Do you know that kid today? Because Erik is telling me he’s a very successful person today.
Elisa: No, I don’t know, I can’t remember his name.
Erik: He’s very successful today.
Elisa: Oh, that’s so awesome.
Denise: Yeah, yeah.
Erik: He’s a very successful individual today.
Elisa: I’m so proud of him. Some of the most difficult kids are the ones that are movers and shakers and the ones that are really quiet and passive and stuff, sometimes they don’t go as far, depends on how you define success of course.
Denise: Right. Right.
Erik: Yes. A lot of people are putting their kids on medicine and thinking that’s the answer and they are not getting the correct diagnosis on these kids and then they’re wondering why they’re still not acting right and they’re upping their meds and they’re not getting the correct diagnosis. I’m not telling people not to medicate their kids, but make sure that you are going to a reputable facility that is knowledgeable in evaluating your children.
Elisa: Have them go to someone like I don’t know an energy reader to try to figure out, do they really have ADHD or is it just because they’re being overwhelmed by other people’s energy and then you have to teach them to ask them self wait a minute is this my shit or is that somebody else’s shit, you know and discern, and protect themselves, create boundaries for themselves.
Denise: You know when I would be labelled as ADD, or ADHD and as a kid I was someone who didn’t want to obey, a disobedient kid, but it was just real hard for me. I was reading and then I was doing 5 other things in my head and stuff, but back then they didn’t have labels on it, I was just kind of like a trouble maker.
Elisa: Oh, that’s awful, imagine you as a trouble maker Denise. I was a space cadet, I don’t think it was because I was getting energy all the time, but my parents called me space cadet all the time, which I think is kind of rude for a parent to do. Well, it is kind of true because my kids gave me a t-shirt that says I don’t know why people think I have ADHD, oh look a squirrel! it’s kind of mean.
Denise: I was always the weird one, you know, and I think I told, for years I thought I had multiple personalities.
Elisa: Wow! (inaudible)
Denise: Yes, but I didn’t have no one to talk to about this stuff.
Elisa: How many people have “auditory hallucinations” typical of schizophrenia that are just clairaudient and channeling spirit?
Erik: There’s quite a few, you’d be surprised.
Elisa: Or seeing things.
Erik: Yes. There’s quite a few.
Elisa: How do you discern? How do you tell, well this is real schizophrenia or real ADHD or real whatever, DID, versus something else?
Erik: One is, I know a lot of the listeners are for western medicine, make sure that you are going to a reputable facility, a reputable doctor one that has studied on this and has researched and works in this field, you know, you’re not just going to a general practioner because they know when there’s schizophrenia going on because there’s a difference with that.
Elisa: Well is there any kind of practioner that can evaluate a kid from a spiritual standpoint?
Erik: There probably are a few out there, the closest thing you will probably get without having to go on a long journey finding that is to probably find a good alternative medicine doctor because what they will d.
Denise: He’s showing me how they do blood work and stuff and it magnifies it like 10-15 times down so they’re able to see things more than they’re able to get in there to see like where some vitamin deficiencies and stuff are and what to do.
Elisa: I can’t remember their names but there is a place in Austin that really looks at heavy metals and all sorts of stuff, but what about going to a medium and asking the kids guides, hey what’s going on with him?
Erik: That would be the easiest route.
Elisa: I think that’s the best.
Erik: That would be the easiest route because when you go to a qualified medium.
Denise: I feel like he means someone that.
Erik: No, I mean qualified.
Denise: I’m asking him what he means by that?
Erik: People understands what I mean by that.
Denise: When you go to a, I want to say a reputable medium, you will know they are talking to your kids’ higher self or if Erik is a part of the conversation, he will come in. You know for me I work with my 3 beings and I’ve had them tell some of my clients about go to this doctor or check this out or do that.
Erik: We’re not anti-medicine but we can pinpoint things, where you don’t have to stop at the bottom of the barrel and work your way up, you can get pretty close to where things need to be checked out.
Elisa: That’s great, so Erik you said schools in the future are going to change, I can’t remember what you said 5 or 10 years but whatever, is there going to be a certain trigger that causes that?
Erik: Yes.
Denise: He’s showing me how it’s not just one thing, it’s a lot of things.
Erik: They’re having to change things up because bullying is still a factor, drugs are a big thing still in school and it don’t matter what area of town you live in. Violence is a big thing.
Denise: He’s showing me a lot of teachers are wanting to leave. They’re just tired of this so. I don’t know, he’s not telling me everything but there’s like a shake up or something coming around.
Elisa: On a government level or what?
Denise: He’s not telling me but there’s a shake up and somehow, I feel like it’s going to affect the school like something’s going to have to shift within the school.
Elisa: Well, I personally heard that there’s thoughts of eliminating the department of education which has only been around for 40 years because I think more control ought to be at the state and local level.
Denise: Okay.
Elisa: Hey up in Washington what do they know about kids in Delaware okay.
Erik: Not a damn thing.
Elisa: Nothing, if they’re going to do anything, have them take part in spirituality or spiritual education.
Erik: The people that are in the education part up there, they’re too damn old to know what these kids are needing.
Elisa: And out of touch, they’re not there in the local communities to understanding the needs of that particular population of children and parents. All right we’ll wrap it up by first of all do you want to say anything else about what should change in schools for the future to accommodate these new, well I guess indigo and crystal and what other names, indigos, crystals and what else?
Erik: Rainbow.
Elisa: Oh! I forgot about rainbow kids,
Erik: The one thing that’s going to have to stop, is that everybody is a carbon copy of everyone. You know that’s going to go, that isn’t like how it was before.
Denise: He’s laughing telling me like when I was in school, that’s not how it was before.
Erik: And that has got to stop. There’s a shake up, there’s things that are going to shift in there.
Denise: And when you said that I feel like their going to have more control in the school of what they’re going to do.
Elisa: Good. I think the teachers should have more control of the classroom but you know when there’s 30 kids in a class, Erik how to you personalize, tailor make the curriculum?
Erik: It’s real hard.
Denise: He’s showing me in which my daughter has this in a couple of her classes, that there’s the one or two trouble maker kids and the teacher spends 40 minutes of the 52 minute class correcting that kid, so therefore all those other kids don’t get to be taught what is new, like their not being taught a new section of algebra or something so then they have to come back on their own and get that help because of this one kid.
Erik: But those kids that are the trouble makers, they should be allowed to take them aside and really evaluate them and say what they hell’s going on? What’s really going on with you? Because some of these kids are being abused at home.
Elisa: I know, some of them have terrible.
Erik: Yes, some of them are neglectful, so they come to school and its safe, so then they have to get that out.
Elisa: That’s got to be a red flag when a kid is a big trouble maker that distracts from the class.
Erik: Yes, but they don’t see it like that. They totally don’t see it like that.
Elisa: That’s too bad. Is there anything else you want to add, you know to tell us about these kids, new kids, I’ll say.
Erik: The majority of them are going to pull through, because they came here for a mission, and they came here to accomplish it and no matter how much we try and fuck it up for them, they’re going to find their right path and they’re going to do what they came her to do. They’re here to help enlighten everything, to enlighten other people.
Elisa: Yeah, the indigos are supposed to tear down the old structure and the crystals and I guess rainbows too, are supposed to open our awareness, enlighten us.
Erik: We’re not going to be able to bull doze these kids down. They’re going to get where they are supposed to be.
Elisa: Well do you think that we should at a certain age point, get these kids for example to regress to the between lives period to figure out why they are here, what their spiritual purpose is or to find out through somebody channelling their guides, would that be important?
Erik: Hell yeah. There’s a lot of kids, indigo kids and crystal kids that follow your blog, that watch these YouTube videos.
Elisa: What! Really? Wow!
Erik: There’s a lot of young kids that listen and watch this.
Denise: That’s awesome! He’s showing me 14, 15, 16 years old.
Erik: Because they have access to social media.
Elisa: Oh yeah, they sure do.
Erik: So, they’re following you.
Elisa: Well, how old, what’s an appropriate age to consider between lives therapy or to go through a medium like you Denise to find out one’s spiritual purpose through their guides or guardian angels or what not?
Erik: It really depends.
Denise: He’s showing me the number 8, so at the age of 8 depending on where the kid is.
Elisa: Not a cookie cutter.
Erik: You know a medium or going to who ever will know how to communicate with them.
Elisa: Oh, okay. Oh perfect. Now, last question on this subject do you have any advice for the online school other than what we’ve already talked about? I’m trying to invent something that will make some money that will help fund it because I want it to be done right, I really want it to be, I don’t want to cheap it up basically just to get a product, I want it to be done right.
Denise: When you said you know trying to get it done cheap, you know somebody to fund it.
Erik: It’s going to take some time so it may feel slow to you but it’s not slow because what you’re doing is ironing out all the wrinkles.
Denise: He’s showing me there will be an abundance of cash flow for you to be able to do this. It’s why I feel like people, people will be funding it.
Elisa: I want to just be able to fund it.
Denise: You’re going to have help, it will be good to have that help.
Elisa: Maybe we could get, wouldn’t it be cool to get a grant from the government comparing kids in the online spiritual school to kids who are not and see how they do academically and just regular academia, that would be interesting.
Denise: That would be interesting.
Erik: Keep it simple, like you have 5 or 6 areas so that there’s some time to break each one down, and any age can walk in.
Elisa: Oh yeah.
Denise: The way he’s showing me how its (inaudible).
Erik: Mom, you’re not doing this by yourself, you’ve got a lot of help.
Denise: And the way he says this, he’s guiding you with this.
Elisa: Oh, good because I need it. All right last but not least, this rash is driving me crazy, Erik, it’s been going on since October. What in the heck, how can I get rid of it?
Denise: Do you get it when you go outside?
Erik: There’s something around.
Elisa: It’s all the time.
Denise: It’s all the time?
Elisa: I put cortisone on itchy spots otherwise I can’t sleep. Somebody told me I need to detox, but not a colonic, thank god.
Denise: (laughing)
Erik: That would be good.
Elisa: I’m full of toxins, uh-oh.
Erik: That would be good (inaudible), juicing and eating pure, all you need to do it for is 3 or 4 days but just juicing and eating raw foods and stuff like that, and you get all that stuff out.
Denise: I feel like you’re having some form of chemical reaction to something.
Elisa: Oh!
Erik: Yes, that’s right a chemical reaction. After you do the detox then gradually bring things back in.
Elisa: Yeah because I have quit everything except extremely essential medicines like my thyroid thing, I even stopped my cholesterol medicine, god I’m old, but it’s still. I’ve stopped vitamins, omega 3 all that stuff and it’s still happening so. I don’t know, so is it a reaction to, oh you guys don’t care about this crap. Anyway, I’ll ask anyway, is it a reaction to any topical stuff that I’m using?
Erik: No.
Denise: But he wants you to relax more though.
Erik: You need to relax more.
Elisa: Oh, okay. I’m pretty relaxed, I like to be busy, I really do.
Erik: Yes, you do.
Elisa: I enjoy it, I get pleasure out of it. All right, thank you Denise, thank you Erik, you guys check this girl, this was an awesome session, Denise, do you know how awesome you are? You are awesome.
Denise: Oh.
Elisa: You guys go to, aka trouble maker in school.
(laughing) Mama got game that’s what she does.
Erik: Mama I love you, I love you so much.
Elisa: I love you too, I love you Denise, Merry Christmas.
Denise: Merry Christmas to you as well and your family.
Elisa: Love you.
Denise: Love you too, take care. Bye.
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