The Future of Humankind

First of all, thank of all for your well wishing for my mother. Her surgery yesterday went well. In fact, his is a picture of her just two ours afters after the procedure!

And now for today’s topic. Sorry for the lack of editing, and sorry I haven’t been actively engaged in the comments and the forums. I’m just way too exhausted.

Jamie sounded tired and explained how her daughter, Malu, kept her up off and on all night with the croup.

Me: Well, maybe Erik will go easy on you today.

Jamie: He actually was here for the first appointment. It was somebody he knew from the blog, and he was super kind and patient. He didn’t interrupt or anything.

Me: Oh, good! Well, hello, Erik!

Erik: Hi, Mom.

Me: Hi, Sweetie. Give some healing energy to Malu, okay?

Jamie giggles.

Jamie: Aw, that’s sweet. He said, “Okay, I will.”

Erik: Jamie doesn’t ask me to do that stuff.

Jamie and I laugh.

Me: Okay, I’ve got some interesting questions to start with. Erik, how will we evolve emotionally over the next thousand or ten thousand years?

Jamie: Evolve emotionally?

Me: Yeah. And what abilities will we have other than—well we’ll just start it with the emotions.

Erik: If we’re just talking about the emotional evolution—

Jamie: Over how long? He’s laughing at me.

Me: Over the next thousand to ten thousand years. In other words, way out there—the very distant future as Earth time goes. 

Erik: Well, that is when Heaven and Earth meet.

Me: Okay, wow!

Erik: So, emotionally, we won’t have the jealousy, the distraught, the wars—that kind of need for wars to define boundaries and “I’m better than you.” That’s all fall to wayside. We’ll work as a community as a whole, on Earth. There will still be governing systems but they won’t be monitoring kind of like Big Brother would do.

Me: Oh, good.

Erik: It’ll be more monitored like “How are we protecting the Earth.” It’s almost like all of a sudden we’re living to keep the Earth alive.

Me: Will anybody be living on the Earth or will we be protecting and healing the Earth from afar?

Erik: We’ll be living on the Earth, yeah.

Me: Will we have bodies? Will we need to have bodies?

Erik: Well, the bulk of what Earth is in three dimensions so we will have bodies.

Me: Will we be able to go in and out of our bodies whenever we want or will we just have bodies so we can commune with the Earth and, you know, protect it, tend to it?

Erik: No, we’ll be able to go in and out. It’ll be kind of like an Avatar, like on the Avatar movie.

Me: Cool! And the reason will be, um, those times that we’re in a body will be for the purpose of doing what we need to do to protect the Earth?

Erik: Yes.

Me: Aw, how nice. And the animals and such?

Erik: We’ll still have animals; they just won’t be like they are today.

Me: And what will they be like?

Erik: We’ll still kind of have some of the same breeds, but most of them will die out because we’re a nation of choking things out, Mom.

Me: Well, will they be like us? Will they be, you know—

Erik: We’ll be able to communicate with them and coexist with them instead of being in a hierarchy format.

Me: Yeah. But will they be in and out of their bodies only to tend to the Earth like us—like we will be?

Erik: No, they’ll stay more in a body format.

Me: Okay. Now, how about healing in that time? Will it all be energetic healing? Will it be a mix?

Erik: It’ll still be a mix, but we’ll use more botany and energetic healing rather than science and medication. Science will turn more toward spirituality. There’ll be telepathic communication, energetic communication.

Me: It’ll be about time!

Jamie: I know! I want to live in that world!

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Elisa Medhus

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