Me: Let’s talk about what happens, energetically, at death. Does something happen to the wave pattern or the frequency of our energy? Does our energy pass into a white hole? I understand that from one physicist that every little electron, etc. is a tiny black hole, and that, maybe—I’m just thinking—maybe those turn into white holes; we pass through a white hole [at the point of death]. What happens from the physics perspective? Energetically.
(Long pause)
Me: You did well in physics! Come on; you can do this!
Jamie: I’m watching him adjust his legs and change his posture.
Me: And also, is death like crossing an event horizon?
Jamie: What do you mean by that? An event horizon?
Me: God, don’t make me remember that! Like [something related to] a singularity, uh…
Erik: Kind of think of it as crossing dimensions.
Me: Okay, crossing dimensions. All right. But, energetically, what really happens?
(Long pause)
Erik: In layman’s terms, when the body can no longer sustain life, that there’s not a chance of repair—and this is not the case in comas cuz the body can still sustain life, but it needs to repair, hence, the body shuts down. The—
Jamie (to Erik): What was that word?
Jamie and I giggle.
Jamie: No, you said layman. Come on!
Erik: When the body can no longer sustain life, then the energetic pattern of the soul that’s inside of you starts to disassociate from the physical body. It no longer communicates with the body. It’s much like the concept of putting liquid into a jar. The liquid is contained by the jar, not part of the jar. It has to respect—
Jamie (to Erik): Oh, you’re getting into it!
Erik: –the boundaries of the jar. Keep its shape.
Me: Mm hm.
Jamie: He gives me more pictures, but I don’t know how to explain it. I think he did great when he said the energy stopped communicating with the body, and it created a separation.
Erik: When it stops communicating, the energy is no longer tethered onto lower vibrational wavelengths—if you wanna call it wavelengths, dimensions. And therefore, it eases into higher dimensions much like you do when you go to sleep. Your subconscious takes over. It allows you to escape the physical planes.
Jamie: His example is out of body experiences when you’re sleeping. Astral projection. Astral travel. These are possible because the energy of the soul can experience higher dimensions without the physical body.
Erik: This is the natural transition that happens when the body can no longer sustain life. Then you have these few that we can call, you know, ghosts—
Jamie (giggling): He kind of straightens out his body. Ghosts.
Erik: That even though the soul no longer communicates with the physical body, their willingness, willfulness, their demand, their focus is to stay in the lower dimensions for whatever reason. They don’t get to experience that higher dimensional plane—the cross over—like the, let’s just say the average Joe or Jane gets to experience. Because their focus is set on something either undone, something they can’t leave. It’s true when we say to living people and to dead people that your perspective is shaping your experience. There is still a consciousness wrapped around all of these layers.
Jamie (to Erik): What layers are you talking about?
Erik: There’s still this consciousness wrapped around the spirit in all the layers of dimensions, all the layers of vibrational qualities. You don’t—
Jamie (smiling): He puts his elbow on his knee and leans in, kind of like some John Wayne move as how I’d imagine.
Erik: It’s not ashes to ashes.
Jamie and I laugh.
Me: Oh, Erik!
Dear Reader,
The journey on which you’re about to embark will take you through stories that are deeply personal and involves a relationship between a mother and her son.
As a physician raised by two atheists, I had no personal belief system about life after death. In a word, I was a confirmed skeptic. As my journey progressed, my mind opened. It is my sincerest hope that yours will open as well and that you will have a greater understanding of your own life and what’s to come ahead.
Although Erik sometimes paints a rosy picture of the afterlife, time and time again he stresses that suicide is not the answer to one’s problems. If you struggle, please understand that the information in my blog and my book is no substitute for professional help. Please click here for a list of resources for help when you find yourself considering taking your own life. Know that they are readily available when you feel that hopelessness and despair that many of us feel from time to time in our lives.
I refuse all donations and ad revenue on the blog. It is my dream to one day establish a nonprofit organization that delivers a variety of spiritual services for those who have lost loved ones to suicide and cannot afford that assistance on their own. It’s a mission of love, sacrifice, and dedication.
Love and light,