Good news: Dr. Doug is going to be discharged from the hospital today and is doing well. Robert went to his surgeon yesterday and got a clean bill of health. He’s out of the woods and getting a bit of meat on his bones. Thanks, everyone, for helping with your love, your Reiki and your healing energy!
INFORMATION ON LODGING FOR THE ATLANTA EVENT 7/8-7/10: Weedie negotiated great rates for us on the hotel, plus they’ve got a courtesy shuttle we can use to go back and forth to Jamie’s center. If you’re going, contact Weedie or me for the information. If you want a roommate, let Weedie know and she’ll help you pair up.
Now, enjoy the first part of this session dated 3/25/11.
Channeling Transcript
Jamie: Good morning!
Me: Good morning! How are you?
Jamie: I am good. You’re little Erik has been all over the reading I just had!
Me: Oh, you’re kidding me! Who was it? Was it one of the blog members?
Jamie: It was a blog member, yes!
Me: I know he was in the session Nina had.
Jamie (gasping): Yes, that’s right! He was!
Me (chuckling): You’ve been a busy little boy, Erik!
Jamie (in a tone of amazement): He has! Boy, he knew all what this blogger was up to! I’m not talking about Nina. This was someone different.
Me: Really? Good! I hope he was able to help!
Jamie: Yeah, and she said she had really been wanting to post in the comments section but was afraid to—
Me: Aww!
Jamie: Like, she reads it every day!
Me: Oh, that’s wonderful.
Jamie: She says it’s the most changing thing she’s every read!
Me: Oh, how sweet.
Jamie: She says she’s addicted to it.
Me: Yeah, I think I remember someone was going to have a reading today, but I forget who. I think she said she’d let me know. So, are you doing okay, Jamie?
Jamie: I’m doing good! Long work week.
Me: Oh!
Jamie (laughing): Yeah, but Erik has definitely brought a hell of a lot of laughter to it.
Me: Aw, good! Well, he can always be your comic relief!
Jamie: He is! He IS my comic relief!
Me: Our little court jester!
Jamie: Okay, that’s pretty funny, because I think that would really fit him!
Me: Exactly. I think he told me that in my mind, because I don’t think I would have come up with that in my mind!
Jamie: Well, you really have to be intelligent for that kind of role!
Me: Hmm, I never thought of court jesters as being super-intelligent, but I know Erik is!
Jamie giggles.
Me: Okay, first I want to say hi Erik. Love you, miss you, my Sweet Angel.
Erik: Hi Mom. Love you infinity.
Me: Aw. So, how long have you and I been connected? I get the feeling we’ve been together a long, long time.
Erik: Oh, beyond this lifetime into several others.
Me: Okay.
Erik: We’re in the same soul family, you know.
Me: Yeah, that’s what you said last time. I love that!
Erik: So, even if we’re sometimes not reincarnated into the same family or country, we always reconnect, regroup.
Me (tearfully): Aw, good.
Me: Is it usually me as the mother and you as the son? I asked you this before, but I’m double checking.
(i.e. OCD kicking in)
Erik: We’ve been together in different combinations.
Me: Okay. What do you want to do nect time? How do you want to do it? You want to be siblings together or—
Erik: Oh boy. We’ll have to talk if we even WANT a next time.
Me (excitedly): Okay! I’m game for not coming back! Ooofff! Let’s see. Oh, also, I have not gotten any visits from you for a while. I’m not complaining, because I live vicariously through your visits to others, but there haven’t been any telephone calls, no smells, etc. Does it, um, I just want you to be honest, Erik, and I know you will be. Is it because your emotional connection for this last life sort of weakens over time? You know, do you get less enmeshed and entangled in your last earthly life after being in the afterlife for a while?
Jamie: THAT is a fabulous question.
Me: Yeah, well it might be a little difficult to hear the answer, but I can imagine it does weaken.
Erik: The drama and the issues, they do lessen. On earth, it takes you SO fucking much longer to process what happens.
Me: Yeah.
Erik: So, yeah, I’ve dropped a lot of that shit, but I don’t think my absence is because of that. I really, uh, I know what it is. I’m investing a lot of my energy into the blog members, you know, the friends as I call ‘em.
Me: Ah, that’s great, Erik.
Erik: Mom, I feel like if they’re gonna put out the energy to read what we’re doing, then I need to put the energy into them.
Me: Yeah, because this IS for them. This is who we’re doing it for, after all. We’re not doing it for me or you or our relationship; we’re doing this for a greater cause, a cause much bigger than a sad little mommy.
Erik: Aw, Mom.
Erik: I’m getting used to division of self, making sure that I’m available to my family. I still wanna put them at the top. But in a way, I have days when I feel that work should be first.
Me: Sure.
Erik: Maybe that’s the same as it is on earth, but—
Me: I think you’re right!
Erik (a little choked up): I just never had a job I loved this much.
Me: Well, that’s true, Sweetie. That’s true. Oh, yesterday, Lukas went to the bathroom, and when he got out, he tried to close the door behind him, and I heard him go, “Whoa!” like that. And so I said, “What?” and he goes, “Somebody was trying to keep me from closing the door.” That was probably you, huh, Erik?
Erik (chuckling): Bingo!
Me: So as a general rule, uh, because people have had other past lives, I mean, you’ve had a family and a mother before, maybe in the 16th century or whatever, so your connection with the last life or the people in the last life—doesn’t that change, or —I don’t want to say weaken, but …
Erik: It does change, but now if we look at that question, you’re doing that thing again where you assume that life in the 16th century was in the past and it’s not happening anymore.
Me: Oh yeah! Okay.
Erik: So, this is really all going on simultaneously, and we’re looped into different lives. So my connection to you, ya know, 18 other times, is still happening 18 other times.
Me (with an obvious tone of hopefulness in my voice): So you feel just as close to me as you ever have?
Erik: Yes, of course. Of course, Mom.
Me (tearfully): Okay, good. Good.
Erik: If not more, because it does feel different. It feels more intense, but effortless. I think people measure effort with being close, like if you’re not putting in the effort, then you’re obviously not that close, but here in the Spirit World, you don’t need that effort. IT JUST IS.
Me: Oh, wow!
Erik: Now, on the subject of me not visiting you as much, think about this. When one of your kids goes to college, they might come home every weekend at first, you know. They miss their family, and they really haven’t created a campus life for themselves yet. Then, the visits come less and less, but it’s not because they love you less or miss you less. It’s just that over time, they develop relationships with other people in college, they get more involved in activities or events, they maybe get a little job, they get more involved in their class work. So it’s like having a kid go to college.
Me: But the tuition is not in dollars; it’s in tears.
Erik: Aw, Mama.
I was obviously missing him even more than usual that day. Sigh.
Have a wonderful weekend, and, for all of you Dads out there, HAPPY FATHERS’ DAY!