What’s Your Sign, Baby?

This one is a bit short. I want to give you guys a break from the marathon long ones I’ve been posting during the last few days. After the post, I included my latest interview with Royce Holleman, Redneck Radio. Don’t let the name fool you. This guys is really country like me, but he has a very open mind!

Me: Let’s talk about horoscopes. A lot of people want to know about them.

Erik: And birth signs.

Me: Yeah.

Erik (Clapping his hands together, then rubbing them): This is cool. Here’s some freaky shit. First let’s talk about birth signs. You’ve noticed that, for example, a person who’s an Aries has a certain personality. They can be prone to quick to anger, stubborn, and other characteristics. Sometimes they keep all of their anger to themselves until they blow the hell up like a nuclear bomb. In the physical world, what creates those personality traits has to do with what happened at the time you were conceived, energetically. Then that feeds into the energy that your parents are supplying. The energy from your mother keeps feeding you during the pregnancy, and that energy also influences or shapes your personality. This is why we choose the parents that we choose and the time period we choose to be born. It sets us up for all the lessons that we want in that life.

Me: Clarify what you mean by “what’s going on” at the time of conception in the Universe.

Erik: I’m talking about everything like what’s going on with the weather patterns, whether it’s sunny or rainy, how close the moon is to the Earth, and all the shit that’s going on in the celestial sphere. All this sends out waves of energy. These energy waves influence things like solar storms and the moon’s orbit and influences matter, creating another energy pattern. Then that energy pattern bumps against yours, your parents and other people in your life to be. They cause people to behave in a certain way.

That explains why people go ape shit during a full moon.

Me: So that helps to change your attitude and–

Erik: Right. All that becomes the raw material that goes into your physical body as it’s being made. Then when the souls connects to that physical body, because the body has certain energy patterns in it, the soul kind of connects to those waves of energy, too. Then you can learn how to embrace those personality traits this all creates or figure out a way that you can make them positive instead of hurting yourself or other people.

Me: So many people say it’s related to stars. Is there a connection there?

Erik: Yeah, because the stars are sending out energy waves, too, and that energy is constantly bumping into other things that create all these ripples that affect everything downstream. It’s like an interconnected fabric of energy that wraps everything up in itself. All the threads are weaving in and out of each other. Some are one color; some are another color, and all of it is a collaboration that creates the tapestry.

Me: Very cool.

Erik: Horoscopes are really no different. They give you a day-by-day account of how energy patterns are flowing at the time. It kind of reads the interaction of your birth sign energy with the energy around you at that time.

Me: Anything else on that?

Erik: That’s it.

What's your sign, baby?

What’s your sign, baby?

Here’s the interview:

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Elisa Medhus

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