It’s a beautiful day here in sunny Houston so I’m writing outside today, keeping an eye on my three pound Yorkie to make sure she doesn’t get swept up by a hawk. It happens. Not long ago, I found two squirrel paws freshly lopped off, I guess the hawk doesn’t care for dark meat. Enough of the small talk. I’m calling out one more time for anyone who wants to share their story about how Erik may have prevented you from taking your own life. There is no need to provide identifying information such as your name. The national TV show feels that this would be a way to help those who suffer from grief and depression have a place to go to get information, comfort and hope from our boy. For some of you this may be hard to do, but since it’s for the greater good, I hope you consider it. My email address is Now let’s see what our mischievous boy has to say as we ask him a variety of questions on different subjects.
Me: When and why did humans first start living on Earth? Of course that question is disabled by the fact that it involves time, which doesn’t exist, but do what you can with it. Oh, and how did any life begin anywhere in the Universe.
Erik: How did any life begin? Well, the Earth likes to work in evolution.
Me: Mm hm.
Erik: But remember, we have not just the Earth’s growth and pattern in evolution, but we also have other life forms that come and interact with Earth. You know, Earth is not alone. Can’t we just say it broad like that? I mean, we talked about this shit before.
Me: I know. Okay then what would we find if we went to the very end of the Universe? What is beyond? Probably other universes.
Jamie (sounding surprised): That’s exactly what he said! “Other universes!”
Erik: More space!!
Me: How do spirits sometimes manifest in photographs, and also, I’ve been thinking about the EVP we had of your voice and also once when we were talking with Robert as your medium and we heard you say, “MOM!” really loudly on the recording but not during the live session. We don’t hear these things live, only in the recording. Why is that? Why do we not hear it live, but we hear it later? Or are we just missing it? Plus how can you manifest in photos.
Don’t want him to forget the original question!
(Very long pause)
Erik: It’s so sad to say that a recorder has better hearing skills than the human ear.
Me: Oh!
I can vouch for that. My kids could never hear me, especially when I asked them to do their chores.
Erik: And also it has better hearing than you because you’re choosing to listen to what you wanna listen to. So if you’re talking to Robert, you’re not looking around and thinking, “God, I wonder what else is being said.” No, you’re not. You’re in a conversation. So, EVPs are fun that way, because we can speak directly to the recorder; we can interfere with the electronics so that it can record other wavelengths—sound wave lengths—that the human ear doesn’t pick up on. And you asked something else?
Me: Well, how do you mess with electronics to do that?
Erik: Oh, you just merge your energy into it.
Me: Oh, interesting! Now remember when you called me on the phone and I heard you say, “Mom, it’s me! It’s Erik!” But it didn’t leave a message on the answering machine. Why is that?
Jamie bursts out in laughter when she hears whatever Erik just said.
Erik: I wasn’t working through the answering machine.
Jamie: First he made a snotty-ass comment.
Me: What was that?
Jamie: “The Holy Ghost cannot be recorded!” He’s being silly.
Erik: But no, I wasn’t working through the recording device. I was working through the speaker.
Me: Could you have left a message on the answering machine if you wanted to?
Erik: I guess.
Me: But you’ve never tried it.
Erik: No.
Me: Well, you should call me! Call your mother!
Jamie (giggling): Such a bad son!
Me: I know!
Erik: Well with the pictures, it’s the same kind of a thing.
Obviously he’s ignoring my request for regular calls to his pestering, nosy mother.
Erik: We can, at the moment the photograph is taken, decrease our vibrational pattern, kind of make it more dense, but then, it’s the reflection of light with the flash.
(Long pause)
Jamie (to Erik): Yeah, I…(to me) He’s talking more about it being them reflecting light fairly easily, and since the eyes don’t work with, you know, flashes—the human eye—using the camera equipment is much easier, or if it’s, um…He wishes people would do more ultraviolet work in filming.
Me (surprised): Do they have that?
Jamie: They have infrared; don’t they have ultraviolet?
Me: I don’t know. Are you kidding me? I have no idea!
Erik: Because then we wouldn’t have to decrease our vibration so much.
Jamie: Huh. (Pause) That’s cool.
Me: Okay. Anything else?
Erik: Nope.
Me: Okay. Well, I love you, sweetie.