A Sea of Energy

Months ago, when I was visiting blog member and medium, Robert, after he had abdominal surgery, he was telling me how he was sometimes able to see everything as a sea of energy though still being able to make out the shapes of objects and people. The idea of being able to do that intrigued me, so I asked Erik for details.

Me: Will we ever be able to see everything in energetic form like a sea of energy with subtle borders or boundaries separating objects, living entities, etc.? Wouldn’t that be cool? I’m looking at my Coke Zero, you know. It’s in the same energy sea, so maybe you can see a subtle outline to distinguish it from its surroundings. I could see Peanut peeing on my hardwood floor just outside my office door right now.

Jamie gasps, then laughs.

Me: She’s kind of old, so she pees everywhere, but to see her in a sea of energy.

Jamie continues to laugh.

Me: I think she’s going to die in the next couple of weeks, by the way. I’m very upset. (She, in fact, died shortly after.) Well, I’m happy for her, though. Um, will we be able to do that—see everything in energetic form whenever we want to?

Erik: Why would you want to?

Me: I don’t know. Just for fun! Shits and giggles.

Erik: That’s kinda how we see things here.

Me: I know. I bet!

Erik: Why are you so eager to drop the human experience and try to evolve when you’re going to get that when you pass away?

Me: Well, I just think it’d be fun! It’s like why do we go to the movies?

Erik: Well, fuck, have a movie made like that and go to the movies. Go see the matrix.

Me (in reluctant agreement but insistence): Okay fine. But I’m just saying would we be able do that? Is it possible? That’s all I want to know, Erik!

Erik: Um, to some degree, yes. 

Me: Okay. And how would we be able to do that? Would we have to be out of body?

Erik: No, but that would be easier, because then you’d be using your third eye to view things instead of the human eyes. But if you were going for the gold, wouldn’t you want to use your two eyes? So, easier to do it out of the body, but it’s retraining the brain and how it defines the environment. We are slaves to education for the little people.

Jamie giggles.

Erik: And we’re immediately taught in science about solid matter, gas, and, you know, liquid—that it’s all air, solid, liquid. That’s all we are! That’s such a bullshit lie that we feed our poor children.

Me: I know. Poor our babies.

Jamie (laughing): I’ve never thought about this, but the way he’s saying it is so freaking entertaining.

Erik: So, we gotta retrain that part of our mind that when it sees something like a table that we actually have the ability to move through it.

Me: That’d be awesome. It’d be so cool!

Erik: Well, it’s the reality of things.

Me: Yeah! That’s what Einstein said. “Matter is just frozen light.”

 Okay, I feel like I short changed you guys so I’ll add a short post about the Illuminati.

Me: Let’s talk about the Illuminati again. Someone wants to know what they are exactly. Are they humans with some sort of contract? Are they aliens? Are they spiritual guides or angels in human form? What are they?

Erik: Are they angels in human form? No. Uh uh. And you get a “hell no” on top of it.

Me: Okay. Are they humans with some sort of contract?

Erik: Yes.

Me: So, they’re not aliens, right? Or spiritual guides of some sort?

Erik: Spiritual guides, no.

Me: What about a mix. Aliens and humans with a spiritual contract

Erik: Yes! Exactly.

Me: Damn, you made me work so hard for that one.

Erik laughs.

Erik: Some are human; some are alien.

Me: Okay.

Told you it’d be short.

Last call for the grieving parents channeling call tomorrow at 12:15 Central Time, 1:15 Eastern Time. We have two more spots. If you’re an aunt, uncle or other relative, you can certainly sign up too. You just have to miss the kid and want to talk to him or her. Click here to register:


Last but not least, the hosts of The Sean and Jen Show have a request. They’d like the CE family to submit general questions for Erik about anything concerning death, the afterlife, the human experience, the discarnate soul’s abilities and life after death, etc. It can be things we’ve already covered, because non-CE family members might enjoy some of the basics. Just email me with your questions: emedhus@gmail.com. Thanks!

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Elisa Medhus

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