Oh sadness. Lukas is off to his transfer student orientation (although he’s coming back today but then leaving for good Sunday,) and Annika is also returning to college permanently on Sunday. This is momentous because it’ll be the first time I’ve been without any children living full time in the house. Thinking ahead, I already miss our talks and our snuggle time. I do enjoy time alone and immersing myself in my work, but this transition will take some adjusting like all big changes do. I think Lukas is a little homesick because he FaceTimes us all the time. Annika also tells me she doesn’t want to leave Sunday, so I guess she’s going to be a little homesick, too!
I think back on earlier times when I had 1, then 2, then 3, then 4, then 5 kids under the roof. Things were so noisy and fun and the innocence was so sweet. Sometimes I wish I could rewind the clock and go back to those happier, childlike times, but that’s not the way life works. Plus if I went through that again, I’d probably have no hair, a weird twitch and complete deafness.
Lead Channeling Erik Medium, Kim Babcock, shared an amazing story about how Erik saved her life, so I thought I’d share it with you. Our boy is there for us!
A couple of days ago I was driving to town, on a back road to get to the main roads ( I live waaaay out in the country). I wasn’t thinking much about anything, my mind was just quiet and I didn’t even have my music on (unlike me in the am, I’m usually jammin!) Suddenly, as I was driving along the back road, I heard & saw Erik come through with urgency and he said, ” GET THE FUCK OVER!!” I didn’t even have time to think, he was so loud and clear- I just reacted and swerved over, almost taking out a mailbox! I went off the road, but at that moment I realised, if I hadn’t I would have been hit head on by my neighbor.
You see, I was approaching a hilltop, and you can’t see the other side of oncoming traffic, so Erik’s request was confusing, but I trusted. I thought Erik’s request was strange because I was already on my side of the road, but I trust him and swerved like a maniac as quick as I could! We missed a head on collosion by inches! I was pretty shaken by it, but God I am so thankful for Erik! just had to share!!
Last but not least, I’ve been getting requests for certain interviews and, always wanting to be responsive to you guys, I’d like to know which of these interviewees you’d like me to tackle first. I know I don’t do celeb interviews as often anymore, and that’s because they really don’t have much to do with Erik and the CE model. Let’s take a vote:
Now time to learn about the facts of life!
Me: Hi Jamie.
Jamie: Hi Elisa. Good morning.
Me: Are you ready to rock and roll?
Jamie: Absolutely.
Elisa: Bella is. She’s ready.
I hold up my little Yorkie, Bella.
Jamie: Aw, hi Bella! She’s staring out the window.
Elisa: Yeah, looking for squirrels. Erik, hi. How are you doing?
Erik: Fantastico.
Me: Well that’s good. Can’t argue with that. We are going to talk about—let me see on my little list—yeah, let’s talk about life, some small subject like that. Tell me about the origin of life and evolution. Well, let’s start out with this one. Was there an Adam and Eve? Everyone wants us to channel them. Was there such thing?
Erik: How are you putting that into context, like as if they were the first people ever, ever?
Me: Yeah, like Adam and Eve in the Bible in the Garden of Eden.
Erik: Not really.
Me: Okay. I didn’t think so. You know how you’d be able to tell if they were like if you found their bodies in a cave? They wouldn’t have a belly button.
After a few seconds, Jamie howls in laughter.
Me: So now we know. The truth is out. Well, tell me about the origin of life. I know you’re going to have to work with linear time here, but…
Erik: We’ll just say that all conversation from here forward will be in linear time.
Me: Right.
Erik: Mom, do you mean life as in human life or are we talking about things that crawl out of the water and evolution occurs?
Me: Life, life. Primordial soup. All that. Everything.
Erik: Well, new science pretty much has it down that we did evolve, and we evolved from—
Jamie (laughing): He’s talking about apes and all kinds of things and walking on two feet.
Clearly he said something inappropriate. I can tell by her squirming and blushing.
Erik: All that stuff you learned in 8th grade. What has not been talked about is the huge gap. Once we get to cavemen, and then we get to maybe Christ—this kind of gap of “What the hell is going on?” I believe a lot of the story is missing because we do have communication with other multidimensional beings, and we didn’t just develop and do all this on our own.
Me: In other words, it didn’t just happen through the slow process of spontaneous mutation?
Erik: It’s still a slow fucking process, but we tend to think of a caveman as being dumb and not having a lot of language and that the evolution of humans from that point was extremely slow in that respect. Now our bodies may have evolved slowly, but our intelligence level didn’t. It’s like all of a sudden, we’re starting to realize that even chimpanzees can watch a fucking movie and understand a plot, know what’s going on and identify someone they’re attracted to that’s positive and somebody who’s, you know, negative and they don’t want to be around them and have fear for them. They have reactions to that. Who the fuck are we to say, looking at dead bodies back then and cave pictures—granted it’s kind of like Picasso—
Me: No, but to you point, what kind of help did we have besides Darwin’s Law and spontaneous mutation?
Erik: Parallel to that process, we have communication with multidimensional beings who not only taught us technology and helped us with our home structures and buildings, but also gave to us abilities. Take today’s culture. People might say, “Oh, I have hot hands. I feel like something weird is happening. I can move energy, so now I’m going to study energy and move energy through my body and help that person heal themselves,” and it works. Well, the masses don’t really know about that yet but it’s functioning. It works. So imagine back then not really knowing what our energetic bodies are doing or what our capabilities really are, and then we’re taught and groomed by other multidimensional beings how it works. It’s not like we were neighbors or anything and they walked over and they go, “Hey, have you ever heard about coffee? Let me make it for you.”
I chuckle.
Erik: It’s not like that. It’s more of an occasional visit.
Me: Do you mean they change us as a life force? I don’t understand. Or did they just teach us things? I’m not talking about the evolution of our knowledge. I’m talking about the evolution of us as biological—
Erik: Yes, but Mom, evolution of knowledge changes the way we use our bodies, and that changes evolution.
Me: Okay.
Erik: So through time, we recognize, “Oh, we actually do this or that,” and it maintains instead of going away.
Jamie: He was trying to discuss the difference between multidimensional beings that come down and end up being worshipped and they’re kind of the ones that are teaching us and showing us what we’re capable of doing, but they don’t really lead us to behave in different ways. They still want humans to come about themselves. And then there are those who came and interacted. They interacted by living, coexisting with us, having relationships with us, having children with us, experiencing all of that.
Erik: What’s fucked up is people want to sit here and imagine that there are green people or big, tall grays coming down and doing all this shit. When they’re interacting with us, they very much appear to be us. Not to spook everyone into thinking that maybe half the people in your life are actually aliens and not humans, but it’s that kind of notion. They’re not here to say, “Wow, look at the stars. We’re much better than you.” Earth had something to offer to them. They wanted to help. They wanted to give back, and this was before a lot of the, you can call them contracts or protection force or fields, all that bullshit, but there was a certain level of respect for growing communities, growing planets, and growing life forms.
Me: Let me just clarify something. So they bred with us. Did that speed up our evolution?
(Long pause)
Jamie: Um, sorry. He’s showing me pictures.
Erik: It helped change the function of our brains. We had a great deal of time within our evolution where we understood telepathic communication, where we had communication with animals, where we understood the language of the Earth, what it was doing, what it was presenting, where it was going, how to manage it. We didn’t need [unintelligible] to play as mediator or be in control. We were in control of it ourselves. This came about through cross breeding, but it was never like a, “Hey, we’re going to do this so we can make these babies and then take them away to be workhorses for us on our planet.” There’s a lot of crazy stories about abductions and breeding or stealing all the eggs and everything to make babies elsewhere. That’s probably a conversation for modern times, but back then, no. Even though this was thought about, it was not—
Jamie: I have no idea what you were saying.
Erik: It wasn’t happening then because we were still protected by “New Growth” laws. Do I make your head hurt, Jamie?
Jamie (laughing): Yes!
Me: It’s making everybody’s head hurt! All right. So, I get it. Some of the evolution was by spontaneous mutation; some of it was helped by other dimensional beings.
Stay tuned for Part Two tomorrow! Here’s another wonderful review for Erik’s book, My Life After Death! Get your own copy now!
I bought the book and read it within two days! The day I decided to buy the book, I was at a car wash waiting in line patiently. As I was in my car, a large dragonfly came to my windshield on the passenger side and just stood still looking in for a few seconds. I though ,how beautiful and strange but thought nothing else of it. As my car was getting cleaned, I was checking my iphone for the nearest Barnes and Noble so I could buy the book ‘My Life After death’. After I purchased the book, I went home to read it. This book is absolutely amazing and there are so many details that resonated with me. While reading, I felt so happy and elated for many personal reasons. Everything Erik stated about the afterlife really brought my essence of true self to a higher level. When I read the part where Erik likes to use dragonflies to catch your attention to let you know it’s him that hit me immediately. The dragonfly I saw was Erik and it truly lifted my spirit. This book should be read by everyone, whether you believe in the afterlife or not. This book will give every reader something to think about in a profound way. In all the previous books I have read on spirituality, this book has had the most positive impact in helping me move forward in my spiritual journey.
I am truly grateful to everyone who made this book possible!
–Albert Galea