Channeling George Harrison, Part Two

Enjoy Part Two of our interview of one of my favorite Beatles!

Me: Can you tell me a bit more about your actual transition?

George: You know it wasn’t that long ago. The biggest suffering was in the treatment. It wasn’t the cancer or the actual passing.

Jamie: So it WAS cancer.

George: Yeah. It was the treatment of it that was SO horrible; it went against everything that I felt was healthy for the body. It went against my beliefs, my heart, my gut instinct, but you know, I just carried on. My cancer spread from the throat and got into my head and collarbone, too.

Me: Was your death, itself, peaceful?

George:  Of course. Letting go of the body is really easy, once you’re all onboard with it and diminish the fear of saying goodbye and letting go. I think if you overcome that in your awakened, healthy life, then death will have no bumps for you; it’ll just occur.

Me: Um hm.

George: I immediately left the hospital after I passed.

Jamie (to George): Mayo Clinic? Is that what you just said?

George: Yes.

Jamie: Isn’t that in the United States?

Me: Yes.

George: I left, because it wasn’t where I wanted to be or what I wanted to do.

Me: And then, describe your surroundings once you crossed into the afterlife.

George: Well, I was with the people I loved. It was friends, family. There was a greeting not unlike you’d get if you were an honoree at a party, and I knew I was fine. I hugged and touched people; I knew that this was all okay. I knew what was coming. And I made such closure with my family and friends that I left behind, that I really was ready to let go. I was done. My death was quite a blessing. It was very timely. In fact, I was never really interested in growing old.

Me: Hm! It was probably your destiny to die when you did, then.

George: Yes, it was.

Me: Why? Why did you design this exit point?

George (chuckling): It is ironic for the singer/songwriter to get throat cancer. Wouldn’t you agree with me—?

Jamie: I just love his little accent! It’s not that strong, though.

George: Wouldn’t you agree with me that often the person’s strongest quality is also their weakest?

Me: Hm.

George: It’s the one they would rely on the most; it’s the one they would love the most; and it’s the one they would hate the most. And so when we came off from being The Beatles, you could never really walk away from that title. You could never really retire.

Me: Yeah.

George: I think just out of the necessity to calm down, I didn’t use the energy of my throat properly, and I think that’s where it spiraled down and got stuck.

Me: What do you mean “the necessity to calm down”?

George: The need to pull away from who I was in the public world and start figuring out who I was in the private world.

Me: Ah! I see.

George: Two different sides of the same coin.

Me: Yeah.

George: It’s not that I ever wanted it to be, but that’s how you’re created. You’re coached; you’re taught.

Me: Can you describe your afterlife now, including what you do there like your life’s work?

Jamie (laughing): He’s teasing about program dancing girls. That’s what they have all around.

George: I’m teasing. I spend a lot of my time in pure balanced peace, in harmony, in meditation, in connection to the Greater Source.

Jamie: Wow.

George: And the work I enjoy doing now is helping people get over the delusion of life and start grounding and changing their world in a profound way where they can be connected to The Beyond—to the Ultimate Reality.

Me: So, you’re saying you teach people that life is an illusion? Is that what you’re talking about? And the real reality is where you are now?

George: Yes.

Me: Okay.  What does it look like there where you are? What have you created for yourself?

George (chuckling): What do YOU want it to look like?

Me: Well, I’m asking about YOUR afterlife, not mine, Silly!

Jamie: He’s showing me a place of worship. The colors are warm. It’s like he has his own temple.

Me: To meditate in, yes.

Jamie: Yea, to resonate in. It looks like it has remnants of human beliefs like gods and goddesses and energies.

Me: Hm.

Jamie: He speaks with Sai Baba.

Me: Okay. Now, what insights do you think you gained since you died?

George: Not having a crowd is better than having one!

Me: God, yes. That way you can reflect and get a better understanding for the private George Harrison instead of the public one, right?

George: Yes.

Me: It must be hard, in the public eye, to not see yourself as the identity the crowd creates for you.

George: Yes.

Me: Okay, What were you here to learn and teach.

George: I was here to learn inner peace and the illusion of life and to feel like I achieved it, although a bit late in my life. But I mostly achieved it within my death.

Me: You mean in the afterlife?

George: Yes, and in the death process itself.

Me: Okay. And to teach?

George: I think I was here to teach people how to let go of their perceptions that are placed there by the world.

Jamie (to George): Can you be more specific?

George: Just the regulations and rules, laws and boundaries that are created by society, by countries, by continents. That’s what creates wars: “That’s mine; that’s not yours!”

Me: Yeah. That’s right. Do you think you succeeded in teaching some people that?

George: Yes.

Me: We still have a long way to go.

George: We came from a darker place.

Me: That’s true.

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Elisa Medhus

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