As many of you know, we’ve had Erik answer thousands of questions for us about death, the afterlife, the Shift, the nature of reality and the human experience, the existence of aliens and mythical creatures, and much more. For many of you, channeling celebrities day after day might get a bit tiresome, so I’m asking for ideas from you, my peeps.
Also, after I read Steve Job’s eulogy, Robert called. During the conversation, he says he channeled Steve several times, and all of the information was completely in line with our interview. I asked him what Steve saw when he gazed over the shoulders of his family members and uttered, “Oh wow! Oh wow! Oh wow!” and he said he say a wall of shimmering lights behind them. What evoked his sense of awe was the fact that it was so beautiful and also the fact that he was peering into what was clearly the next dimension, filling him with a deep sense of relief and release. But you know what amazed him the most about those shimmering lights? The knowledge that he created them himself. Steve also is as irritated with the inefficiencies in the afterlife as he was with those in the physical plane. He finds it very cumbersome to have to go through a channel to communicate with us. Furthermore, once he crossed over, he realized just how limiting human language is compared to how spiritual beings communicate with each other where he is now. I think this frustrates him. Thanks for filling us in, Robert!
And now for the final entry on Steve Jobs.
Me: Steve, can you describe your afterlife now? I know it’s probably a little too early, but do you have a life’s work there or any ambitions to do something?
Jamie: It’s coming through Erik again.
Erik: He’s interested in communicating with the aliens and looking at the technology that expands through the universe.
Me: How exciting! And what are your usual surrounding like there now?
Steve: The surroundings are very similar to earth right now, but I’m expecting that to change.
Me: Okay. It sounds like the explorer in you is still alive and kicking. That’s so great. Have you gained any insights since you’ve crossed over?
Steve: That earth is really far behind.
Me: Far behind what, other dimensions, other races?
Steve: Other races, technologies, controlling the physical body. We have the most intricate computers within our skin, and we’re constantly trashing them.
Jamie: Apparently, he’s saying to Erik that he was really big into diet and discipline. He kind of reminds me of those people—
Steve interrupts her.
Jamie (to Steve): Oh, did you do that for a while, too? Those microbiotic people?
Me: Macrobiotic, probably.
Jamie: You know, they chew their food x number of times and it’s all raw, and—
Me: Oh wow! Truth be told, I know nothing about that type of diet.
Jamie: Yeah, he said he tried that for a while. He was a very strict eater, very clean like a vegan or something.
Me: Were you hear to learn, to teach or both?
Steve: I was here to learn how the body works. I don’t know if I succeeded or failed. I’ll let you know later.
Me: Okay.
Steve: What I was here to teach? It was obviously to show the world that what we create in our head we can actually create materially. We can manifest.
Me: Yes, and you sure did that well. Do you have any regrets?
Steve: That I didn’t do more with my money.
Me: What would you have done? Now you know you can’t take it with you, right?
Steve: I thought I would live a much longer life so I could really disperse my wealth, because there was nothing that it was worth keeping for apart from taking good care of my family. I would have given it to other countries; I would have spread it out.
Me: Mm. Yeah. What was your proudest accomplishment while in the physical? I’m sure I already know the answer to that one!
Steve: My company, Apple.
Me: Yes, it’s amazing how you just turned it around and turned it into something so phenomenal. So, from your new perspective in the afterlife, do you still consider that your greatest achievement?
Steve: Yes, that and my wife and children.
Talk about short and sweet!
Me: Right. What past life do you think most affected this last one?
Steve (to Erik): Is that really relevant?
Me: Yeah!
Erik (to Steve): Dude, we’re asking everybody this question.
Jamie giggles.
Me: I would think you’d find that interesting, Mr. Jobs!
Jamie: Seriously! Most people find it VERY interesting.
(Pause as Erik continues to explain the question to Steve)
Jamie: I just want to call him a turkey. I never knew he was this way! I thought he was just cool and inventive and—
Me (whispering): Ssssh. You’re going to hurt his feelings, Jamie. And he is. He IS cool and inventive.
Jamie: But he’s such a jerk!
Me: Well, he’s a little tight-lipped, but, frankly, I just think he’s badly misunderstood, you know?
Jamie: He’s probably so smart he can’t even socially adapt.
Me: Yes, well, some people don’t have a high social IQ but are brilliant in so many other ways. Anyone with his creative genius is absolutely wonderful in my book. And remember, he just got to the afterlife, so he hasn’t had much of a chance to hone his communication skills. So what are you coming up with, Steve?
Jamie: He’s talking about two. He and Erik are deciding which one he should share.
Steve: I heard you talking about me, and I do agree that most of my life was spent stuck in my head.
Me: Yeah. And there’s nothing wrong with that! Who knows where Apple would be if you hadn’t?
Jamie: He’s talking about a life living in the Netherlands. Very wintry, very cold. He’s showing white snow everywhere.
Jamie (to Steve): Oh, you get northern lights there?
Me: No, that’s not the Netherlands, then. Steve are you talking about Norway or Holland?
Jamie: Not Holland.
Me: It must be Norway you’re talking about—the northern lands maybe?
Jamie: That’s what he means, but it’s not Norway. He’s talking about an area in or around northern Finland.
Me: Okay, go on.
Jamie: He’s a boy. He’s talking about seeing northern lights. And he says if the sky is able to transform colors of this nature then why aren’t we?
Me: Hm!
Jamie: I’m asking him what year is it, what year is it? But, I mean, it doesn’t look like there’s any electricity. There’s nothing. No timeline reference point or clues.
Me: Anything else?
(Toss us a bone, here, Steve!)
Jamie: No, Erik’s trying to get him to talk more about it like what did it trigger, why is that a memory of yours.
Me: Yeah!
Jamie: Apparently it just encouraged him to look at the transformation and the current of life force.
Erik: For instance, not just what did the water carry, like what could it float, but also what was inside the water and how electricity could move through water. Lightening. He was really into weather patterns.
Me: I can imagine they had some pretty harsh weather up there.
Erik: Yeah! He says what influenced him was the harsh nature. It influenced him to create what he has now—Apple.
Me: Wow, interesting. I don’t get the connection totally, but…
Jamie: I don’t really either. Erik’s asked him a great deal of questions—which I’m proud of—
Me: Yeah! But we’re not getting any more, right?
Erik: No more.
Me: Okay. Well, last one then. What messages do you have for humanity? Is there anything else you’d like to share with the world?
Steve: If you can dream it, you can make it real.
Me: That’s so true! Erik, do you have any other questions?
Erik: No.
Me: Okay, well, thank you, Mr. Jobs. I appreciate your time. Welcome to the afterlife; have a nice day.
Steve: Thank you.
Jamie (giggling): Erik’s so funny. He goes, “Nope, let’s send him on his way!”
Me: Oh no! He’s just misunderstood; everybody needs love. I adore Steve Jobs and I miss him. I wish more people could be as open and honest and direct.