One of the YouTube subscribers may have picked up a very strong EVP from Erik. At the timestamp 1:27:48, right after the host, Sharon, calls for people to call in and says, “Make some noise,” you can hear someone (Erik?) yell, “Woo hoo! Come on, people,” after which Jamie says something like, “He says, ‘Come on, people!'” Could you listen to see what you think? I don’t remember hearing this during the live interview, but it was a long time ago.
Now for the rest of the interview!
Me: Are you still continuing to help us?
Ra: Yes.
Me: In what way? Obviously we don’t need to learn about time and other measurements anymore.
Ra: Building a bridge to the star people.
Me: Okay. Are you an angel?
Ra: I have the status of an angel. The same function of one.
Me: Would you say you have the same status of an archangel?
Ra: That’s so closely related to God Source, so, yes.
Me: Okay, so you’re an archangel?
Ra: Yes, though I don’t hold the title. Nobody calls me an archangel, though the similarities of the embodiment of healing and loving—
Erik: Really archangels are deities. You sit down and really look at it, yeah. It’s just Christianity’s way of keeping the multiple deities of God alive and acceptable within a belief structure or system.
Me: Can archangels be aliens?
Ra: Yes. Aren’t we all aliens?
Me: I guess so. I figured that was coming.
Ra: To associate us to only being human is very narrow sighted.
Me: Back to the Middle East. What’s your advice to bringing peace there, or other places for that matter?
(Long pause)
Jamie: He keeps showing me this really electric blue color and it’s moving through the room kind of coming from the room where I hear him talking and it reaches past Erik. Electric blue. It has a wave to it.
Me: Hm!
Jamie: Now and then it has some bright lights in it like sparks. Yeah, I don’t know how to translate that. I just see it. It’s like being in water almost.
Me: What are you trying to tell her, Ra?
Jamie: He’s talking about mass healing that is not just the people’s fault but the land’s ability to retain history.
Me: Man’s ability?
Jamie: Land. Dirt, the Earth, mountains, water that they constantly try to ground to.
Ra: The land’s ability to maintain history, the memory of the fight, the war, the struggle. The land itself no longer knows how to cleanse itself and be happy, so the people on it recreate the (unintelligible) that the land has.
Jamie: It’s weird. It’s like I’m really, really high up in the sky, and I’m looking down, and the Earth is completely barren. It reminds me of the video of Hiroshima—everything is leveled. Dirt, random trash.
Ra: It won’t be until the land can no longer support life will the land be able to recycle and heal.
Me: Oh, how awful. So, it’s like Phoenix rising from the ashes.
Erik (yelling out): Yes!
Me: So, what do you think about the state of humanity overall?
Ra: You are winning.
Me: Anything more to that?
Jamie laughs.
Me: Winning in what way? Because sometimes it really doesn’t seem that way, Ra. We’ve just got so much going on with the shootings and tragedies. It seems like we’re in this downward spiral. It’s very disconcerting. Morals are going out the window. It just seems like it’s getting worse and worse.
Ra: Why can’t you love the night as much as the day?
Me (chuckling): I guess I’m just scared of the dark. I don’t know. I just don’t know.
Ra: It’s human nature. The reason you’re winning is that you’re starting to understand to embrace the harshness, the negativities and the fears to bring—
Jamie (to Ra): Don’t know that word.
Ra: To bring night and day to the same level. Then the level of love and appreciation and adornment, which occurs, they’ll be no more judgment on any action made my humans. It’ll only be accepted emotionally and through love.
Me: I guess that’ll be a long time before we get there.
Ra: You will not see it in this life.
Me: Okay. Do you have any advice or messages for us?
(Long pause)
Jamie: I’m trying to make sense of this. I understand the “look inward” part. You know, we hear that a lot. Go inside, but he’s saying, “Look inward to understand your whole surroundings.”
Ra: No longer look inside of someone else to see how you are viewed. Look inward to understand your surroundings. This is what I would want the human race to remember.
Me: Okay. In other words, be self-directed instead of externally directed.
Jamie: Before you said that, Erik said, “That’s how you do it!”
Me: Okay. Now, Erik, speaking of you, do you have any questions for Ra?
Erik: Nah, I’ve been drilling him the whole time.
Me: Yeah, you’ve been tossing it out there every once in a while.
Jamie (giggling): He kept teasing me throughout if I had put my sunscreen on today!
Me: And your sunglasses, too!
Jamie: Oh my gosh!
Me: What do you think about the blog, Channeling Erik, Ra? That’s my last question for you.
Ra: Channeling Erik is continuing the build the bridge that I started. Few people are as brave and strong as you, and I mean the term “you” as in singular pointing to you, Elisa—
Me: Wow.
Jamie: Then he said “you” again, and he means it in a plural sense—your son, your readers, your community—
Me: And you, Jamie.
Jamie: Me?
Me: Yeah.
Jamie: Or Ra.
Me: No, and you, Jamie.
Ra: Bit by bit, the bridge will complete itself, and the mystery of life on Earth will be resolved. Belief in the afterlife and the Beyond will not go away. It will become solidified, and science will be honored for what they can achieve and what they do know. Thank you.
Jamie (shrugging her shoulders): Thank you.
Me: What they do know about they afterlife? Is that what you’re saying?
Ra: Yes.
Me: Okay. Any advice for Channeling Erik?
Ra: It’s okay to be big.
Jamie: It’s weird, when he says “big.” He doesn’t really mean it such as media or like a growth in the business like we think, “Oh, you’re big, international!” He doesn’t mean it in those terms. He means it in the lessons that it’s teaching.
Ra: Yes. You don’t have to stay small and central in what you’re discussing and what you’re sharing. It’s okay to go big in that way. It’s okay to cross the—
Jamie sighs in frustration and looks toward Erik. I know he’s said something irritating.
Ra: It’s okay to cross the boundary of belief.
Jamie: Your son over here just called it “the woo-woo line.”
Erik: Yeah, it’s okay to cross the woo-woo line.
I giggle.
Me: Coming from the Woo-woo Guru himself. The Woo-woo Guru speaks.
Jamie laughs.
Me: Okay. Well, that’s all I have, Ra. Thank you so much for coming! You shined throughout the entire interview.
Jamie: A lot. And it’s weird; it’s this little tiny headache that I get right above my eyes. He’s saying thank you.
Jamie rubs the area above her eyes.
Jamie: He goes away.
If you live in or around the Houston area, please join us for lunch this Saturday at 2:00 PM. We’re going to meet at the Jason’s Deli at 10321 Katy Freeway (I-10). The phone number there is 713-467-2007. We’re going to talk to Erik and deceased loved ones on the eBoard like we did last time, so it should be a lot of fun!