Consciousness is such an enigmatic concept. Are we consciousness? Does consciousness create our reality? If so, how? What is the consciousness of other lifeforms not only here on Earth but elsewhere? Do inanimate objects have consciousness? But first, some announcements!
In preparation for the big CE event at my place, Erik’s childhood home, we won’t be having a radio show Thursday night, but will get back in the saddle the following week. Also, I might not have time to post anything on Friday, so please forgive me if that’s the case! Lol.
In order to catch the eye of TV industry executives, I need to increase my Instagram following. Would you mind following me at channeling_erik? Click HERE to do that. Also, for the same reason, like and follow me on the Channeling Erik Facebook page HERE.
Blog member, Naomi Cyr, wrote a wonderful book meant for children entitled “Energy Comes, Energy Goes.” She sent me a ton of them so if you come to the event, you can take a look at it and buy a copy or two for the children in your life. I will then PayPal or Zelle her the money. Her intent was just to gift them to me, but I see no reason why she shouldn’t be compensated by her excellent work. It’s so high quality in every way! Here are pics:
Last but not least, I interviewed Allie O’Shea, an international Law of Attraction practitioner, a few days ago, and was floored by how much wisdom someone so young had to impart! I downloaded her “Journey to Self-Discovery” Self-Love Workshop and am already almost finished with it. I found it extremely impactful and something everyone can benefit from. A lack of Self-Love could be holding you back in so many different areas of your life and this workshop may help you to move forward to manifest lots of things that haven’t been showing up for you. She loved our interview so much that she is offering a discount code to all CE peeps through Christmas. Great holiday gift! Click HERE to access the workshop and use the discount code Elisa20 upon checkout.
And now for the YouTube. Thanks, Shruti Kamble, for the excellent channeling. She has a baby, so she hasn’t been able to transcribe it yet, but she might do so today, so if you’d rather read, check this post from time to time for the next day or so.
Can’t wait to see those of you coming to our family’s home this weekend!
Featured image courtesy of Technology Networks.