Peeps, I am beat! Poor little Easton started crying in his crib around 1:00 AM and wouldn’t calm down after a few minutes like he usually does. I didn’t want my daughter to wake up and take care of him because she just finished a 12 hour shift in the emergency room, so I took him into our bed. First, I used my otoscope to make sure he didn’t have an ear infection because he has had a snotty nose all day and started coughing toward the evening. His ears had a lot of fluid behind the tympanic membrane, no big surprise. I put him in between Rune and me, and soothed him until he settled down. Still, he wiggled and cried off and on all night leaving no time for me to sleep! By the time he woke up around 6:30 in the morning, he was chipper and active leaving me with bags under my eyes that United Airlines would count as carry-on luggage.
Quick announcement: I received tons of Ask Erik questions but sadly could only select the first ten, so if yours doesn’t appear in the Sedona Journal column or the Sivana blog, I hope you try again next month.
Enjoy Part Two of our series on Climate Change. Thanks again to fantastic volunteer transcriptionist and long time blog member, Deborah B. as well as Erik’s voice, Emma McIntosh!
Me: So what do you think about drilling for oil and fossil fuels?
Erik: It’s not necessary, it’s not necessary. But in order to…
Me: But is it bad?
Erik: Lets just say it’s not great for Mother Earth. Lets just say it’s not great for our air, we want it clean and pure so it can fill ourselves with the oxygen that we need in order to have a healthy body. There’s a reason why our bodies are unhealthy, it’s because the oxygen level has been deprived because of the pollution in the air and unfortunately fossil fuel is one of, is one of, ok, there’s so many other factors that are causing pollution in the air, but it is one of the biggest ones.
Me: I wish I could afford a Tesla! All of these electric cars, well most of them, are pretty expensive, so having green technology costs a lot of money.
Emma: He’s really, he really gets excited about this, you know.
Erik: That’s the thing, we all need to start working together to go against these, you know, this injustice. They have all the answers, I mean people invent these things all the time, and guess what happens, they get paid off or they disappear, ok. These people and their material, their inventions are being seized and they are being locked away because that doesn’t make any money. Why would you offer free cars and free energy, it doesn’t make any sense for them, our world, and that’s where we’re headed. We need to overcome this, we need to stand up for ourselves, but our planet, planet Earth right now is ruled by rich people. We’ll just say it that way. They’re ruled by these…
Me: A New World Order. We’re going to definitely talk about that and talk about how there’s cures for cancer, like Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski, just like a couple of blocks from my house, has this amazing non-toxic anti-Neoplastons that he customs makes for every cancer, and cures cancers that have a history of never being cured. It’s amazing and Big Pharma has tried to take him down, the FDA and the Texas Medical Board, who is probably paid off by the FDA, and the FDA gets these user fees from chemo therapy manufacturers, but it’s really complicated, alright, but we want to stick to Climate Change. Will we lose, ok…um…(what I’m trying to say?), our world will end in a hundred years at the rate we’re going, is that true?
Erik: (shakes his head no)
Me: Ok. Uh, now back to the Harvey and Irma thing, were those engineered by humans or do they just happen now?
Emma: What?
Me: Were they engineered by humans like clouds were seeded…
Emma: Who?
Me: Uh, Hurricane Harvey and Irma.
Erik: No, uh, no, they were not engineered by humans a lot of people think that they have, but please don’t think that because then you’re creating that reality again and let’s not think that people, ok? I know it’s a tricky thing, it’s a tricky thing, these damn thoughts, you know, always creating reality, damn those thoughts, ok, so, no. However it was created by Mother Earth’s energy and it was helped by these alien species. Who, um, it’s not like they just kind of go, ok, lets create this storm and wipe us all out. No what they do is they actually help the energy to elevate to a point where these storms can be created, but they also monitor, they also monitor where they’re going and they also, in some way or form, they try to keep, the victims, you know, the number of victims to as low as they can…
Me: It’s surprising how few, it’s really surprising how few the victims considering the devastation. But, Yellowstone, that’s always on a lot of people’s minds, the super volcano. What’s going on there? What’s going to happen and when?
Erik: Well, it’s not just there, there’s a few places on Earth that the volcanos are starting to become active again…
Me: I mean the supervolcanos, whatever that means.
Emma: Supervolcanoes?
Me: Like the Yellowstone Supervolcano, but go ahead.
Emma: Well he’s just talking about how um…but he’s making me feel like right now we’re still good, we’re still safe. He’s making me feel like over time, yeah, he’s going over time, volcanos will erupt that have been silent for a very long time, but also, underground volcanos. So he’s showing me how in cities, all of a sudden there might be an explosion, um, and volcano lava will come out. So it’s something that people won’t see coming. So it’s almost like, have you ever seen that movie, what’s that movie called?
Me: Dante’s Inferno?
Emma: Yeah.
Me: It’s actually called Inferno.
Emma: It looks like that.
Erik: That is going to be pretty devastating for people. However, they will have a better system of predicting these things. This won’t happen for another hundred to a hundred fifty years. They will have a better system of predicting like seismic activity, they’ll be able to measure it and things like that so people will warned, however some people won’t want to leave, and we’ll always have that kind of thing.
Me: Like in Katrina, people refused to leave, they would mark in Sharpe their social security number so they could identify the body. So where will this happen, this lava in the middle of the city? What kind of cities are we talking about? Cause, you know, name like three. Otherwise they’re going to guess.
Emma: Um, he’s showing me…New Zealand, is what he’s showing me,
Me: Oh, such a beautiful place. Like Auckland?
Emma: Um, he’s saying no. He’s saying, however, it will…it looks like it will do a lot of damage to the country so, it’s almost like it’s going to go down under water eventually, it’s gonna disappear.
Me: So don’t invest in real estate.
Emma: Yeah, don’t invest.
Me: But it won’t be for a hundred years.
Emma: Yeah, by then we’ll be reborn somewhere else. He’s also showing me what looks like America. Hold on, I’ve got to get my geography out.
Me: Just tell her, Erik, Jesus!
Emma: He just showed me a map. He’s showing me Montana?
Me: Ok, that makes sense. Is that part of Yellowstone? I can’t remember. But it’s ok, dont’ worry about it.
Emma: He’s saying yes. Oh, and Europe as well. Darn.
Me: Belgium?
Erik: Nope, by that time Belgium will be under the sea.
Emma: It’s Italy, is what he’s showing me.
Me: Like Mount Etna or something?
Emma: Yeah, he says, you know what? Mount Etna is always active, it’s actually one of the safest ones, because they can predict it real fast. But no, he’s showing me more to the north of the border of Switzerland. Kind of like the Alps, is what it looks like, the Alps.
Me: Yeah, like Lugano and…
Emma: Yeah, like he’s showing me the tips are covered with snow and it’s just going to erupt like people won’t expect it at all, they won’t even know there’s a volcano under there.
Me: It’s always the pretty places.
Erik: But you know this is over time, things will change, I mean, you know the Earth, what we now see as Earth, it will look completely different in the future. Yes, there will be casualties, that’s normal, however not the whole human race will be destroyed because of this…
Me: But what about fifty years from now, because a lot of people, not me, but a lot of people will be alive then. What’s going to be the effect of what’s going on with the world, whether it’s man made or nature made or alien made. What’s it going to look like in fifty years?
Erik: It depends. It depends on how people are responding to these storms. If we continue to do what we are doing, if we continue to allow these companies to destroy our planet, you know, to take all the forests down. What that will bring, really, it’ll bring…
Emma: He’s going about acid rain, he’s going about rain that’s really toxic and he’s talking about how it’s going to be really hard for us to breathe. So we really don’t want to go there, he says.
Erik: It’s still possible, but we need to, start uh, one at a time, we really need to start fixing our planet by ourself. Does that mean that life will be hell, well it all depends on how you look at it, people adapt. That’s the whole thing. People adapt, and you know, new generations will be born in that and won’t know any other way. They won’t know blue sky with white clouds, you know, things like that. What we’re doing now is that there is so much pollution that is going into the air that it destroys the rest of the planet, you know. We’re basically taking away the lungs of our planet that supposed to filter all that crap.
Me: But we can change it. We can change it. We’ve got to fight against the government, against corporations, the big military industrial complex. So tell us specifically how we can do that.
Erik: Well, first of all, be aware of what you’re buying, you know. Make sure that the furniture that you’re buying is not coming from some Amazon plain, you know, that they’ve butchered. It’s all about…be aware of your own pollution that you’re bringing out, you know. Don’t buy so much plastic, it’s killing all the fish, people. You should see the ocean, it’s like one big trash belt. It is killing animals, it is killing our water, it is poisoning our fish that we’re eating. So be aware of what you’re buying. In some way or form, I don’t want to say that we need to go back to the old days, you know, where we would buy wooden toys and things like that, but be aware of what you’re buying. Make sure it’s biodegradable, make sure…you know, wooden toys are the best solution because they will last forever and ever. You’ll be able to sell it on to people who can then buy it and use it, you know, recycle things. Don’t be afraid of using second hand things. You know it’s about recycling, and we can create so much new stuff with all the junk, that we’ve found, and we can recreate it. There are companies in there who are investing in trying to recycle a lot of things, who make a bunch of money on that, but there are companies that really have a good heart, they’re not all into that big kind of secret society. There are a lot of people who have small companies who really want to make a difference in the world. It really starts with us. Being aware of what you’re buying, what you’re throwing out, if it’s still useable people, give it away for free to people who don’t have anything.
Me: That’s what we do. We give our stuff to churches, yeah, it’s so important.
Erik: It all ends up in the trash, and all that trash needs to be burned, and all those fumes are coming into our atmosphere. Share with people who don’t have it. If you have old toys, don’t throw it in the trash, don’t get rid of it, pass it on to children in orphanage houses, or children who don’t have anything, there is so much we can do. And you know what, when we give, we receive people. Ok.
Me: And stop these cows from farting all the time. And humans, you’ve got to stop farting so much!
Erik: Keep your fumes in your body man! Keep your gas there!
Emma: (bursting with laughter)
Me: Just pucker up man, pucker up! Alright, I’m going to go quickly with these because I want to have plenty of time for Laci. Quick question from my dear friend, Laurie in Scottsdale, is the atmosphere with increasing CO2 decreasing the nutrition in our foods?
Erik: Yes.
Me: Eh, ok, so that’s not good. What’s the solution for that?
Erik: We need to purify our air.
Me: Ok.
Erik: And get it back in shape.
Me: I’ll get right on it. What’s the temperature change going to be like over the next ten years? And what kind of change?
Erik: Ok, that is going to change people.
Me: I mean we’re talking about just ten years.
Erik: Well, if you go in about ten years, we’re going to see, at least in areas where, lets just say that things are shifting. Where it’s going to be cold normally now, it’s going to rise. Where it’s normally hot, it’s going to be cold. So it’s actually shifting. So um, when we come to temperature rise, we’ll see at least, if you go, um, how many years you said?
Emma: (laughing)
Me: Ten years. A forgetful spirit!
Emma: He’s talking about five degrees Celsius, I don’t know how much that is in Fahrenheit. He’s talking about five degrees Celsius. He’s saying, you know, for the last few years we’ve had, just over the last few years about two to three degrees Celsius, so…
Me: Only on the path we’re on now.

Is the Yellowstone Supervolcano just beneath this spring?
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And if there are any of you who would like to join the volunteer transcription pool, that would be great, too!