It’s so Christmassy outside, cold, gray and drizzling, so tonight we’re (finally) going to put up the Christmas tree adn decorations. Michelle and Rune tell me they only want to put up the tree and stockings because usually when I decorate the inside of the house, there’s garland, various figurines, snowy villages, animated Santas (although one has a dislocated arm so he looks like he had a stroke from snorting too much coke.) I could go on and on but suffice it to say, it looks like Santa threw up in every room in my house. Probably a side effect from tainted coke.
Anyway, now that I’ve taken you down a weird rabbit hole, let’s share some love for Erik with these two stories. Again, please share your own praise for our boy when you can!
Praise #1
I can’t thank you enough Elisa and Erik and of course Jamie for the time you put in to help other people. Your video on abortion has really helped me spiritually and to some what heal. I have been beating myself up and punishing myself mentally for years and years because of what I did 20 to 25 years ago. I have felt I don’t deserve to live sometimes. I don’t have any children and always felt I was being punished because of my decisions when I was younger. I have been in such a dark horrible place and because of your videos it is helping me to see things differently . So God Bless all of you and Elisa I’m so sorry for the loss of your son, however I feel it was meant to happen for all the good you are doing because of it.
Praise #2
Thank you for sharing your story about Erik, and how you continue to have a relationship with him in the afterlife. Your story is very touching and I am so sorry for your loss.
My sister lost her son tragically last December (2014) and he was the love of her life. Having no other children, no husband and being disconnected from her 4 sisters for many years after our mother died from alzheimers and dementia, life was not easy for my sister, or us. The day that her son, Ricky, died was the first time she had called me in years – in tears and unable to talk so the Houston Police Department had to get on the phone to tell me what had happened. I could not believe what I was hearing, and it was so un-surreal. The thought of my 33 year-old nephew dying in a horrific accident on E-470 in Colorado was not what I was expecting top hear on the evening of December 17th, just before the holidays. Your story has helped me understand that no matter how you die or why you die, it is what you believe in, in the earthly life, that is what you see on the other side. For me, I am not afraid of death, but it is healing to know that I will see my family and friends on the other side no matter what belief they had. I just finished reading “My Son and the Afterlife” and will share it with my sister. I think it will help her with many of the questions she has about the after life, knowing that her son is happy and at peace. I can only hope that after reading your story, she too can be at peace. I know life will never be easy for her, but I hope that she can come to terms with her son’s death and know that she will see him again one day, when it is her time.
Thank you again, and I wish you and your family a restful and peaceful Thanksgiving.
Tina McDaniel
If you missed the radio show this past Thursday, check it out here:
Listen to “Hour of Enlightenment 12/1/16” on Spreaker.