Blog member, Libby, shared her amazing Erik story with me, and it brought such immeasurable joy. After all I’ve been through, I’m still floored by confirmations like these. Perhaps I need to have a bit more faith and let go of that last thin thread of doubt. But how? Here is her Facebook message to me.
Happy New Year!! I went to see a medium over the Holidays and wanted to shAre my joy with you. My mother came through loud and clear and funny as ever;) There were so many folks clamoring to talk the medium had to center herself again half way thru the session and ask the folks to please – one at a time – hahaha! She let me ask questions at the end of the session and I asked if my friend Erik stopped by. She asked him the name of a living person connected to him so she knew it was him – he said Michelle:) She said he is a bit of a rebel and loves music – in fact he’s hanging out with a bunch of musicians. She also mentioned that he had taken drugs as a means of escape in his life prior to his suicide. He said he knew I had Tarot cards and I should use them, could do this on the side:) His energy was making the medium a little woozy so I didn’t press for anything more from Erik.
The thing is I didn’t tell her anything about Erik – in fact I called him my friend and didn’t even think about that until later. Erik is the only friend I have that became my friend after his passing – and that is because of you and the beautiful blog community you’ve created.
Thank you Elisa and Erik – I am most grateful!!
Love & Light XXOO – Elizabeth Schrader
The medium is a gal named Glennie Turner and she lives in Atchison Kansas. Please do post it on the blog and you can use my name:) It never even dawned on me to mention I didn’t get the chance to know Erik in life – because I feel like I know him so well and that is because of your wonderful blog and all that the two of you have shared.
XXOO Elizabeth