Poor Bella fell in the pool while she was chasing a squirrel, and I’m so glad I was watching her because she’s so tiny there would have been no way for her to get out on her own. Plus, the water is freezing. So I fished her out, dried her off with a towel, then, after putting it in the dryer for a while, wrapped her in a warm one. As I held her, I imagined how horrible it would have been if I had been elsewhere, taking a bathroom break, taking out the trashcans, or whatever. If she had died yesterday, that would be the third worst tragedy in our lives, the first being Erik’s death, the second being the death of our stillborn baby boy, Seth. I love her so much. I’m so glad she’s okay.
Yesterday, the radio show went very well, but not before all the power went off on my street 8 minutes before showtime! I was sweating bullets because without power, I had no Internet, and without Internet, there would be no show. But 3 minutes before the show, the power came back on. Of course my router took the last few minutes to boot up, so I was on the edge of my seat, but we made it just in time with a few seconds to spare! If you missed the show, I plan on posting it tomorrow. I already posted it on the CE YouTube channel and the CE Facebook page and groups.
If you missed Kim, Erik and me on the Inspired Living Show Wednesday, please listen to it HERE. I thought it went really well, and Erik was on his game.
Now for today’s post!
Me: Hey, Robert.
Robert: Hello.
Me: Hey, Erik.
Erik: Hi, Mom.
Me: You know, I have all of these smaller questions that wouldn’t be enough for an entire YouTube video, so we’ll just make it out Potpourri session. How does that sound, good?
Erik (in a tranny voice): Potpourri.
Me: Sacred geometry. What’s that all about? There are so many signs and ancient architecture and all sorts of things that show these triangles within triangles within triangles, and there’s supposed to be something sacred about that. What is the meaning behind it?
Erik: Look, Mom, when it comes to the sacred part of it, it’s just another word for divine.
Me: Okay.
Erik: There are certain templates in the universe that are the basis of patterns of energy. That’s what that’s all about.
Me: Oh! So the geometry is a pattern of energy?
Erik: Right.
Me: Is it the fundamental pattern of energy and it changes depending on what consciousness does to it?
Erik: Right. Think about snowflakes. Every single one is unique. Based on the environment that created it, it’ll look different. But the same fundamental structure, the things that came together to create it are all the same. In sacred geometry, when you’re looking at it, you’re using a certain type of structure, straight lines moving in certain directions, a few curves here and there, but the way they come together produces something unique. In certain things that we, in the physical world, consider universal, they create certain patterns that we will recognize.
Me: Mm hm. Okay. Anything else on sacred geometry?
Erik: There’s more to learn about that shit.
Me: Oh really? That we don’t know or that I don’t know? Tell us something we don’t know.
Robert: He just showed me a visual of atomic energy, and I don’t really know how this plays into it, but it’s something to do with –
Erik: You misunderstood what I was trying to say.
Robert: its physics related, something to do with physics.
Me: Okay.
Robert: With atomic energy, I guess you’d have to have a certain amount of physics involved.
Me: Oh, yeah.
Erik: I showed you the atomic part of it because there are certain aspects of what you call, “sacred geometry” (He uses air quotes.) that can become very destructive like with atomic bombs and things like that. That’s the part that humans don’t realize they’ve already touched on, and when they go deeper into different manifestations of sacred geometry, they’ll learn more about that. Thank god we will have evolved enough not to shoot our foot off.
Robert chuckles.
Me: So, basically, you’re saying that pattern of energy can be manipulated into creating—
Erik: Anything in the universe can be used constructively or destructively.
Me: Okay.
Erik: The cool thing about that is that once we tap into that—and it won’t necessarily be called sacred geometry. That’s just one label you can put on something that can be manifested in many different ways. Eventually, that kind of thing will help humans materialize and dematerialize things, time travel, shit like that, Mom.
Me: Cool. How did so many ancients know about this? All throughout history, you see evidence of these sacred geometry type symbols. What did they think it was?
Erik: Just because they were ancient doesn’t mean that they were less intelligent. All of that comes from observation. The things you’re inclined to observe, your intuition will lead you down that path. So there were just souls that were very observant and paid attention to the natural world, then created a structure to explain it. That just perpetuated throughout history because all of those individuals who came here to do that and laid the groundwork for that, future generations built on that. So it’s like you leave these breadcrumbs in the past for people in the future to be able to pick up and leave more breadcrumbs for people further on down the line.
Me: How did they get the connection through nature?
Erik: Everything in nature, if you start watching it and pay attention, has patterns. You’ll notice patterns. I’ve used this example before, but now that we understand the atom and things like that, when you look at the atom, it looks like a little solar system, and if you look at the solar system, it looks like an atom. Everything is tied together. That’s an example of a pattern. I talked about snowflakes earlier. Those have a fractal kind of look to them. One way you can visualize the universe and the truth of everything is through fractals.
Robert: Is that the right word, fractal?
Me: Yeah.
Robert: Okay, because I see is as almost crystalline looking.
Me: Okay.
Erik: A fractal is just one way of visually manifesting it. Sacred geometry can be manipulated in a way so that it looks like a fractal.
Robert: I hope that makes sense because I’m not paying attention.
Me: Yeah. It’s going right through you.
Totally bypassing the brain.
Robert: He works differently than any other spirit. With some of them, I have to listen, and then I repeat, but with him it’s just, “blu, blu, blu, blu, blu.”
Me: It just flows right through you.
Robert laughs.
Me: It’s hard to keep up with, but you don’t even have to!
Robert: I can just tune out.
Me: That’s cool.
Robert: But then I start wondering, ‘Well, is he rambling?’
Me: No, no. I’m getting it. So, to sum it up, sacred geometry is a basic pattern that can be manipulated to change realities depending on conscious observation.
Erik: Yeah, Mom. That’s right, but it’s not the be all, end all. There are other things that might look different from sacred geometry, but it’s actually the same. Those other things, like the String Theory, is a different manifestation of sacred geometry and sacred geometry is a different manifestation of the String Theory. They look different, but they’re all ultimately this universal truth.
Me: Oh, okay. Interesting.
Have a wonderful weekend, everyone! I love you guys to pieces!