Sweet and Supportive Erik

I found this on Robert’s timeline. So, funny!!

Here are some great Erik encounters!
Story #1
Hello! I have been following Channeling Erik now for a couple months. I have a son in heaven also, born and died July 1, 1977. He lived for an hour after birth. I never got to see him as he was whisked away quickly to try and save his life. Even after, I didn’t get to see him. Not sure what the nurses were thinking back then. But anyways, his birthday is coming up on July 1, and I have been thinking it would be nice to get to see his face in my mind’s eye or have him appear to me. I have been asking the angels for this request.

Yesterday afternoon I was right here in front of my computer, and I heard a soft and distant phone ringing in the other room. I am thinking hm, it didn’t sound like my cell phone and not only that it was sitting right next to me. So I jumped up and ran into the kitchen and realized that no phone was ringing, and suddenly I experienced a full body tingling from head to foot, and I found a penny on my dining room table which wasn’t there before. I laughed to myself and said ‘Erik?? Is this you?” and so I started talking to him like he was there, and I asked him to go look for my son and bring him to me. 🙂 Don’t know what the penny means.. but I always think it means good luck when you find a penny in a obscure place. We will see how this unfolds….

Thank you for your Love and light and thoughts on this. I will for sure share again if I do indeed see my son.

Maryann Potter

Story #2

I put my full enclosing over-ears headphones on and was about to plug them into the laptop to listen to the Hitler video and clearly heard “poo” or “boo.” It scared me it first, but then I thought this must be Erik, and then I heard it again! I’m 100% positive it came from inside my headphones and not the room.

Story #3

Please use only my first name (for obvious reasons) I usually don’t read the Erik encounters and skip over them because I am much more interested in Erik’s insights and experiences on the other side, but whenever I need something for myself or for the therapy group that I attend, I’ll just ask Erik and on the very next day, something will appear on the blog so I know he’s there for me, but this is the first time I actually asked him to show up.

I have been on probation for the last 3 years and am just about a month away from being released. I have to report once a month to my probation officer and was just recently assigned to a new officer. I had just completed a court mandated class, and I needed for my officer to sign the paperwork so that I could graduate. I was feeling a little nervous before reporting so whenever I have felt that way in the past, I always ask my angels to be with me and chase away my fears. This time, however, I asked Erik to go with me to the probation office and to let me know, somehow that he was there. I also told him not to play any pranks that will get me in trouble. Lol. When I gave my P.O. my paperwork, he read it through from front to back. Most P.O.’s will just take the paperwork, sign it and give it back, but my officer told me he would hold on to it and give me a call and I could pick it up later in the week. I asked him if he could at least give it to me within the next two days so that I could graduate from my course. He promised me he would look at it today and that he would sign it and leave it for me at the reception desk, and I could come and pick it up later today. I got a phone call from him an hour later and went down to pick up my paperwork. The receptionist asked for my name and ID and handed me the envelope from my probation officer. My signed paperwork was inside the envelope and everything was good. When I turned the envelope over, my last name was written accross the envelope but instead of my first name, he mistakenly wrote ERIC. It was not spelled with a “K” but the message was clear to me. Erik was there. The envelope said “Aragon, Eric.”

Last but not least, here’s the recording of Jamie, Erik and my interview on The Kevin Moore Show. 

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