(Bugle horn sounding). I need you guys. A publisher is considering the manuscript for the Channeling Erik book. If this happens, it gives it more of a chance of raising the eyebrows of a film maker. A well known documentary film maker has already stumbled across the blog and contacted me saying he’s interested in including Jamie, Erik and me in a film about channeling. That said, I need two things from you: Please help me increase membership. Drag friends, family, neighbors and, yes, complete strangers to the site. They look at things like blog traffic and unique visitors. Also, if any of you are celebrities, please come from out of the shadows and make yourself known. I’m told that helps, too. I won’t jeopardize your privacy. You probably know me well enough by now. Just email me at emedhus@gmail.com. Remember you can’t just assume the other CE members are going to do this. Everyone needs to pitch in. So, if you’ve benefited in anyway from Channeling Erik, please help.
Now let’s talk about gross stuff. Hope you haven’t just eaten.
Me: Here’s a funny one from a blog member. Will we understand why things happen the way they do once we get there? For example, would we know why God created tapeworms when all they do is hurt our pets?
Jamie and Erik laugh.
Me: She must have had a problem with her dog.
Jamie: Erik needs to straighten up first.
Erik: Yeah, fuck AIDS! What’s HIV compared to tapeworms?
Me: Yeah, and goddamn those fire ants! I don’t see much reason to have them around.
Jamie: All right, Erik, settle down.
Me (giggling still): It’s like, “God, I have a bone to pick with you!”
Jamie: Stop Erik! Center, center. (Whispering) Focus, focus.
Erik: No, seriously. That’s a great question. You’ll know why they came about, where they evolved from and what kind of lesson it’s teaching us like how not to eat your own shit.
Jamie is still laughing hard.
Erik: And how not to eat other people’s shit.
Me: Ew, Erik! Is it ever a lesson for the animal in the case of tapeworms or do they—
Erik: Oh yes. Totally.
Me: So, do animals come here for lessons, too?
Erik: Yes!
Me: Whoa!
Erik: Compassion and how to ask for help, being humble—
Me: Not to lick their own ass…
Erik (laughing): Yeah, not to lick their own ass. And how to be cared for, yeah and mostly the pet animal’s suffering is from that and also the other 50% of what pet suffering is from is absorbing and taking on the energy of their owner or of their environment.
Me: Hm.
Erik: You know they’ll often get cancer before their owner does.
Me: Interesting.
Erik: Unless the pet is there to help heal or help the person pass. You know when the person is dying, often animal won’t leave. If the owner stops eating, the animal will stop eating.
Me: Well our little Chihuahua, Peanut—she’s very old and she’s stopped eating, but it hasn’t worked on me. I guess it doesn’t work the other way around, then. That’s a whole nuther story though.
Jamie laughs.