Many of you have waiting patiently for this interview with Sharon Tate. I’ll have to say, it was worth the wait, at least for me. The conversation was riveting and poignant. There are other subjects the mediums and I have filmed, but the queue is quite long, and, since I didn’t post new content while in Norway, that queue was in a holding pattern. Coming up soon: Shanaan Watts, the 5G controversy, the fallen heroes from 911, belly fat, the entitled rich, the Salem Witch Hunt and past life bleed throughs, civil rights, relationships, astral travel, the Moon and Mars, loneliness, an interview with Donna Summer and more. I can’t wait to see if you enjoy them as much as I have! I love making you guys happy!
One thing I do want to share with you: I’ve been studying for the recertification exam for my Internal Medicine Boards, which takes about 2 hours a day out of time I do not really have, given all the CE related work and of course household duties on my plate. What’s more, the number of emails, private Facebook messages and Disqus comments continue to rise and has reached the level of overwhelm. Yesterday, 4 hours into answering all of them at 3:00 AM, I broke down and cried. I can’t NOT answer them because I care about your feelings, but if you can please refrain from sending so many, I’d appreciate it. This is especially messages for topic or interview suggestions, (I’ve said that I will call out for more when the list runs low.) requests to watch YouTube videos, requests to forward something to X number of Facebook friends, and things of that nature. There just isn’t enough time in the day. I can’t afford an assistant. Plus, that would not be me answering them so I wouldn’t even want someone to volunteer their time to handle this massive task! I hope you guys understand. Love you all.
One last thing: Don’t forget Jennifer’s and Jamin’s surprise sales week for their event at my home October 4-6. Their offer ends July 13th! THAT’S TOMORROW!! Use coupon code 15CEOCT19 to get 15% off your tickets at checkout. Purchase Tickets here:
Okay, here’s what many of you have been waiting for! Kim Voigt did a wonderful job, as always. She has a lot to offer including quantum healing, akashic record reading, past life regressions, and more. Check her out HERE.
Here’s the transcript. Remember, though, to let the YouTube roll for a few minutes or more so I can get the paltry but important ad revenue to help cover costs.
Elisa: Hey, there, Kim. How are you doing? We’ve got our boy, Erik, and we are going to try to get Erik to bring in Sharon Tate. All I know about Sharon is that she was murdered. She was pregnant, murdered by Charles Manson, and I’m sorry that I don’t really know that much more, but that doesn’t mean I don’t love her.
Kim: Yeah.
Erik: Good morning.
Kim: Yep, he’s getting her.
Erik: I love you, too, Mom.
Kim: Sharon comes in and her energy feels very, very soft. This is actually the first celebrity interview that I’m doing with you and I may be a little bit–I don’t want to say “leery”, but a lot of people do celebrity interviews, and I thought, well, you have so many people that do that for you. So a few weeks ago, because I’d seen it on the Facebook page where people ask, like, if somebody could channel her, and a few weeks ago, I was working with some clients, and I wondered about that. Erik introduced me to her, and she said she would come through. She’s telling me there’s a few common things in her and the baby’s story and you and Erik’s story.
Kim: She’s just starting with, a lot of the reason that celebrities are coming through to mediums is because you connect with the personality, and so a celebrity’s personality has been out there so much that they’re very easy to connect with and for the media to recognize.
Sharon: Me, it was late sixties, I believe, 1969, when I died, and so people aren’t really aware of my personality so much.
Kim: She said she really never tried to do this either. She said the other thing was that the situation was so gruesome that she didn’t want to add any energy to that.
Elisa: Oh, yeah.
Kim: But she said it’s been a long time now, and so she is ready to talk about it.
Elisa: Why did he kill you?
Kim: This was a time of the free love, hippie kind of movement. She says those particular individuals really got into a cult kind of mentality, very mentally depraved-thinking, and she says that he was very paranoid and delusional. She says he had actually, at some point, come to her house and knocked at the door. She must have answered the door. I think he was looking for work. That’s what she’s making me feel.
Elisa: So they had contact before. They knew each other?
Kim: Yes.
Elisa: He was involved with this hippie cult?
Kim: Yes.
Elisa: Okay.
Kim: So she didn’t offer him any work. He went away. She didn’t think anything of it. Then the night of the ambush, that it happened. So she’s saying she hasn’t slowed down really to think about this in a long time. She’s saying so many of these things are published. You can read about them, but she was 8 ½ months pregnant. They had bought a house, L.A., Hollywood area, kind of on the outskirts of town is what it looks like, what she’s showing me, and that her husband, Roman, was actually still across seas, but was coming back soon. She had three friends staying with her at the time, and it was hot. It was summertime. All of a sudden, they were ambushed. These people came in through the window before they even realized it. They had cut either the phone lines or the electrical lines so that they were not able to call for help.
Sharon: They had actually killed somebody else prior to entering the house, but by the time we realized they were there, there was no way for us to get help or communicate.
Elisa: Hm.
Kim: She just briefly talks about it being very scary. They separated. She’s making me feel like two of them were in one room, two of them were in the other room of the people that were killed. Those moments were very scary for her.
Elisa: Oh, gosh.
Kim: And this has been publicized. She was begging for her life, and they were not going to allow her to have it.
Elisa: Did Charles Manson kill all four? Or did others in that–
Kim: Charles Manson wasn’t there. It was his followers.
Elisa: Oh. Oh, wow.
Kim: He put them up to it. It was his followers that committed the murders.
Elisa: So did Charles Manson ever kill anybody? That you know of?
Kim: She’s making me feel like, yes, but it’s more inspired the others to do it, but yes, that he did some. He did do some, she’s making me feel like. I don’t know–she’s not making me feel like it was ever discovered. If I’m understanding it correctly, I don’t think that he was ever caught or discovered, but that he was responsible for many, and that there were more we didn’t know about.
Elisa: Okay.
Kim: I just asked if she’s connected with him and she says no.
Elisa: Okay. Was your transition painful?
Kim: So she said immediately when this started happening, she was stabbed multiple times. She was in such a state of shock that it seemed very surreal, almost like a dream, so she was terrified, but there was an air of calmness around (over-talking 6:14)
Elisa: Detachment. Yeah, sort of like detached emotionally from the–
Kim: Yes. Yes, she said it was like that. She said at the first blow she left her body, although her body didn’t appear to die right away. She said her infant son did not exit the body right away. He did not let go right away. He was kind of in and out, so she stayed at the scene, which was very chaotic, and waited for her baby to exit the body. She said that within a fairly short amount of time, it was like a tunnel experience for her. Her and the baby went together. She talks about her family. She had a couple of sisters and her parents. One of the sisters is with her now on that side of the veil. I’m not sure about the parents.
Elisa: Well, that’s not important.
Kim: She said that her mother had like, a nervous breakdown.
Elisa: Aw. I can imagine. I know.
Kim: Yeah. It took her many, many years to turn that around, but she said that her mother actually, and one sister’s still here. They worked with the court systems and legislation to try to change rights for victims, and that type of thing.
Elisa: Oh, good.
Kim: So they did not allow her death to completely destroy them.
Elisa: Oh, good. Thank God.
Kim: But she said, with her mom, she stayed really close to her because she really had a hard, hard time with it.
Elisa: I can imagine. What about the father of the baby? Your husband, Roman? Is he still on this plane?
Kim: He is.
Elisa: How’s he doing?
Kim: He been involved in some controversy. He’s overseas. I’ve read about this, too. He was accused of something, and so I don’t believe he’s come back to the United States.
Elisa: Was it Roman Polanski?
Kim: Roman Polanski.
Elisa: Oh, okay. Okay, all right. Got it. Got it. Any messages for him?
Kim: She loves him. She watches out for him. She tells me that he felt a sense of–because there was some conversation of him coming back, when he should come back because they were filming overseas, that there was a sense within him of a guilty feeling that if he would have come back with her at the time, that none of this would have happened.
Elisa: Oh. Hm.
Kim: And that he was devastated. He was very devastated by this. She said that she loved him dearly. She said the culture at the time was this free love kind of culture.
Elisa: Yeah.
Kim: She’s making me feel like–I don’t know if Roman was a cheater, but with the position he was in, he had a lot of girls that would throw themselves at him.
Elisa: Okay, well, that’s not important. What about the baby? Are you still with the baby?
Kim: Yes. She’s talking about–I have to have Erik help me with this. What she’s talking about is her and the baby–this was not a charted exit point for them.
Elisa: Whoa.
Kim: This was somebody else’s free will infringed upon her.
Elisa: Oh, gosh.
Kim: She said this was not an exit point, but what she’s saying is that her and the baby, in this lifetime that she was coming into, that they were to have a lifetime where they either died together or died within very short order of each other.
Elisa: Why?
Kim: Because–and I’m having Erik help me with this because it’s a little bit confusing–I don’t want to mix up the stories. There were two lifetimes. One where she was a little boy, and the baby, who Roman named Paul, was the mother. As a little boy, it was in the country. It looks like maybe a couple hundred years ago. The little boy wandered off playing and something happened, and he was lost and never found. He died. She’s making me feel like he might have fallen into like, an animal burrow or a hole in the ground or something and he was never found. That was Sharon in that lifetime.
Elisa: Right.
Kim: Mom, who was the baby, never quite got over that, and longed for her baby her whole life and carried a lot of depression. So that was one contributing lifetime.
Elisa: So she decided to die this life?
Kim: Yes.
Elisa: Both of them together?
Kim: They were going to live a lifetime where they got to stay together pretty much to the end, through the whole life.
Elisa: Okay.
Kim: The next lifetime–or maybe it was before then, I’m not sure I have the timeline right–she was the mother. The baby, Paul, was the child. She died. She hemorrhaged shortly after giving birth to this (inaudible 12:07) who I think was a girl in this lifetime. The baby, Paul, was a girl in this lifetime. She died giving birth. She did not transcend. She stayed on the earth plane with her baby. She carried depression and fear, and that type of thing from the death, and it influenced the baby in that lifetime and as the child grew up because her energy was so sad and being around the baby all the time and had a negative impact.
Elisa: What was that negative impact?
Kim: The baby could feel the sadness–or the child, because it eventually grew up. I keep saying the “baby”–could feel the sadness, could just feel this weight of this (over-talking 12:57)
Elisa: Yeah, but did that make her depressed?
Kim: Yes and didn’t know where it came from. It wasn’t even the baby’s.
Elisa: Aw. So the common theme is–was your mother, and her struggling with your death, what is the lesson to be learned through these three lives? It’s almost like spiritual DNA.
Kim: Right. Well, she says for her and the baby, it was to learn that separation is only temporary.
Elisa: Oh.
Kim: Separation is an illusion.
Elisa: Yes.
Kim: Separation is an illusion. She said her mother kind of had an inkling that something could happen. Her mother–there was a time when they were separated because they were in the military and Sharon was doing something else where the family packed up to be with Sharon. She’s making me feel like her mother really had an inkling. Her mother, in this lifetime, was to be a support, and set up all the circumstances, so that she could bring this baby through and live a healthy life and not be overbearing and that type of thing and impact this baby negatively.
Sharon: We did fulfill what we came to do, which, I wouldn’t say we fulfilled our contract that we died together, but we were supposed to live a much longer life was what it was.
Elisa: Yeah.
Sharon: My mother was the support that helped put this all together. My mother–this wasn’t something we all agreed to in the beginning.
Kim: But it’s like during the course of it, she kind of switched. The grief kind of switched course, and like, “Okay, I have to pull myself out of this, and the only way I can do that is by helping other people with their tragedies.” So she’s saying that was her mother’s role in it was to help other people deal with it, make it better for others.
Sharon: Much the same way as you and Erik.
Elisa: Okay. Were you supposed to, in this lifetime, outlive your mother? You and the baby?
Kim: She said there were more than one exit points.
Elisa: Oh, yeah.
Sharon: We would have most likely outlived my mother. Say you’re given five exit points–
Elisa: Okay.
Sharon: – if that was the amount. You might have two of them early in your life, and your other three at age 70, 80, and 90. The exit point we got obviously wasn’t a chosen one. One of our exit points, we could have died before my mother.
Elisa: Oh, I see.
Sharon: There were exit points where we would have died after.
Elisa: Okay.
Sharon: It was kind of a lifetime that was to be determined by how long we wanted to stay.
Elisa: TBD. So what do you think you were to learn originally in this lifetime, Miss Sharon Tate? What did you intend to learn? The same thing, separation is an illusion or?
Sharon: That separation is an illusion. That life is eternal.
Kim: She’s making me feel like there were some things with her star power–you know, she was a movie star–that there were some things that she was going to be doing, had she lived, that would have helped the planet growing consciousness.
Elisa: Oh! Okay.
Kim: She says the other thing is Hollywood–that can be kind of a dark place.
Elisa: Oh, God, yeah.
Kim: She was a very light, loving being, so it was kind of countered to who she was. So part of what she was going to be doing was to help shift that darkness, that consciousness. I would just describe her as just a cute, little, sweet girl that lives next door that you just love. She was very authentic, very soft-spoken, very sweet. That’s the personality that’s bringing through. She would have brought some of that through–
Elisa: Hollywood.
Kim: – Hollywood.
Elisa: What about the baby? What was his original lesson, or what was he here to teach or learn?
Kim: She’s talking about with him being a part of that culture, that–oh! Okay, so you know how sometimes things get kind of off-track with families out there, where the kids will get in trouble and the parents will divorce, and there’s all kinds of drama?
Elisa: Mm-hm.
Kim: They were going to demonstrate it down in a nice, loving way, where the child is well-developed, or the child’s not emotionally scarred, that type of thing.
Elisa: Okay.
Kim: They were going to demonstrate that. He basically was just going to have a nice, normal life, grow up. He’d get his family, get a career, that type of thing, but it was really to show how under the right set of circumstances and love that a family could really flourish, that it didn’t have to be all this drama.
Elisa: Oh, that’s good.
Kim: So that was part of it, and also to learn that separation is an illusion. This time, they got to choose to stay together all the way through, or you know, within a very short time at least. They did die separately. I keep seeing like a car accident where they possibly would have died together or maybe the mother would have died, and the child a few years later or something like that, or he could have been an adult at that point.
Elisa: Okay. Have y’all incarnated back on the earthly plane?
Kim: He is telling me that they are, and that they are together.
Elisa: As what?
Kim: He, the baby, is the parent this time. The baby is the mother, and she is a small child. Let me see. Boy or girl? I feel like a girl, like she’s a little girl again. The baby is the mom, and it feels like somewhere overseas, Europe.
Elisa: Okay, somewhere in there.
Kim: It’s going to be a very happy life, and they don’t have those separation issues anymore. They’ve worked through that.
Elisa: Oh, good.
Kim: She said it was like a big imprint where they were separated and torn apart, that they carried that with them, and it was very painful. They don’t have to do it again.
Elisa: Well, what is their spiritual mission now?
Kim: Hm? What is their spiritual mission?
Elisa: Yeah. Obviously, it can be different.
Kim: They’re going to have a happy, normal life.
Elisa: Good. You deserve it, girl!
Kim: Yeah. She’s saying just by them living through it, it’s like it helped them. They finally have come to peace with that and cleared all that trauma.
Elisa: Okay.
Kim: Go ahead.
Elisa: What is your life’s work from the afterlife? What are you trying to do here on Earth? Like, help your mother? I don’t know, whatever.
Sharon: Yeah. Helping my family was first and foremost, but working with victims of violent crimes.
Elisa: Oh, okay. Good, good, good.
Sharon: I’ll get them to clear that trauma because so many people go on where there was the before and the after, and the trauma now defines them.
Elisa: Yeah. That’s right. I know. I totally know. Now, what do you feel–can you tap into Manson’s current state of mind? Has he gotten better? I mean, what’s he like now?
Kim: She says that he did a lot of soul-searching in prison, and she says that he did reach a point. It was the highest point he could reach from where he was at in his understandings. She says it’s not necessarily that she’s opposed to it. She wouldn’t have been at the beginning, but it kind of feels like–okay, like they really have to match the vibrations to be able to connect and interact.
Elisa: Oh, yeah.
Kim: He’s still down here, and she’s up here. So it’s not–
Elisa: Not aligned.
Kim: Right. Yeah, she just doesn’t feel drawn to it at some point. She’s making me feel like eventually, he would raise his vibration where he’d be capable of that.
Elisa: Was he mentally ill at the time of your death?
Sharon: Yes. Yes.
Elisa: Was he paranoid schizophrenic, or what?
Kim: He had those tendencies. She’s saying he was a narcissist. He would feel a thrill when he was harming someone, very sick and twisted.
Elisa: Well, why did he come in with–why does he have mental illness? Was it his upbringing? Was it a spiritual contract that he made to come in that way or what?
Kim: It was his upbringing, his environment. He didn’t come in with that spiritual contract to kill a bunch of people. She’s saying, and I don’t know that she necessarily has full knowledge of that. I’m kind of asking Erik here if he can help to kind of clarify.
Elisa: What did he come in to do? What was his mission, if it wasn’t that?
Erik: You know how we have polarity in the world?
Elisa: Mm-hm.
Erik: And some come into be the good guys, and some come in the bad guys? This time he did really take a bad guy role, but that wasn’t contracted that he goes out and starts to–
Elisa: Yeah.
Erik: That he chose himself. He got this like, false messiah kind of complex where he felt like he could control people. He could hear the negative side of the astral realm. They were influencing him.
Elisa: Oh! Wow, did he have negative attachments, negative entities–
Erik: Yes.
Elisa: – that were influencing him?
Kim: Yes, and Erik also talks about the drug abuse, things like LSD and stuff like that, like heavy, heavy drugs, that that also played a role, and that when he would use those type of things, the astral realm would be able to influence him even more.
Elisa: Oh, gosh. I can imagine. So does he still have these attachments, these negative entities?
Kim: No. No. Not on the other side. That doesn’t happen, and he is on the other side with them. He’s just not as highly vibrational–
Elisa: Oh! Wait, he’s dead?
Kim: Charles Manson?
Elisa: Yeah. Uh-oh.
Kim: Charles Manson’s dead. Yes.
Elisa: Oh, okay. All right. Does he have any remorse?
Kim: Yes. He does, and embarrassment.
Elisa: Oh, man. I would be.
Kim: He’s still got work to do before he raises his vibration. She talks about another one that also died, a brain tumor.
Elisa: Oh, yeah? Who? One of the other killers?
Kim: Yeah. Susan. Susan was the one–oh, no. Okay. So when it happened, Susan and another man–the other man was the one who did the killing.
Elisa: Who was it?
Kim: One of the followers, I don’t get the name.
Elisa: Oh, okay.
Kim: Yeah, he was the one doing the stabbing. The woman, she was begging for mercy. This is the woman who’s died now.
Elisa: Oh, okay.
Kim: She said that she hasn’t connected with her either, but she said there was some talk–and I knew this, too. I’d read it. The family was asking for her to be released from prison because she was dying, and it was brain tumor.
Elisa: Okay. Did she get released?
Kim: No.
Elisa: Okay.
Sharon: At that point, yes, she was no longer a danger to society, and she had done enough work, and was remorseful of herself. But she’s saying, really, these people who were in prison thinking they’d turned a leaf, they did move forward some, spiritually, but as they started to awaken, they couldn’t let go and forgive themselves.
Elisa: Hm.
Kim: Which is something they really needed to do, so they’re still working on it from the other side. I’m asking her if she thinks it’s a good idea. Should that woman have been paroled so that she could go home and die with her family?
Sharon: It wouldn’t have mattered.
Kim: She wasn’t a threat to society, but she said with the intensity of that crime, the violence of it, she said that would have been really hard on her family if they would have paroled her.
Elisa: Yeah. On Sharon’s family, right?
Kim: On Sharon’s family.
Elisa: Okay.
Sharon: It just wouldn’t have sent the right message to the world.
Yeah, I agree.
Sharon: So that happened as it was meant to be. Although, we’re not still holding this woman–
Kim: I think Susan, she’s calling her.
Sharon: We’re not holding her in judgment.
Kim: But she’s got to work through these things on her own until she can connect with Sharron. Although Charlie Manson and them would have told you they’d done their rehabilitative work, maybe they were model prisoners and all that, she said, “That’s just what they thought.”
Elisa: Oh, okay. Well, let me ask you–
Kim: It was only half the way.
Elisa: Yeah. Let me ask you one more question. At the end of his prison sentence, before he transitioned, did Charles Manson stop believing he was the messiah?
Kim: I’m sorry.
Elisa: Oh, I know. I saw that.
Kim: I didn’t hear that.
Elisa: At the end of his prison sentence, when he was still alive, did Charles Manson still feel like he was some sort of messiah, or did he feel remorse for what he had done before he transitioned?
Kim: He was starting to come to a place where he knew what Christ consciousness was. He was starting to understand that. His ego was diminishing, the part of him that thought the was the messiah. He was somewhat remorseful, but not totally. He couldn’t even allow himself to be as fully into it and as remorseful as he needed to forget it and move on because it was such a horrendous thing he did. He couldn’t face himself. That’s what she’s saying. He could not face himself.
Elisa: Oh, okay.
Kim: When he transitioned, he was really forced to, and that’s what he’s in the process of doing now, facing himself and what happened, forgiving himself, and like she’s saying, he is really at the point of embarrassment.
Elisa: Okay, so any last things you want to share, Sharon? Or your baby, Paul?
Kim: She says to her family, she loves them, and they will be reunited.
Elisa: Awesome.
Sharon: Thank you for giving me this opportunity. I knew I wanted to, if I did this, come through on your channel because you know what it’s like for a mother to lose their child.
Elisa: Oh, yeah. Absolutely.
Sharon: I knew this would resonate with you and you’d understand.
Elisa: Of course. Well, thank you so much for coming in. Erik, thank you so much for bringing her forward and helping us out with this. I love you, and you can get in touch with Kim at She’s awesome, as you can see. I will put it right here as the title splash, and I love you guys. Bye. Bye, Kim.
Kim: Bye-bye.
Erik: Love you, Mom.
Elisa: Love you, too.
Kim: Bye-bye.
Erik: Ryan says, “bye”.
Elisa: Oh, bye, Ryan!
Kim: (Laughter) Bye-bye.
Have a wonderful weekend, my loves!
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