In case you’re confused about the beginning line for this part of the transcript, note that we had just discussed the recent massive deaths of fish, birds and other animals.
Channeling Transcript
Me: Well, that’s depressing! Let’s talk about another lighthearted subject—the Tucson Shooting thing. Was that a spiritual contact issue?
Jamie: THAT was a lighthearted subject?!
Me: Yeah, didn’t you detect my subtle note of sarcasm?
Jamie: I didn’t pick up on it, but Erik did! (She giggles)
(Long pause while she listens to Erik)
Jamie: Ooo, he’s pissed.
Me (in sympathy): Awwww.
Erik: People can be so angry, but if they HAVE to take it out on someone, they need to take it out on themselves and not on other people who are actually trying to do good!
Me: Yeah.
Erik: This is a lesson, Mom. It’s a lesson in vulnerability. Unfortunately, people are going in the direction of not trusting others. They’re going to turn inward to protect themselves even more, when really they need to talk more, be more public about the way they feel and how they want to deal with it. They’d gain strength in numbers, but now, they just seem to be turning in and cocooning themselves even more.
Me: Yeah, sure. I hope this doesn’t ruffle too many feathers, but I actually feel very sad for the shooter, too. Clearly he was a sick puppy. It seems like he was tormented by mental illness.
Jamie: Did he shoot himself?
(Jamie is not big into watching the news.)
Me: No, he’s alive and in custody, but he’s just, I don’t know, paranoid schizophrenic, I guess, poor guy.
Jamie: I see him shot.
Me: Really? Well, maybe he was shot, but not fatally. I didn’t really get all the details since it just happened.
Jamie: No, I see him shot dead.
Me: Ooo, okay.
Jamie: In the head. Violent.
(Short pause)
Jamie: So one woman died? I see a woman or a girl died.
Me: Well, there was a congresswoman who was shot directly in the head, but she’s alive and will apparently pull through this ordeal, but a little girl, I think age nine, did die.
Erik: She knew what was going to happen. The little girl knew that this was prepared for her.
Me: Oh, wow!
Erik: So, she’s complete with everything she’s done. Her spiritual contracts were all honored.
Me: Oh, good! That’s nice, comforting to know.
Erik: But the others who died were not a part of the contract. They were just in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Me: So, like collateral damage.
Erik: Yep.
Me: Okay. So was this little girl’s death meant to teach us something?
Erik: Yes. It will, just watch.
Me: Good. (Clearly, the lesson is not supposed to be divulged yet.)
Erik: It ain’t over yet, Mom.
Me: Okay.
Me: Now, why do we have this worldwide terrorism problem, Erik? Is there a spiritual purpose or lesson behind that, too?
Erik: Yeah, it’s to get the world to fucking communicate—
Me: Oh!
Erik: —to get countries to side with each other, join together. The terrorists are not just against the United States!
Me: Oh, yeah, of course not!
Erik: They go everywhere!
Me: What will the outcome be? I know that can change what with free will and all, but…
Erik: Oh, they’ll keep on living and growing and surviving. As they die off, others valiantly rise to the occasion to be the “evil players.”
Me: Yeah. I hate to think that that’s a sign of valor.
Erik: With earth, it works a lot better when there’s good and “bad.”
Me: Yeah, yeah, I know. That damn duality thing.
Erik: And what will come of it will be a stronger world collective, like the United Nations or something. In the next decade, the whole world will work together in different ways to help save itself. Terrorism is just one catalyst in all that.
Me: Well, good, good. So, do these suicide bombers have some sort of big epiphany when they cross over? Is it like, “Where’s my damn virgins?!”
(Frankly, I can’t imagine why any self-respecting young man would sign up for 72 virgins. What the hell do they know? They should really negotiate for 72 whores. Just an opinion.)
Jamie (laughing): Erik’s laughing so hard, because he feels like he’s totally busted, because he DID check that out!
I laugh too.
Erik: I thought it was so obscene to think that a suicide bomber would think he was gonna get laid 72 times by some “pure” woman.
Jamie and I giggle.
Erik: But, yes, they’re indoctrinated so strongly, that when they pass over, that belief is embedded, and they’re searching everywhere for that reward!
Me: Wow.
Jamie to Erik: Well, does it ring true? Do they create that scenario for themselves?
Erik: Hell, no! There’s no self-reward like that. That’s egotistical. God does NOT reward.
Me: Well, do they eventually realize what they’ve done and how awful it was, how wrong it was?
Erik: Yeah, with time. I’ve met some who are still in the mindset that what they’ve done was right.
Jamie: Oops, he’s backtracking.
Erik: God doesn’t judge you, but God also doesn’t reward you. The only thing God will give you is Love. No punishment, no judgment, no reward—just Love.
Me: But if they entered into a spiritual contract to help the collective communicate better, then of course they would have some sort of understanding that their actions served a higher purpose, right?
Erik: Well, not all of them are part of that contract and even the ones that are, they still have to know when the contract is over. They have to come to realize that harming another living being comes from fear, not love. Some do think, “Well, I’m glad that shit’s over and I hope that playing the part of evil helps the world to wake the hell up and pull closer to each other.” But others take a while to remember who they really are and the role they signed up to play.
So, I guess there’s good in everything. Hard to imagine it sometimes, isn’t it. From my own personal perspective, I’m still not spiritually evolved enough to feel respect, gratitude and love for a terrorist. Sigh.
Now, time for a little comic relief.