Erik Encounters



The latest prank left me completely speechless. I still don’t understand how Erik did it and I never will. I typically wear around my neck a black string with crystals of the different chakras in the body. The crystals are encased in a silver frame, and there is a small ring soldered to the frame,…

Erik Repaired my Computer

Erik Repaired my Computer

Recently I wrote that Erik has been messing around with my YouTube experience. Then I figured that if he can play around with what I view then he must be pretty technical, which I am not and perhaps I could persuade him to solve my pc problems. For the past few months I have been…

Printer Came Alive

Printer Came Alive

I was sleeping with my boyfriend one night, and I asked Erik if he would appear to me. A little disappointed that he did not show up, I fell asleep. In the middle of the night, however, my bedside printer turned on on its own and started making all kinds of noises! I was afraid…

Penny for Your Thought

Penny for Your Thought

I have so many Erik stories to share, but I want to share this one for now. I was vacuuming my office carpet and out of nowhere a penny fell right in front of the vacuum cleaner. I have no idea where it came from since I have no money on my desk. I immediately…

Jeffery Dahmer

Jeffery Dahmer

I found Channeling Erik through YouTube. After the first video I was putting off my nursing homework to dive head first into the world of Erik. Thank you Elisa and Jamie for sharing him with the world this way. One of the videos that stuck with me was the Jeffery Dahmer interview. I was sucked…

Erik Messed with my YouTube Movies

Erik Messed with my YouTube Movies

After watching some Erik interviews I got really attached. I made a comment that his “language” makes it so authentic and the next interview I clicked on was the one where he says to cut him some slack on that matter. I often watch movies on YouTube and the next day I watched one midway….

Erik Pranking my Cell Phone

I was feeling a little low because I REALLY wanted to go to Denver for Effing Enlightenment. I decided to text my son (who lives not far from there). I use the swipe option on the phone which makes for some interesting texts when I don’t read them before hitting the send button. I swiped…

….heaven can wait….?

Since my son passed I have gained so much from you Elisa and Erik in ways to survive and try to understand. A year and two months later I’m still here, still trying to understand. I really wanted to slip away after him. There are a lot of reasons (people) not to leave. I’m not…

Three’s a Charm

On Earth Day this past Wednesday I put aside the phone and compter problems I had prior to my group reading with Jamie Butler where Erik talked to me. I felt that these electronic issues could be Erik and I pressed on. Thursday I lost my neoprene compression sleeve I wear on my left elbow…

Ok Erik… Come on Then!

Ok Erik… Come on Then!

Hello everyone! Here is my story of my encounters with Erik. I was watching one of the videos on the youtube channel (sorry, I can’t remember which one.) when Erik said that he visits people who watch his videos and read the blogs. He said that he visits people but if we wanted him to…

My Dream

My Dream

Hi, I am new here although I have watched pretty much everything on youtube and read a lot of the incredible stories!! Anyways, I have been having issues with my son so I did ask Erik for some kind of help or even to prank me ..whatever…and he did show up in my dream…i was…

Spirit Vacuuming?

Spirit Vacuuming?

Hi there–! I’ve been waiting for a visit from Erik for quite some time so I could share in the fun here with everyone else! I believe that last night I finally got what I was asking for. Sometime in the late evening I was on the phone with my grandmother, and had been thinking…

Erik on a $5 Bill

Erik on a $5 Bill

Around when I first found this site and read some of the archives I went to a nearby gas station store and bought something and when I got the change I saw a $5 bill that said Erik on it. Then I got home and asked my mother if Erik with a K common and…

The High Hypnotist

The High Hypnotist

So I was watching a Channeling Erik video on youtube late one night and decided that I would watch the video on ‘Erik’s Infamous Pranks’ in the morning. I went to bed and turned on the hypnosis cd I have been listening to in preparation for childbirth. The recording started to play but was twice…

Coincidence? I Think Not!

Coincidence? I Think Not!

Here’s another one of your amazing Erik stories! Please know that some of you have been submitting personal stories (such as your spiritual journey) that have nothing to do with Erik’s pranks and visits. As uplifting as those stories are, I can’t publish them, but I encourage you to share them in the comments section…

Where to Begin?

Where to Begin?

These Erik stories are starting to pile up, so I’m going to have to share a couple of them every day or so! How fun! But keep ’em coming. This one’s awesome! So many things happened since I asked Eric to prank me that I don’t know where to begin. The list includes the following:…

Erik and Jamie on the Phone Today

Erik and Jamie on the Phone Today

Here’s another one of your wonderful stories! Today 22 April 2015 I had my first group reading with Jamie Butler. Erik showed up and rocked the house, he and I are buds as we both play guitar; thank you Erik!!! I recorded my session and inbetween Jamie’s words, where she pauses, you can plainly hear…

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