Although I was a bit reticent, many of you have asked me to interview some of the Founding Fathers of our country, and the questions submitted were very thought-provoking. I was hesitant not only because I was a bit afraid of how they would judge the current state of our nation but also because I always get hateful blowback whenever the topic is related to politics. Apparently, I’m not allowed to express my political opinion on my personal Facebook page. But here it is, and I’m as neutral as I can possibly be. Just don’t shoot the messenger.
But first, I wanted to share Chris Kyle’s amazing EVPs and the expert processing done by EVP pro, Ron Lederer.
In Part One, you can hear Chris saying “THAT’S RIGHT” AT 4:41 and “I DID THAT” at around 4:56.
In Part Two I can hear Chris’s voice at 1:01 but I can’t make it out. He talks for quite a while!
There are probably other EVPs in both of these videos so watch them if you can and email me if you find more or if you can figure out what he’s saying in the Part Two video.
Here are the EVPs Ron sent me. He added static to make them clearer.
In this one, he says, “That’s Fantastic” and in a different voice (a different person?) you can hear “It hurts” repeated 4 times.
Don’t forget about Erik’s Hour of Enlightenment radio show tomorrow at 4:00 PM PT/6:00 PM CT/7:00 PM ET. Click on the “LISTEN” icon on the right sidebar of the blog or click on this link through
Tuesday night, Allie O’Shea will discuss HOW TO MANIFEST MONEY!! That’s something almost everyone wants! I took Allie’s Self-Love workshop and her Law of Attraction workshop. I experienced fantastic and very tangible results from both! Find out more about her at
After 20-30 minutes of discussion, Erik will answer questions from callers channeled by Kim Voigt. THE CALL IN NUMBER HAS CHANGED. IT IS NOW: 646-716-9735. You can find out more about Kim and her awesomeness by visiting She offers so many services such as taking clients to the higher dimensions and the Akashic Records, performing quantum sessions, past life regression, mediumship readings and more.
Okay, enjoy the main event!
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Here’s the transcript. Not sure why the formatting is weird. Veronica Drake did an awesome job. If you want her to teach you to explore and develop your spiritual gifts, go to her site by clicking HERE.
Elisa: Oh, Hello Veronica, my dear. How are you?
Veronica: Hello, Miss Elisa. I’m wonderful, this spring. How are you?
Elisa: Oh Great. It’s really raining, my boy doing? Hey Erik, I love you.
Veronica: He says I love you too. He’s very casual, very laid back today, not bouncing all over the room.
Elisa: Well that’s good for you because you’ve had a busy day. You don’t need a lot more energy pumped into here. All right before we start, I want to remind everybody but trying to get this reality TV show. So, I need my social number media numbers up so you guys just write a note to yourself, but you’re probably not as forgetful as I am. Follow me on Instagram, Twitter, subscribe to the YouTube Channel and a, do whatever you can and also check out I will remind you afterwards too. Well today, hopefully Eric will bring in maybe a couple of the founding fathers, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin. What do you think?
Veronica: I think that we have a very good chance of that happening in, in all of my running around today because I just found out last minute or just had it added to my schedule. So I did take a minute, sit with Eric so I can feel what their energy, feels like when they come in, so I’ll know when we have them.
Erik: Who would you like first?
Elisa: I don’t know, you pick, Erik.
Erik: How about Ben?
Elisa: Let’s do Ben.
Veronica: Okay. (giggles) So it’s like a, it’s funny cause Erik saying you’re going to get a fuzzy tingly feeling and I’m thinking to myself like electrocuted.
Elisa: Oh, like Benjamin Franklin! I don’t have any key on a string around me.
Veronica: No, I’m good. Okay. So, okay. So I’m not sure. This is weird. There’s an energy here and he’s got, I don’t know if it’s like one leg shorter than the other, but he looks like he’s uneven.
Erik: Yes, that’s him.
Veronica: Erik is telling me that, that he, he had special shoes. One leg was longer than the other, not Erik. Ben.
Elisa: Oh, okay, well hello Mr. Franklin. How are you doing?
Ben Franklin: Good day. Good afternoon.
Veronica: He’s very formal.
Elisa: Well thank you for our country.
Ben Franklin: Oh, you’re very welcome. You know, I always did the best I could.
Elisa: Good. All right, well then you can bring in Thomas Jefferson, your big buddy for whenever you want. First of all, can you give us an assessment of how the United States is doing? And you know, we’ve got several questions and we want to get Veronica off early. So just, I don’t know if you’re very chatty or not, but if you could just be as succinct as possible as would appreciate it. But you’re the boss, so we can always do two parts.
Ben Franklin: So the first thing is it’s a bit of a mess. We might call it a cesspool but everything old must break down on it before we can build everything new.
Elisa: You know, I am seeing things being broken down. I really am. And you know, everybody thinks, oh, that’s horrible. The divisiveness of this, the chaos. But, you know, you’re saying, and I believe I believe this, that that is necessary, stir up the shit so that you can bring in the new,
Ben Franklin: Well how can you operate with old and new? There has to be one cohesive direction and there is not one cohesive direction, but once both sides (inaudible) there’ll become a level playing field and then it’s time to rebuild.
Elisa: Yes, sometimes all sides need to, you know, break down. I am not a Republican, not a democrat. I guess I would call myself a libertarian or a constitutional conservative. What do you think your political affiliation would have been? You know, now, I mean you didn’t have labels back then, but if you were in this world now.
Ben Franklin: It wouldn’t be a republican or Democrat as you know it, it would be for the common good of all. Things got out of hand because each person didn’t pull their own weight, everybody felt like their way was better. And there was an imbalance in power for many, many, many, many, many years and there continues to be this. Structurally, structurally, there needs to be no sides. There needs to be unity.
Veronica: The unity he says needs to be for the greater good. The common good.
Elisa: Yeah. I guess my ideology, just common sense and whatever for the greatest good.
Ben Franklin: People get too caught up on labels and then before you know it, the definition of those labels become self serving.
Elisa: Exactly. I think the problem has been with politicians is they become career politicians on both sides and their ego has gotten in the way and than they are greedy and they tried to buy votes instead of just doing what’s right for the people, et Cetera. But you don’t want to, I know maybe I’m wrong. What do you think ?
Ben Franklin: Back when it all began, it was really a moral foundation. They were actually trying to build on a moralistic foundation on not a religious foundation, but in all encompassing foundation. That all was one. You know that everybody is one people.
Elisa: Well, maybe that’s because you guys were fighting as a unit or I don’t want to say fighting, but against the, the British, right, for your collective reason for being was freedom.
Ben Franklin: Yes, that was true. Humans will always find themselves fighting. It’s the human way.
Elisa: Yeah. Too Bad. Those Dang Egos. But you know, we learned from every fight. We learn what not to do. Most of the time.
Veronica: We hope so.
Elisa: Yeah. Do you have any advice for us in our leaders right now? I mean something simple.
Ben Franklin: It’s okay to look in the rear view mirror, look back, and look at what this country was built on and what it was defined by. When you go back to the pureness of that, and people truly believe that and embrace it. You will see a shift. The economy is lopsided and that there’s, there’s too much give me, give me, give me, and not enough. I’ll do it. I’ll do it. I’ll do it.
Elisa: Right. Are you saying that there’s a huge entitlement class?
Veronica: Absolutely. That’s what he’s saying.
Elisa: So what do you think caused that?
Ben Franklin: Greed.
Elisa: I think vote buying on the part of our politicians. Great, here’s free in this and greed on the other side. But the givers, the, you know, so sweet to give away our tax payer money if they’re just pretty much buying votes we’ll promise you this if you vote for me, we’ll promise you that. And it’s on all sides. Is that part of it?
Ben Franklin: That’s human nature, my dear.
Elisa: I know but I don’t like it.
Ben Franklin: There’s really, there’s really been nothing to go against the grain. Everybody’s come out with a very self serving agenda while it looks though, well and good on the outside, once you peel down the layers to it, you find that there’s always entitlement underneath.
Elisa: No, it’s like JFK said, did not what your country, what is it?
Veronica: Not what your country can for you, but what you can do for your country.
Elisa: Yes. And there’s so little of that now , it’s called the Kitler effect fee. Tax recipients are getting higher and higher, huge percentage compared to the tax payers and eventually that’s going to tip.
Ben Franklin: It’s not, it’s not like it was different in my day. It was only different in the sense challenges were different and what has added to the significance of the challenges in this time is the public and the public is so connected through your systems of entertainment. The people who produce these segments and write these pieces also are part of the problem.
Elisa: In what way? Are you’re talking about the media?
Ben Franklin: It’s the game of who has the most money, who can talk the loudest. That’s what gets the most drive.
Elisa: Oh, so what do you think about the current news media on people?
Ben Franklin: It’s atrocious.
Veronica: And he, he’s telling me, and again, I’m not a political person so don’t shoot the messenger here, but he’s telling me that he was, a publicist, a print person where he would, a mouthpiece. He was a mouth piece where he would go out and he would put the news media or the news out to the people. But he’s saying when he did it, he saying, even I could only tell the story through the lenses that I could see it with.
Elisa: Yeah.
Ben Franklin: It’s just human nature.
Elisa: Are you saying that the media on right and left side have an agenda now?
Ben Franklin: Absolutely. It all swirls around making money and getting power.
Elisa: It’s overrated man. Money and power are so overrated. So what do you think we should do with the media? We obviously can’t censor them, but surely there needs to be a code of ethics. Like you cannot knowingly air something that’s absolutely false and then put a little retraction in fine print, you know when they admit that it’s false.
Ben Franklin: What if we turn it back around and we strengthen our race and we strengthen them in such a way that they’re built up to have opinions that are solidly formed and constructed on moral grounds?
Elisa: You mean the people, the citizenry?
Ben Franklin: Yes.
Elisa: And so they should have their own, you know, news channel, but without getting any money for it, but just a, a way to vent and express. Is that what you’re saying? Or what?
Ben Franklin: You’re talking about belief systems, because it seems very easy. Just say anything and to have it be bought, to have it mean something, and I was in the business of words. Words don’t mean anything without action.
Elisa: Yeah.
Ben Franklin: And this country has gotten off course with the basic moral principles.
Elisa: Well, absolutely. I mean, now you’d be horrified. We can’t say the pledge of allegiance in class. No, not freedom of religion. We have freedom from religion. So, and we were built as a Judeo Christian.
Veronica: Right.
Ben Franklin: That even when I was at the height of, bridging or forging this country, it never really was religion per se with me. It was the principles that the religion was built on. Love, faith, courage, hope.
Elisa: Right.
Ben Franklin: In fact, while I was raised to be a godly man, it was rare in the day that I would attend, a service, a formal church service. But every Sunday I did his own type of church service. That was my day.
Veronica: He said to me, that he reserved for sharing his opinions and so he’s kind of writing like this and so perhaps he did something on Sundays, but he said he always paid respect to the creator, to the God.
Elisa: Well, that’s awesome. Oh, Erik, I want to ask a question of Thomas Jefferson. Do you think you can sneak him in here?
Veronica: So he’s been here just kind of casually sitting here. He looks to be a very tall, thin man. Where Franklin was kind of stout.
Elisa: Okay. Well Mr. Jefferson, what do you think about the constitution now?
- Jefferson: It’s become a mockery.
Elisa: What do you think we should have stuck with the original? Except we should have added the freedom of the slaves obviously, and amendments for voting rights for women, but what do you think about, are you, do you feel think it should be as you wrote it?
- Jefferson: Yes, that was the core. What happens though is, I understand that as time progresses and as society progresses, we will always see changes. Changes are not always bad, for example, you know, letting the women vote, the amendments, that kind of thing. It was a hindsight, it wasn’t known there wasn’t the intellect.
Elisa: Yeah.
- Jefferson: And as we progress as a whole, the intellect should expand. However, it seems that the intellect is not expanding. It’s getting ridiculously low.
Elisa: Okay. Well.
Veronica: I think he just bolded us.
Elisa: I kind of believe that it shouldn’t be a completely living, changeable, constitution because then you’re really at a risk of people using the, changing it for their own political gain. For example, there’s talk about wanting to get rid of the electoral college and if that happens and the people picking the president with me, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, New Jersey, pretty much. And the fly over states, would really.
- Jefferson: No, no, that should not happen. That’s not how it was created.
Elisa: Yeah.
- Jefferson: The outline, the framework should be honored.
Elisa: Yeah, I agree.
Veronica: But also he’s saying issues that concern human dignity are what should be looked at.
Elisa: Yes. Oh, for example, getting freedom to slaves. And given the right to vote to women, things like that.
- Jefferson: Absolutely. Absolutely. Things have run a muck with people coming into this country and kind of not knowing their place.
Veronica: They’re his words not knowing their place.
Elisa: What do you mean? Are you talking about illegal immigration.
- Jefferson: That it’s not that everybody shouldn’t be welcomed because that is what this country was founded on. I was in agreement of that. What has happened though is every one that has been put in charge to police, it has kind of turned a blind eye because it is so big and it is so hard to deal with. People are slipping through the cracks, no pun intended.
Elisa: So you believe that we should not have opened borders, and let anybody come in.
- Jefferson: That it needs to happen in a systematic way and that the answer will not be as simple as people think it is.
Veronica: But he’s proposing something like, if I understand what he’s saying, a lottery.
Elisa: Okay, well there is, there is a visa lottery, but, I think first of all, whoever’s speaking or both of you guys, that we should make it easier for people to immigrate legally, because it’s very difficult, slow and expensive. But I also believe, and I want your thoughts on this, that we should have the right to have the kind of people in our country that we need not just people who are eventually going to go on welfare, who have nothing to offer to our country, et Cetera, unless there is an asylum thing. But, so I believe not in chain migration, but in merit based immigration. Do you agree or disagree.
- Jefferson: That everybody that comes in should add to the whole and that every individual needs to pick up their part and add to the whole and adding to the whole means making this country what it was supposed to be.
Elisa: Right. For example, we probably still need nurses. That would be a wonderful, immigrant, to have and welcome into our country. And of course those who are seeking asylum. I have a feeling that a lot of the people who are coming in right now are using the whole asylum thing as a, ruse to try to slip into the country and get lost within it. What do you think?
Veronica: It’s funny because he’s very like stout and he’s got the leg thing and he’s doing this a lot. So I kind of see them over here and he’s got like a bigger face.
Ben Franklin: Why did we go so far away from what wasn’t broken?
Veronica: I don’t know what that means.
Elisa: Can you explain?
Ben Franklin: It was written the way it should have been. This country got to be what it was because everybody brought something to that table.
Elisa: Yes.
Ben Franklin: This can not be a place where you come because you are looking for something. It must be the place you come because you feel are willing to add value to what is already existing.
Elisa: Amen. Brother. Yeah. I mean come in with a contribution. What rights should illegal aliens have? Should they have the right to vote while the illegal right to social security, to educated, to health care, all those things.
Veronica: They’re both looking at each other like, no, why would we do that?
Elisa: Okay. well, I mean, we can’t, we can’t get rid of them. I mean we can’t deport them all. That’d be horrible and difficult and if not impossible.
Erik: Mom, you have to remember the mentality that, that you’re dealing with where they came from, what their thoughts were, what their thought process was and will know, and they are the founding fathers, you know.
Veronica: With that, you know, they’re very adamant about Erik saying the contract, the, constitution, to be honored and upheld.
Ben Franklin: It really is in the best interest of all countries, of the entire world, that people become educated. There needs to be a solid educational program for anyone who’s going to enter this country that has not had the opportunity. But then it goes back. People in this country of this country do not get education. So there in lies the issue. We’re bringing more of what’s not working.
Elisa: Oh Gosh. I know. It seems like there’s more interest in helping illegal aliens then the homeless vets that are on the streets now that fought for our freedom, but so what did we do with all the illegals? Some of them are just hardworking, not (inaudible).
Ben Franklin: Obviously, they’re human beings. You don’t rally them in and throw them away.
Elisa: Yeah, of course not.
Ben Franklin: It’s going to take probably more time than you will ever see in this. In your lifetime.
Veronica: He’s talking about you and I to get this to get the ship upright. He’s saying, it’s like we’ve capsized with, we’ve gone over and it’s not going to be on the shoulders of any one person. It is impossible to think any one person can do this. It doesn’t work like that.
Elisa: Well, what should we do right now with this huge migrant crisis, caravans and caravans coming in, sometimes shielding themselves with children, sometimes your sex traffickers, you know, drug traffickers, et cetera coming and what should we do? And they’re all saying, most of them are saying that they are seeking asylum so that you know, processed and released into the country. What’s up?
Ben Franklin: You’re asking for an answer from us that nobody, no human can figure out right now. We don’t have the answer. If we have the answer, if there was an answer.
Veronica: He’s indicating that there really isn’t an answer. Now, if there was an answer, we would be stepping up and putting it in the mind and hearts of those in charge. The problem is no one’s going deep. They’re all looking out for their own well being. Nobody is turning back to source and asking for direction.
Elisa: We should, I think.
Veronica: It’s a man made situation.
Elisa: And I think the left and don’t shoot me guys, they seem to want open borders because they want to import future voters, that’s just my opinion.
Ben Franklin: You cannot have open borders. Now back in the day, obviously it was policed differently because it was differently geographically. You know, it was differently size wise, it was different. All of that. What happened is there was no active progression.
Veronica: And this is Thomas Jefferson and he’s very adamant and upset.
Jefferson: There was no, obvious progression in systems as the country grew your system stayed antiquated. You did nothing to keep up with the pace of growth.
Elisa: Yes.
- Jefferson: Because it wasn’t a lucrative agenda.
Veronica: He’s very adamant about this.
Elisa: That’s all about the money. Well, what do you think about barriers and walls and the places we can build them, but then have a court of golden doors from (inaudible) to let people in legally and, you know, and those that are, you know, in a merit based way and having people seek asylum. In their, embassy of their country or in the country ordering, theirs. If it’s a true asylum, they don’t need to go through several countries to get to us. That is because they want the American dream. But you know, I think we’re enabling people by accepting everybody, because they should stay like for the welfare, their country.
Veronica: Well, and this is something.
Ben Franklin : How did it work with Ellis Island?
Elisa: I know that was what, that was the golden door to come through.
Ben Franklin: Right. Case in point, you lost your way. Like the parent that doesn’t stay on top of the child. The child eventually learns, the parents not looking and the child goes and does whatever it wants to do. This is what has happened.
Elisa: What do you think about sanctuary cities?
Veronica: So he wait, he wants to say that it’s a very, it seems like a very simple solution to have to empower the embassy’s within their home countries. And that seems like a place where it would start. If someone feels threatened in their own country, they have a place, they have a place to go there. There are embassies to go there. Why is it overlooked? He’s asking why is it overlooked?
Elisa: I don’t know. It’s a simple way to separate those who are true asylum seekers from the ones that want a piece of the American Pie.
Ben Franklin: Well and the American pie is shrinking, and getting a little bit more sour with every single bite.
Elisa: I know it costs a lot of money to have illegal aliens here. $70,000 a year from what I understand, you can build a lot of wall with that.
Veronica: You know, it’s a very, it’s a slippery slope whenever we and this is Veronica, not them. It’s a very slippery slope, whenever we start to talk about human rights and caring for humans and government. And you know, it’s like you can go down that slope really quick. But the bottom line is, and again, Veronica, not them, I don’t care. Send me emails if we don’t have the money to approach (audio cuts out)
Elisa: Yeah.
Veronica: For those in all capacity. Why in God’s name would we let them in.
Elisa: I wish we had all the money of the world to help everybody in the world.
Veronica: Of course, but we don’t.
Elisa: And there’s only so much you can get out of the super wealthy me, not be one of them. You know, because then if you start squeezing them too hard, they’re going to take their ass and the leave to another country. Just like the corporations when you jack up , their (inaudible) they like to go to Ireland, and set up shop or whatever.
Erik: They just put their money somewhere outside this country and somebody else just get more wealthy. He
Elisa: Right, and also knowing that if they do stay here, they’re not going to absorb the cost of the tax increase. They’re going to pass it on to their consumers. So it’s really just a way to really foster envy, and jealousy. I hate the big bad corporations, even though they give us millions of jobs. All right, well, I’m talking, I shouldn’t be talking. I want to know what was the question? I, wait, what are our rights? Are they just those stated in the, in the constitution or should we have a minimum living wage? Should we have the God given right to healthcare, to education or are these just opportunities rather than rights?
Ben Franklin: That’s a right, that you earn. They’re opportunities.
Elisa: Which one? All of those?
Ben Franklin: All of them, they’re all opportunities.
Elisa: So, what are our rights? What do you call it? Liberty, something and the pursuit of.
Veronica: Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Elisa: That’s it?
Veronica: That’s what he said. That’s what Ben Franklin just said to me.
Ben Franklin: Everything is included under that. Everything else becomes an umbrella, a by-product.
Elisa: To be put in the bill of rights, like the freedom of speech and all that stuff. Okay, do you think there is a deep state in the global elite?
Veronica: Both of them are in agreement that we don’t think so. We think this is some conspiracy.
Elisa: Okay. Well, the global lead from what I understand is this oligarchy of big bankers, big Pharma, academia, the media, a bunch of career politicians that really feel like they want this new world order, open borders of decrease in population, and things like that. And they had this conference in Bilderberg or something like that.
Ben Franklin: It’s more to build hype and conspiracy and, and, and fear theory.
Veronica: I want it to say fear. It’s more to build fear.
Ben Franklin: Yes, people’s pockets are getting lined. Yes. People with money get to have a bigger voice. But it’s not going to be the end of the country as we know it, and that’s what people are fearful of.
Elisa: All right, so it’s not some group that’s conspiring against us, although they are each thing like big Pharma’s difference and bad stuff and corrupt politicians, career politicians are doing some bad stuff. Academia as brain or brainwashing, you know, some of our kids,
Veronica: But they’re not doing it as a whole. They’re saying.
Elisa: I got you. That makes sense. So what do you think about academia and the way they are? You know, what do you think they’re doing? More harm than good and more good than harm in educating our children.
Veronica: So Ben Franklin has stepped forward and he said back when he was going to school, it was very difficult for him to afford an education and he wasn’t afforded an education in the sense that it was, an elite education. So he understands the trials of not being able to afford an education and he saying everything is proportional to the time. So if you would look at his time with the money allocated or the money there and the systems that we’re going, we’re gone through. It’s proportional to what we have now. You know, but, he saying greed has run rampant in academia.
Elisa: By whom? The administration or,
Ben Franklin: Yes, by the administration.
Erik: And you know, case in point when they pay to get their kids in college because they can.
Elisa: Oh gosh. Well, what do you think about the professors, especially in some of these Ivy League schools?
Erik: They’re pawns in the game.
Elisa: Oh my goodness.
Erik: It’s really the higher, it’s really the higher ups.
Veronica: And again, it’s like, Erik has shown me like a chess match, you know, it’s like, okay, my move and then I’ll sit back and I’ll counter your move. And he said, it’s a very methodical game from the uppers.
Elisa: Ah, so Berkeley was the birthplace of free speech? Well, the bill of rights, now it seems like they and other colleges will not allow anybody to speak on their campus unless they are of the same opinion, (inaudible, people get beat up because of that and then the riots and stuff. What do you think of that?
Erik: Puppets, puppets, puppets, their strings are being pulled.
Veronica: He’s singing it because people won’t get money if they go against them doing the puppeteer thing.
Elisa: Oh my God.
Erik: It’s so sickening.
Elisa: I love looking at all sides. I look at the liberal to conservative and all that and I learned so much. But it’s so silly. What do you think about George Soros? Is he paying people to protect, to protest, against conservative views and paying people to say to mark to say they would rather have Maduro lead our country? Or is that just a bunch of bull?
Jefferson: There’s a grain of truth to that man a grain.
Elisa: Okay, and what grain is that?
Erik: That he believes he’s right.
Elisa: At least he’s confident.
Veronica: Yeah, exactly. That he believes he’s right. I don’t know. But, the grain of truth, you know.
Erik: Wouldn’t it be funny if he just came in and everything just went and flipped over and it all changed?
Veronica: Yeah. So anything’s possible, but probably not that.
Elisa: All right, well, okay. So what do you think about the future of capitalism versus socialism? First of all, do you think socialism would work? Does it extrapolate well in a large heterogeneous population like ours?
Veronica: It’s funny cause Erik just sat back.
Erik: This’ll be good.
Elisa: Uh oh, Oh God.
Erik: This country was built on doing, doing, doing
Elisa: Okay, and did that responsibility, taking care of yourself, helping take care of your country, helping take care of your neighbors, things like that.
Veronica: These two are standing tall and they’re saying this country was built by people who were virtuous, who wanted to do, who wanted to add to the value of this country,
Elisa: Not people want to get, get, get.
Veronica: Right. And every, again, I’m just the Messenger, every individual has the opportunity.
Elisa: Yes, of course.
Veronica: Period.
Erik: Well let’s play the other side.
Elisa: Yeah.
Erik: What if you don’t have the opportunity? What if you come a less thriving socioeconomic background? What if you don’t have the means?
Veronica: Erik is asking this question.
Elisa: Right?
Veronica: And so.
Elisa: There are ways to help them.
Veronica: And so, and so the guys are saying that it’s really about the foundation that someone is built on. And so again, if the principals were honored of love, honor, courage, God respect, he said you would not have this perpetual cycle of poor me.
Elisa: Yeah. That’s too bad. Do you believe that government is more capable of taking care of us than we are or you know more of a local government system.
Veronica: Both of them are saying this. No, you can’t put that all on the government. You think the government’s broke now. That’s what they said.
Elisa: Well, what do you think about sanctuary cities, I forgot if you answered that or not.
Ben Franklin: In theory it seems like a good idea, but it doesn’t make sense.
Elisa: Okay.
Veronica: It just doesn’t seem like it’s absolutely feasible.
Elisa: Well, I mean, you know, allowing felons.
Veronica: I don’t know what sanctuary cities is?
Elisa: Allowing illegal aliens that have felonies to be protected from deportation in certain cities or states as a whole.
Veronica: Oh, well then, yeah. I don’t know. They just gave you their answer. I’m a political idiot.
Speaker 1: No, no.
Veronica: Sorry.
Elisa: So what do you think Benjamin or Thomas I hate to call you by your first names. But anyway, I just did so, it’s feasible and I think we should, are you saying we should give sanctuary to some people but not, I mean, tell me what you mean.
Ben Franklin: There has to be a litmus test. There has to be a benchmark. And this is where if you had the right players who would play nice together, get a benchmark. You people can’t even talk to each other.
Elisa: I know.
Veronica: He’s yelling.
Elisa: Unless they have our same opinion (inaudible) listen to you because you’re not a such and such party or whatever.
Ben Franklin: And this country was founded on everybody bringing something different to the proverbial table.
Elisa: I know. All right. Real quickly. These are almost like, yes, no questions. Should we pay reparations to African Americans and native Americans?
Ben Franklin: No.
Elisa: Okay, I’m going to tell you what I think about the professional poor class that the blacks have become our fault. It’s terrible what we’ve done with the great society and the, Oh, what’s the new deal or braces, the whole great society. Pretty much changing then from one plantation to the next, making sure that they are constantly enslaved with government handouts. And so the, you know, the, all of a sudden the father became the social security check instead of a real father. I mean, am I wrong in that? I, I think we owe, a debt of, I don’t know, something to what we have done.
Ben Franklin: A lot of disgusting things have happened over the course of time but you can’t make things right with money.
Elisa: Oh No, no. Well what can we do to help, you know, I think that we were talking about how people can afford education, whatever. We can offer scholarships, we can give tax incentives to corporations to give them the apprenticeship, people, apprenticeships. There’s all sorts of things that can be done that gets the government kind of out of it as the main.
Ben Franklin: The bottom line is when anybody can help anybody they should and when it adds.
Veronica: And they keep stressing this, when it adds to the greater good.
Elisa: Yup. That’s all that matters. Yeah. So that’s it. It doesn’t help so much. Then maybe we individual will step up to the plate and start helping these people that can’t. At least give them a hand up. Not a handout, but a hand up like the one where the lady got that football player, what’s it called? It’s a true story. Adopted him and stuff. I can’t remember. But you help somebody. All right. Real quickly, do you believe in the new green, the green new deal? That, you know that we should have, no more farting cows, no more combustion engines. I can’t remember what else, fossil fuel’s gone. Car’s gone. Air Airlines gone.
Ben Franklin: That doesn’t seem very practical in your world, it’s just not something that’s feasible. Are there measures you can take? Absolutely. Is that a practical step? No, it’s not about going backwards and you would definitely be going backwards with that. You need to be more efficient with what you do.
Elisa: Yeah, maybe you’ll be vision or fuse, I can’t remember. Maybe we’ll be more solar. There’s all sorts of things we can do. Should we lower the voting age to 16?
Ben Franklin: No.
Elisa: Yeah, that’s a good, but they haven’t taken government classes by then.
Veronica: They just said no real quick.
Elisa: Okay. Should we add more justices to the supreme court as the Democrats won?
Ben Franklin : To what end?
Elisa: I don’t know, maybe either side, whether it’s the Republicans or Democrats, they want just more justices that either are, you know, on their side or the other side.
Ben Franklin: It’s still, they’re going to do this. No matter what, to what end? Leave it be.
Elisa: Okay. Do you think we should continue investigating our president even though the Mulder thing is done, or should we keep going on with these investigations?
Jefferson: The investigation is a deterrent. It’s to take the eyes off of what is truly happening in this country. It’s taking the eyes off of what really needs to change. Forget who your leader is. It’s not about the leader.
Elisa: So what are they trying to keep our eyes off of ?
- Jefferson: All the corruption. All of the everybody’s hands in everybody’s pocket. Everybody is in bed with everybody. Everybody’s doing this. What’s happening right now is precisely what needs to happen. Shit needs to be shaken up because if you’re going to change status quo, we said this as we opened with you. If you’re going to change status quo, you’ve got to break the old down.
Elisa: Yeah, I agree. Let’s see. What was I going to say? All right. What do you think about? It will come to me, the push to the left that the, that we’re going, especially with millennials, they, so many of them want socialism. They have disdain for capitalism. You know, but, but this rise in the desire for socialism. Well, what’s going on? And is that a good thing or a bad thing?
- Jefferson: It’s about wanting somebody to take care of you. It’s about putting the responsibility someplace else other than on oneself.
Elisa: Hey, there ain’t no free lunch people.
- Jefferson: If you want it, you work for it.
Veronica: Thomas Jefferson is pointing out people that come to this country that do the jobs that no American would touch.
Elisa: We need to learn from them.
- Jefferson: Right. You know, that’s something that you should take those people and put them in your academic structures.
Elisa: What do you mean as professors or students?
- Jefferson: As teaching how it’s done from grass roots. You have people that come here that don’t even speak your language and are living better than a people born with everything
Elisa: Because they have the, they’re working their ass off.
- Jefferson: It’s work ethic. What if the person who came in, opened the business at 4:00 AM and close the business at 10:00 AM all by themselves with family helping. What if they were to go teach how this was done? It would be decidedly different than curriculums that were handed down from people with something to gain.
Elisa: Well that’s true. And a lot of the professors, they really have not, most of them have not really, lived in the.
Veronica: In the real world.
Elisa: Yeah. So, so they do have this cradle to grave liberal mentality and I think the way we’ve raised kids recently, we’ve turned them into snowflakes. We over protected them, we protected them frustration from, so they’re all afraid to live in the adult world and produce and support themselves, you know.
- Jefferson: And they don’t give time for anything to stick and mature.
Elisa: Yeah.
Ben Franklin: They just hop on and move on. A lot of your companies that are founded by these youngsters are built because of their blood, sweat and tears because they start at 16 years old as geniuses and build these tech companies.
Elisa: That’s true. It’s absolutely amazing. Do you believe in term for politicians?
Ben Franklin: Absolutely. Everything gets old and worn.
Elisa: I don’t want people to stay in power and then they change their policies based on what’s going to keep them in power. You know, even though it’s not good for the, for the country.
Ben Franklin: Fresh blood.
Elisa: Do you think we should further increased taxes on the wealthy and corporations or will they all leave?
- Jefferson: It’s not about increasing taxes, it’s about allocation, delegation, knowing what goes where or what makes sense. You as the human you have become gluttonous in every way possible.
Ben Franklin: It’s all proportional.
Elisa: Yeah, that’s right. Who do you think has been the best president in the last 50 years and whose been the one that’s maybe cause the most harm? Or a hundred years. I don’t care.
Ben Franklin: You’re Kennedy had something pretty brilliant to say.
Elisa: Yeah, I like him .
Ben Franklin: But we see what happened.
Elisa: Yeah.
Veronica: He’s indicating that, the best thing to come out of the Ford Administration with Betty Ford.
Elisa: Okay. Okay. All right. I know y’all don’t want to answer this. Oh. Whatever. What should our foreign policy, I’m almost finished. What should our foreign policy be in general? Any advice as far as foreign policy is concerned?
Ben Franklin: Yeah. Play Nice.
Erik: Don’t get the big guns out.
Veronica: That’s Eric. That was Eric, by the way, being a smart ass.
- Jefferson: He’s like foreign policy is way too big to talk about on a 20 minute show. He said, we don’t have the answers.
Elisa: So, diplomacy when possible and sanctions, well, okay, we won’t do it.
- Jefferson: Of course. But you know, been there, done that. But no one listens.
Elisa: Nobody listens. I know. So what are our biggest dangers? And then I have one more.
Veronica: Our biggest dangers for the future of our country.
Ben Franklin: Ideology, the lack of ideology.
Elisa: Well, although Trump talks like a third grader, his ideology is common sense and maybe he doesn’t always get it right, but that would be my ideology. Common sense for the greater good.
Ben Franklin: Yup.
Elisa: Okay. Any last, and this is it, this is it. Any last words of advice for us?
Ben Franklin: Why don’t we try not to separate church and state? Why don’t we see how that.
Elisa: Yeah, freedom from religion, not freedom of religion, but you know. You have to honor all religions though, but we could.
Ben Franklin: That’s fine.
Elisa: We can do that.
Ben Franklin: And all paths lead to the same place. Wars are fought because you think yours is better than mine. And I think mine is better than yours. When in reality, if we just created an even playing field, what war would we fight?
Elisa: Honor all religions.
Ben Franklin: Of course.
Elisa: It’s all pretty much, almost all of them pretty much say the same thing.
Veronica: Well, you know, we’re all going, unless the ones that says chew your left arm off. I mean, we, no one wants that religion. I mean the hell.
Elisa: Yeah. I mean, just love is all there is, you know, be, good, man. Just be a good person, be good to your brothers and sister.
Ben Franklin: Absolutely. And honor the God within whatever you define God as. Honor the God within.
Elisa: I love that. Thank you so much, gentlemen, for coming and for helping create this country. Let’s hope we’ll just undo all your good work. Thank you Erik for bringing in the name, sweetie. I love you.
Erik: I love you too, Mama.
Elisa: Also, I want you guys to check out Veronica Drake you see how good she is, come on and I’ll put it here. Plus, when you finished, please subscribe to the YouTube if you haven’t already. Please follow me on Instagram and Twitter and what else?
Veronica: Facebook. YouTube.
Elisa: Yeah, like the, Facebook Channeling Erik Page and all right. I love you all. Bye. Love you Veronica.
Veronica: I love you. Bye. Bye.
Elisa: Bye.
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