Great news: Medium, Kim Babcock, is offering small group channeling calls with special pricing for CE members. This is great if you can’t afford an entire hour (although her rates are super reasonable) or if you only have a few questions. She records the calls, so you can have a permanent record. Kim is very talented, and I’ve received a lot of incredible feedback from those who have had readings with her. Plus, Erik adores her, so that’s a plus. Kim offers these calls every Wednesday and Friday from 2:00 – 3:00 PM EST. If you’re interested, click HERE.
I’d also like to announce the (hopefully) permanent dates for the tour:
Denver, CO 6/24-6/26
NYC, NY (Looks like Lily Dale is too far from the airport for you guys): 7/22-7/24
Chicago, IL 8/26-8/28
Vancouver Canada 9/23-9/25
Sedona, AZ 10/21-10/25 (We want this to be a 4 day event so we can see Red Rock, visit and perhaps meditate in the vortices and do other things. This is a very special town.)
Florida (Looks like St. Augustine is too far from an airport, too so I’ll poll for another city): 11/11-11/13
San Diego, CA 12/9-12/11
Austin, TX 1/17-1/29 (2017)
If any of you want to participate as mediums, healers or other service providers in Sedona, we sure could use you. Contact Kim ( and Heather (
Also, we’re considering composing a video from various clips in all the cities. If any of you are videographers willing to volunteer in exchange for free admittance, email Kim and Heather at the addresses above.
Last, which city in Florida would you attend?
Me: Is Erik there?
Heather: Of course.
Me: What’s he up to?
Heather: Being a pest!
Me: Oh yeah? Like what?
Heather: While I was meditating, he kept bothering me to do things. It’s like, “You need to go eat something real quick.” Then I would lie down and try to get into meditating, and he’d be, “Clean out your ears.”
We all laugh.
Heather: He’d constantly be making me get up to do something!
Me: That’s what he does to Robert, too. So funny! One thing I want to ask you, Erik, is why can’t we create some sort of device so that we can totally tune into a spirit’s energy and communicate with them as if we were talking to them on a telephone?
Erik: They’re working on it right now. It’s in the very early stages. It’s nowhere near where it needs to be. There are some—
Heather: EVP? He’s talking about somewhere in Italy.
Me: Oh yeah, right. That Italian dude.
He talks about him in his latest book, My Life After Death.
Erik: He’s getting very close, and he’s working with spirits—specific types of spirits—what are –
Heather: I’m trying to figure out the word he’s trying to say.
Heather: Okay, he completely changed the way he wanted to say it.
Erik: The spirits that are working with him are ones that are there specifically to help him create this device, kind of like a telephone, almost.
Me: Okay.
Erik: It’s probably going to be several more years, probably decades.
Me: Decades!?
Erik: Yeah.
Me: Oh no!
Erik: If you look at the big picture, we’ve come so much farther –
Heather: See, I don’t like that word he said. Sorry! I’m an “English” person, so I’m trying to correct him.
I guess she means his grammar.
Erik: We’ve come so much farther than we have in the past with it.
Me: Well, what’s the problem? Why is it so difficult?
Erik: There are a couple of reasons why. The first is from the spirit’s point of view. It’s very hard for us to be able to lower our vibration enough to be able to interfere [with electricity.] Yeah, it’s easier than having to move an object, but we still have to do some kind of energy work with it, and a lot of the times, you can’t hear us while the recording is happening. That’s the big block.
So I guess the aim is to be able to talk “live.”
Erik: While talking on the phone, you can’t hear us, but afterwards, when you’re listening to the recording, you can hear it. That’s the major thing they’re working on right now. We’re trying to make it so that you can hear it in present time. It’s only going to be able to happen a handful of times, to be able to hear us while we’re talking.
Timelessness there must complicate things!
Me: Yeah. Why does it happen on the recording?
(Long pause)
Heather (chuckling): He’s communicating through his feelings. (To Erik) Can you use words for me?
Erik: A couple of things happen with why you can hear it on recordings. It could be at that time there was no voice imprinted on the recording, but since there’s no time, we can always go in and put in a voice, us talking or saying something.
Me: Ah!
Erik: It has to be during your present time.
Me: Okay.
(Long pause)
Heather: Okay, now I get it. I get what you’re trying to say!
Erik: Human ears can’t pick up on it at the time. There has to be something that—there’s a device that EVP researchers use to be able to hear it, and you can’t pick it up because it’s not a frequency you can hear with human ears.
Me: Like a dog whistle?
Erik: Yes, just like that.
Me: Yeah, I think that’s what you said before. Okay, anything else about spirit boxes or spirit telephones?
Heather (To Erik): Anything else?
Erik: Nope.
Just an FYI, I’m taking a break tomorrow to celebrate New Year. I hope you guys have a good one. Be safe!