The strangest thing has been happening to my sister and me since my mom died. Whenever I sit in the chair next to the one she used to sit in, I feel a distinctly cold spot, so cold that my calf on the right side is almost icy to the touch. Yesterday, Laura and I (don’t ask me why) Were sitting outside in 100 degree temperature (105 degree “real feel”) watching the birds frolicking around the bird feeders. (Do birds frolic?) Anyway, I felt a very cold blast of air sweep across me. I was stunned. After all, it was a hundred freaking degrees. Of course I wasn’t complaining, but really! I thought it was my imagination, but it kept happening over and over. I checked to see if any windows were open, but nope. Nada. Furthermore, Laura was sitting next to me and was experiencing the same dang thing. At my session with Jamie today, my mom said it was indeed her visiting. That’s good, because if they both had the same calling card, so to speak, I would have no idea how to identify which visitor was which.
Now, here is a mix of topics Erik has for us today (yes, an eclectic mix, but don’t shoot the messenger.)
Me: Let’s see if we have time for one more question. Infants and young children: how do they appear to us when they cross over?
Erik: That depends on the spirit’s journey. If they died as an infant, they might choose to grow up with the family so as every year passes you’ll see them grow just like a human would. There are sometimes, though, like if they pass at age six, the next time you see them they look like a young adult. They’re coming across as who they naturally were. Others might pass when they’re 10 and want to reincarnate as a baby into the same family so they regress year by year for ten years. So, it’s different how you’ll be able to view them. What you really need to focus on is the connection of their name of how they were identified on Earth and their relation to you, and just accept that how they choose to present themselves is what they want and what they need to grow through.
Me: Well, when I cross over, are you going to be the Erik I remember or what do you want to do?
Erik: Oh yeah, yeah. I’m staying put like I am.
Jamie giggles.
Me: Oh good!
Jamie: I’ll make you a young mom when you get here.
Me: Get your industrial strength airbrush and Bondo ready.
Me: Suicide numbers are really increasing at an alarming rate. I wonder if some are subconsciously choosing to leave because they can help with the Shift more from the next dimension. Greater leverage there maybe?
Erik: They can. I bet it’s not related to the fact that they know they can help more once they die, but they know they just don’t want to go through it.
Me: Oh, I bet.
Erik: So, you know, they just get out a little early.
Me: Yeah, and leave us all to be in the foxholes by ourselves. Like rats leaving a sinking ship. Oh well; it’s a dirty job, but somebody’s gotta do it.
Erik: That somebody is us.
Me (heaving a deep sigh): I know.