Amber’s Question
Note: I’m using her screen name rather than her real one. When providing Kim and Erik with the information, however, I use her real name.
I recently had an experience with a medium that brought up more questions than answers. A dear friend of mine died five years ago of an “accidental overdose”. He suffered from depression, migraines and drug and alcohol addiction. The medium I saw told me that my friend is with me and has not gone into the light or moved toward a higher plane. He is clinging to me and living through me because I’m doing things he wanted to do. He also feels very drawn to his mother’s pain and anger. She says he needs to go to rehab, but he refuses to “own” his actions. He’s overwhelmed by confusion anger and guilt. She says he didn’t want her to tell me this information about him and he is angry at her for telling me where he is. My question is…how can I help him? Tim was very stubborn while on earth and it seems like wherever he is that resistance has continued. I’ve developed a close friendship with his mother and I’m trying to help her as well. I live in Carolina Shores, NC. I’m in my early forties. Tim was 30 years old at the time of his death. He lived in Wilmington, NC.
Thank you,
Channeling Transcript
Me: Okay, the next question comes from Amber. She lives in Carolina Shores, NC and is in her early forties. She had a dear friend die five years ago. His name is Tim. He’s about 30 and lived in Wilmington, NC. She went to a medium who told her he is still stuck here with her and has not moved on to a higher plane.
Kim (sighing in frustration): Oh, gosh.
Me: And the medium said he’s confused, angry, refusing to go to rehab. Also, she said that Tim is mad at her (the medium) for divulging the information like where he is. Tim also apparently has unresolved issues with his mom. Amber wants to know how she can help him.
Kim (sighing again): Okay. (pause) Okay.
Me (laughing at her frustration with the medium’s message): So where do you begin with that one?! How are we going to untangle this mess? She needs to charge her with malpractice, I guess?
Kim (chuckling): You, Elisa, are reading my mind. You know, if you go to fifty different mediums, you’re going to get fifty different messages.
Me: Oh, yeah, I’m sure!
Kim: Okay, first of all, it would be a Jim Dandy if Amber would do her own medium work. Just a thought.
Me: Okay.
Kim: There are mediums on every street corner, but if she’s going to go to a medium, she need to look into their experience and background. Now, in regard to Tim…
Erik: Tim is telling me it was destined to die the way he did. That was destiny. His soul popped out of his body and he found himself here pretty quickly. Everybody has a different experience in their transition back here just like their birth there on the earthly plane.
Me: Oh yeah, sure! That makes complete sense.
Erik: Okay so he came back here and he hung out for a while. That’s the way Tim puts it. Tim lies to be involved in all kinds of activities at the same time; he likes to juggle all sorts of balls in the air at one time. Then he’ll have periods where he’s just languishing. So he’ll be really, really, really busy with activities he creates, and then he’ll kick back and be a couch potato for a while. That’s what Tim is telling me. He’s saying that he, like every other soul, comes back here to the afterlife, and goes back to the earthly plane if…they…want…too.
Me: so no one gets stuck?
Erik: Exactly.
Kim: And we’re all entitled to believe different things. I mean, for how many centuries did we believe the world was flat?
Erik: Okay, so he spends time here, and, he wants Amber to know that, like every other soul, when his soul popped out of the body, he let go of all his earthly issues, all his shit. So now we’re talking to his pure spirit.
Kim: I’m glad we’re talking about Tim and Amber, He wants Amber to know that in Heaven, he likes to go bowling, he likes to fish, he likes to paint and draw. Ooo, he’s real artistic! He’s very, very bright! He’s got a motorcycle. He also has a car, he’s got a boat. He loves to drive very, very fast, he loves to do that. He loves to go off on road trips.
Erik: And Mom, Tim says it was an accident. This wasn’t meant to be a suicide. He knew though, he’s telling me, there were a couple of times there when he woke up and he wasn’t expecting to wake up. He had a sense that…when he was drinking and taking drugs…that he was going to overdose, and he thought, “Oh, I hope I’m not going to…I hope I didn’t; take too much,” and he would just go into a stupor. He’d wake up and feel like crap, but he was taking in huge amounts of drugs and alcohol, and he was doing this every single day! Every single day he had chemicals in his system. And he had big issues with his mom that he never got resolved and he says, “Well, next time around.” He has no ill will toward her at all. None. Or anyone else. He calls her G***** (a nickname that is her real name with the last two letters omitted.) He says he comes and visits her. And he says, “Hey, hey, anyone who wants to talk to me can talk to me!”
Kim: Yeah, he’s touching upon what the other medium said, “Oh, he’s really mad at me.” If a spiritual being does not want to relay certain information, the medium would have no way of knowing it. You see?
Me: Oh, yeah, of course!
Erik: So he says he’ll be glad to talk to anybody. And certainly he talks to Amber. He’s come to Amber in dreams. He spends some time around her. Not a lot, but some. He’s afraid if he spends a lot of time around her, he’s going to distract her and make her feel bad. Now he has big issues with his mom; he had those a long time before he died.
Me: Yeah, yeah.
Erik: He says he and his mom have been together before but they were married in other lifetimes. So he says, “In this lifetime, I don’t know what was worse, being married to her or having her as a mom. I, I don’t know. With the issues the two of us had…” He’s not criticizing his mom; he’s just observing the struggle both of them had. So he wants Amber to know that any time she wants to talk to him, just ask for him. He’ll be right there with her. She’ll know it’s him because she knows his energy. And he says if she’s going to go to a medium, fine, but she should ask the medium—oh, that’s a really good idea, Tim! He’s saying she needs to ask the medium, “What are your philosophies. Real quick, tell me what they are,” and if the say things like, “Well, there’s gonna be a curse,” or “Well, there could be…” There are definite red flags to watch out for.
Me: Okay, great. Thanks Erik. Now for the next question…
Kim: Oh, Tim wants to say one more thing, just one more thing. He wants to tell Amber he loves her and he says that Amber was like a mom slash big sister for him.
Me: Okay.
Kim: He wants to thank her for everything she’s done for him and continues to do. And anytime she wants to talk, he’ll be right there. Now he would like to be of service to her. He says he did so much moaning and pissing and whining to her when he was here, he says, “I did, I did!” He would like to be of service to her now, any time she wants to talk, vent, he’ll be right there for her. He says he’s going to pick her up and they’re going to take a ride on his motorcycle and she’s have a dream about that. His “bike,” he calls it.
Be sure you wear your helmet, Amber!