Enjoy, this, the last question during the session with Jamie on the 16 of August. Bear with me, folks, because I’m trying to work through three channeling sessions that were scheduled within one week. I applaud your patience.
For all you newcomers, I strongly suggest you start at the very first entry and work your way through. There is so much information to be had about God, the afterlife, time, the soul, reincarnation, and so on, all from the perspective of a soul who, like us, is flawed, but determined to make a difference and to make up for his mistakes. Although I thank you from the bottom of my heart every single day, Sweet Erik, I often forget to do so publicly. I am so grateful for the insider information you give us all, for the dedication with which you provide it, and for the love you show in every channeling session we have together. I love you, love you, love you.
Lois’s Question
Elisa, wow so many lives you are touching, I am so blessed to have found you, so soon after my brother Steve died. I know as a mother, that Erik was your love, your life your joy. And to share this experience with everyone who is open to the love you share, Makes my heart feel joy. I can’t know your sorrow for Eric, In this lifetime anyway. But have known grief. in my post I asked about Steve 59, Butchie 39 Mom (Pauline) 79 Dad ( Kyle) 71 all Boise Idaho I am 58 Meridian Idaho. Thank-you so much for your help.
Channeling Transcript
Me: Okay, Darling. I think I have time to get one more in.
Jamie: Oh, there’s time.
Me: Okay, well the last one I’m going to ask about today then is from Lois. She wants to ask about Steve, 59, Butchie, 39—oh, she’s 58 and lives in Meridian, Idaho, yeah, so I guess Steve and Butchie are her siblings. She also wants to ask about her mom, Pauline, and her dad, Kyle, both in their 70s from Boise, Idaho. But I guess we can just start with Steve.
Erik: So her whole family passed on except one surviving sister? I see another female in there. Could be another sibling beside her too.
Me: I really have no idea. She didn’t say. I got the impression that she doesn’t have any siblings living, but I’m not at all sure about that.
(Long pause)
Me: Lois didn’t write very much in her email. But anyway, is Steve there, Erik?
(Long pause)
Jamie: There you are!!
Erik: Dude, you’re late!
Steve: I didn’t think you were going to get to me!
(Jamie and I laugh)
Jamie: He keeps showing me a picture of a barn. Don’t know why. It’s not a pretty sky, either. It’s kind of like dusk, overcast, rainy, really gloomy.
Me: Okay.
Erik: He’s not really talking about the barn, Mom. Lois is really curious, but also sad at the same time. She feels like she doesn’t really belong where she is.
Me: Okay. Is he doing okay?
Erik: He says he is, but he misses his family.
Steve: I understand why I died.
Me: Was it your destiny or something?
Steve: My time was up, but I really wish I had had more notice.
Jamie: I guess to him, his death was sudden.
Me: Any other messages, uh—what did he die from? Heart attack or—
Erik: The hand, tough, tight hand.
Jamie: What side is it when you have a heart attack? Isn’t it, uh…
Me: It could be either.
Jamie: Really?
Me: Yeah. Mostly the left, but it could be on both sides or neither side.
Erik: Because he’s saying it was the writing hand. That’s what he’s showing. I don’t know if he was left or right handed. Dude, just spit it out!
Erik: He says, “Please give my sister permission to move. Tell her we all support it.”
Me: Okay, good! Any messages from Butchie?
Jamie (laughing): Apparently there’s a lot of humor there. I think he’s your prankster of the family. He’s kind of a, but it’s sort of a sarcastic humor, where you’re like, “That so wrong!”
Me (laughing): He must have that irreverent humor like Erik has!
Erik: Guilty!
Me: If he’s 39, I don’t know if he’s a brother. Who know, it could be a cousin or something. I guess it doesn’t make any difference.
Erik: He’s showing me a blue car. It’s an older car.
Me: Is he doing okay?
Erik: He’s doing fine. He says he doesn’t mind being “dead.” He had a lot of shit to deal with on the earthly plane, you know?
Me: No, I don’t know. She didn’t tell me anything about him. I don’t know if he was even her brother or cousin or what.
Erik: He’s her brother. That’s what he’s saying. He had a lot of shit going on with his brain and, uh, this is kinda the first time he’s been contacted—
Me: Oh!
Erik: —and it looks like Lois is the only one who’d ever consider venturing out that way. So he really appreciates that.
Me: Oh, good! Aw! How about Pauline and Kyle, the mom and dad? Any messages from them?
Jamie: Lois’s parents?
Me: Yeah, uh huh.
Erik: Yeah, they’re here and they’re talking to Lois about financial stuff. It’s about selling and moving—financial security.
Me: Okay.
Erik: This is like in the next three years. This isn’t far off.
Jamie: This is weird, because didn’t the brother say something about giving her permission to move?
Me: Yeah. So that makes sense, yeah. How are they doing? Are they all right?
Erik: Oh, they’re very much together.
Me: Awwww, good!
Erik: And so they’re still loving the presence of each other and watching their family.
Jamie: That’s really sweet.
Me; Awww! Anything else from those two?
Erik: No. They really just worry about her, financially. It’d be easier to start selling some stuff, moving, creating financial security. And what’s weird is when they show Lois, they only show her by herself. They don’t show her doing all this with somebody else. It’s like she has to make this decision mostly on her own.
Me: Okay, I guess our time is out. Thank you both so much. Wow, it looks like you have a house full of people there, Jamie!
Jamie (laughing): Yeah, it started out with a few and then…
Me: I love you, Erik, my Sweet. Jamie, I’ll make an appointment for the next one on your website. Just, thanks, You’re so great, This has been really fun!
Erik: Bye, Mom. Love you.
Me: Oh. I love you too, Baby.
Lois’s Response
Elisa, Thank you and Thank you Erik. I do have a sister and one brother left. So much of what was said is true. The not belonging is so true. When Steve died, I was in Washington state at my daughter’s. It was pouring rain the whole time and gloomy. She does have a barn, and so do I in Idaho. I did not want to attend his funeral. My family was aware of this, but felt they had to remove me from their Facebook friends to get the message, they were not pleased with my decision, Steve’s wife included. So right now I don’t belong. Butchie was a prankster, He was mentally disabled and had epilepsy, But he loved a good prank (right-on) He was always my favorite. We just had a financial meltdown and lost basically everything. We have an inheritance from my husband’s family, land we are trying to sell, then we will have to move, because this is where we live. My parents were always very much in love. That is great they still are. You have changed my way of thinking with your blog. Erik I hope you come visit. I love the smells! You have a family of friends here in Idaho. Tiffany and Elise you already know! Thank-you again!
My love to you,