Changing Perceptions and Other Odds and Ends

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday weekend. THis is the end of the January 28th session with Jamie and Erik, so you’ll notice a lot of miscellaneous questions toward the end, all fun and interesting none the less. Enjoy!

Channeling Transcript

Me: A lot of folks want to know, Erik, how they can best to change a belief or perception. Many of us have things we so desperately want to get rid of that no longer serve us well or maybe never did, but we hold on to those beliefs because we find so many way in the past to validate them. So if beliefs and perceptions are a factor in shaping tings in our life and even our afterlife how do we best align those with the highest good? I can see you hovering over that big red button, Mr. Game Host, because this is another one of those Questions of the Day!

Jamie (giggling): Ding, ding, ding, ding!

Me: Os the answer behind door number one, two are three?

Jamie: Oh my gosh, that’s so his attitude!

Me: I know, I can feel it!

Erik: But its true. You have directions you can go in. What people do is they take the easier path, the weaker path which is—

Jamie (puzzled): What?

(Short pause as Jamie listens to Erik)

Erik: —often Option C. The answer is usually C.

Jamie (to Erik): Oh, you’re talking multiple choice. We were laughing about the doors, weren’t we? One, two and three.


Jamie: How to change the perspective?

Erik: If you’re able to identify what you like and don’t like but still go back to what you don’t like, that’s two things. Someone who doesn’t want to change who is pampering themselves with comfort or rewarding themselves with comfort.

Me: Um hmm. (I think, “Guilty!)

Erik: Here’s an example of that kind of thinking, “I’ve eaten so well, now I’m going to have this slice of cake.”

(Frankly, I see nothing wrong with that, but I continue to keep my mind open. Plus, I’m going to have a piece of chocolate cake when I’m finished with the session, because my mouth is drooling. Thanks, Erik.)

Erik: That right there is a weak reward. You should never ever have the slice of cake to reward the hard work that you’ve done. If you wanna eat the fucking cake, you must eat the fucking cake!

Jamie: Erik!

Jamie and I laugh our heads off. Now I really want some fucking cake. Two fucking slices.

Erik: Yeah, don’t see it as a reward. Most of you fall back into comfort, like the woman who’s asking the question.

(I can’t even remember who asked the question, much less whether it was a he or a she.)

Erik: I find—and what I’ve heard—the easiest way to identify your heavy, deep-seated rooted patterns is, whenever you’re doing something—ordering something to eat, looking at someone and judging them for what they’re doing—ask yourself, “Is this really me or was I taught to do this?”

Me: Ah, wow! Very deep, Erik and spot on.

Erik: As soon as you ask yourself those questions, most of the time, you’ll be shocked. You’ll hear, “This isn’t you,” and when you ask, “Was I taught to do this?” you’ll have a memory of when you were three or four when your mother said, “This is my favorite, favorite soup of all time. Don’t you love it? It’s just my favorite!” And she would make it all the time, and hence you grew to like it. It became your favorite, because you wanted to please your mother, and you ended up getting comments, so it’s your favorite soup. But is it reeeaaally your favorite soup? No! No, it’s not!

Me: Ah!

(I’m wondering why he didn’t use cake as an example, but…)

Erik: You gotta give yourself permission to cut loose from what you’ve been taught to really identify who you are.

Me: Yeah. You know, I also feel like when we face a challenge, maybe it could be letting go of an old pattern or belief that no longer serves us in a positive way, or a struggle, a confusing choice, we can try to look where love plays a part. It’s always there somewhere whether it’s self-love, whether it’s the absence of love, whether it’s the fear of love or love meant for other people, it seems like love always fits into the equation in every choice we have. So I think we have to decide which path leads to the most love and take that over any other.

Erik: Exactly! Again, that does back to, “Why are we being human? Why are we even coming here?” It’s really to learn the relationship, the emotional energy—Love.

Me: Yeah. Okay, we have a minute or so left, so let me ask you some quick questions. First, will illness diminish when the masses collectively increase their vibrational frequency?

Erik: Yeah, of course!

Me: Okay, good. No time to elaborate here so this is the next one: What is the most elementary particle?

Erik: It hasn’t been discovered. And who says there has to be one.


Me: So I guess it’ll still be a mystery. If we do find one, I want them to call it the Erik Particle!

Jamie laughs.

Me: What is dark matter?

Jamie: He’s clarifying—is it dark matter or grey matter you’re talking about?

Me: No, dark matter, you know, like there’s dark energy and there’s dark matter. It’s a physics thing.

(Long pause)

Me: If you don’t know, that’s cool.

Jamie: Well, he’s telling me he’s trying to figure out in what context are you wanting the answer, because you can look at dark matter as being an entity as in a spirit or dark matter in the case of—not an entity.

Me: Not an entity, like something in the universe, something that makes up a large portion of the universe as we know it.

Erik: It’s a compacted force, um, almost like a vacuum field.

Jamie: The way he’s showing it is there’s so much energy in there that it appears to be empty or dark.

Me: Um, hm.

Now that I transcribe this, I’m floored by how closely this aligns with Nassim Haramein’s unified field theory with this infinitely dense vacuum, something I learned about months after this session. Wow!

Jamie (to Erik): What do you mean? Like pound per—the density of it, yeah. Heavy, heavy density.

(Long pause)

Erik: It’s like a magnetic force. It’s attracted to itself, and so it kind of breeds. It pulls things in, sucks them and holds them down.

Me: So fascinating! Okay, I know we have some time left, but I think I’ll stop here , because next time I’m going to start asking things like what God is made of, questions about religion and Jesus and all that stuff. Oh, and Bigfoot and unicorns and fairies! Yay!

Jamie (animated like a little girl): You have Bigfoot questions and unicorn questions?

Me (teasing her in a high-pitched little girl voice of my own): Yes, I do!

We all laugh.

Me: Those are going to be kind of fun! So, Erik, please leave poor Jamie alone; give her a little breather, okay. Get rid of the wasp, but don’t kill it! Anything else you want to say, Sweetie?

Erik: Yeah, I think there should be a book in the future of all the things that seem silly that people ask.

Me: Oh, yeah! I think we have to make a couple of volumes of books, because it seems like for every question I ask, we generate 20 more! But it’s all so fun! Well, that sounds good. I love you. I love you very much, Sweetie, Pie. Come visit every once in a while, and Jamie, thanks for this wonderful surprise session!

Jamie: You are welcome!

Erik: I love you more, and I’ll be catching you around the house later today!

Me: Okay, Bye.

Jamie: Bye!

Note, I had a session with Jeannie before the one about Jesus and Bigfoot (wow, never thought I’d use both those names in the same sentence!) but it’s all coming soon. What fun!



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Elisa Medhus

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