Well no sooner did I get my baby girl back from Peru than she left me again! She decided to go back to College Station, where she attends school, to hole up in the library for 11 days straight to study for the MCAT, the medical school admissions test. It’s brutally difficult, and the study courses for it are very intensive. She’s afraid if she stayed at home there would be far too many distractions. Doggies barking, babies crying, mommies hugging. You know what I mean. Focusing in this madhouse is next to impossible.
Speaking of houses, I was thinking yesterday how it would be to move. We’ve lived here for nearly 24 years so I’m ready for a change of scenery. I think we’ve narrowed our choices to Austin or North Carolina, but we have 3-5 years to make up our mind. Anyway, packing up 24 years worth of belongings sounds daunting. It’ll take weeks, I’m guessing. I think we’ll just pack up what we can’t live without and let the kids pick over the rest. After the vultures are done, we’ll give the rest to charity. We’re taking little or none of the furniture because it’s too well-worn and some of it destroyed by cat piss. I’m not even sure if the Salvation Army will want it. As for Erik’s things. That’s a tough one, but I’m leaning toward getting rid of everything except for his little cub scout uniform. Time to let go. Time to enter a phase of simplicity and clean energy. I’m really looking forward to it.
Enjoy Part Six of the Bigfoot interview. One more part tomorrow!
Me: We’ve been getting so many great answers from Mr. Bigfoot, aren’t we, Kim?
Kim: Yeah, and I’m shocked. I’m pleasantly surprised at his willingness.
Me: Me, too! I want to be his friend! I want to hang with Bigfoot. Let’s go get a beer after this, Bigfoot!
Kim: I want to learn! I want to learn.
Me: I know! You and me, go to the local pub.
Bigfoot: I’m with you.
Me: All right, good. That’s a promise. Now do you have some sort of government or laws?
Bigfoot: No. This goes back to the common understanding between all of us in our existence, the common understanding of who we are and where we exist, that understanding of the oneness and the telepathy that goes with that. So we don’t need individualism. The need for individualism then provokes the need for laws and regulations because then people start doing things that—
Me: People go rogue and do bad things!
Bigfoot: Exactly. We’re not concerned with that and the need to have an image, “This is me.” There’s no ego in our existence so there’s no need for the laws or for us to be governed because it’s a much higher existence within respect and calm. If humans practiced just the respect for themselves outside of any circumstance, they’d need fewer laws and regulations.
Me: Okay. Do you use some sort of money or do you barter?
Bigfoot: We do barter. We don’t have money like you do. Sometimes we’ll barter with food like meat. We also can barter with labor whether it’s helping each other move or build.
Kim: Build?
Me: Yeah, what do you build, and do you make and use tools?
Kim: When I asked him, “What do you build,” he showed me this huge nest, but it’s like their house. It looks like a giant, above ground beaver dam like sticks and…
Me: Okay. Wow. Do you live in the trees, then?
Bigfoot: No we stay on the ground. We don’t stay up in the trees. We can climb and get up in them, but we don’t stay there. So we barter based on our needs. It’s very similar to what humans do, but what we barter is much more valuable than money, the food, the labor.
Me: Sure. Well, let’s go back to tools. Do you make tools?
Bigfoot: We do. Most of the time it’s out of rock. Sometimes we make them out of wood, but that can be challenging. Rock is easier.
Me: What about fire? Can you make fire?
Bigfoot: We can. It’s much harder. Not all of us can. It’s more of an understanding of what the energy of fire is.
Kim: This is fascinating.
Bigfoot: So we can use tools and wood to make fire just like your “survivor men” would, but some of us can make fire with our minds just by understanding the energy makeup of it.
Me: Oh! “Start a fire with your thoughts!” That’s a movie quote from Talladega Nights. Sorry. I know I’m going to get a lot of backlash from interrupting, but I want to get these questions answered. So don’t be haters! Now tell me more about this nest-like structure that you live in. Obviously, you have to have some sort of shelter from the elements.
Bigfoot: We do. We build our structures from our environment, but they don’t last long.
Me: Well, you’re nomads, so…
Bigfoot: Right. If we do build a shelter, we disassemble it and return it to the earth out of respect. Oftentimes these are made from thick shrubs, sticks, branches and leaves, but they’re very temporary. We don’t build them to stay there. We don’t have the need to stay. So we disassemble them after we’re finished out of respect to the earth and show, “Thank you for the resources that we had for this time.”
Me: Do you build a roof or is it just an open nest?
Bigfoot: Yes, there’s a roof.
Kim: It’s like they just pile up shrubs and tree branches that kind of intertwined at the top to hold itself up. It looks like a tree hut.
Me: Do you use animal skins for anything like clothing or part of your dwelling?
Bigfoot: Not very often. Sometimes we’ll use animal skins for warmth after a birth. But if we do kill an animal, we use all of it. There’s no waste in any respect. We try to make sure we can use every part.
Me: What happens when you guys get sick? Do you have special roles like someone is the healer? Is somebody able to make medication from herbs and things like that?
Bigfoot: We’re a higher vibration anyway, so when we get sick, it’s pretty rare, but when we do, we understand the medicine that the earth provides us like the roots, things that come from the roots, etc. All of us have that understanding so it’s not like the females have that role only. So if one of us gets ill, if we know the cause of the illness, then we can find the Earth plant to heal us, but our energy is much more healing based on our vibration. If it’s energy healing we need, that’s much easier to come by just because of our type of existence.
Me: Other than that, are there any specific roles like certain Bigfoots that hunt, certain ones that look for berries and roots, some that build, or do you all participate in everything? In other words, is there a division of labor?
Bigfoot: No, most of it is shared. Sometimes the young will search for berries, but all the work is shared. It’s not divided up like it is with humans.
Me: Okay, now you have the power of telepathy, and of course I know humans have that power, too but we don’t tap into it. It also sounds like you know how to energy heal. Do you have any other powers that we don’t have? Oh, and of course transcending dimensions. That’s kind of a big one, too!
Bigfoot: If you want to call it a special power, we have a higher capability to understand the existence of things: why they exist and why we are existing with them whereas humans tend to combat that. They fight existing with certain people or certain things, even trees. There are a lot of humans that don’t respect trees. They’ll cut them down; they can’t coexist with them. So we have a much higher capability to understand all of existence, but as far as other powers, there are a lot.
Kim: He’s actually referring back to Erik.
Bigfoot: There are a lot that Erik has talked about. We have come of the same capability as [spirits] like knowing how energy works, using that to our advantage to keep our things sacred. It’s not out of trickery or anything based on fear. It’s out of love to keep our individuals sacred and hidden.
Me: So basically, you know how to manipulate energy to manifest things?
Bigfoot: Yes, and vice versa. We can manifest; we can make things invisible; we can move things without touching them, and the ability to manifest, for us, is just as easy as breathing. It’s like—
Kim: Uh, I don’t want to use that word.
She chuckles.
Kim: It’s almost like child’s play. It’s so simple to them.
Me: So, totally intuitive.
Bigfoot: That’s our main state of function, intuition.
Me: Wow, that’s pretty cool!

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