Many of you asked for an interview with Lucifer and, voilà, your wish is Patrick’s command! Also, we have some new members so I’d like to encourage any of you who haven’t already done so to please subscribe to my YouTube channel. Lot’s of great stuff there! Click HERE.
The name Lucifer always intrigued me, because it sounds like the word for “light” in several languages such as Spanish, Portuguese and a few others? Why is it negative?
That’s as little as I know; I turned to Wikipedia for help. To summarize:
Lucifer is the King James Bible rendering of the Hebrew word הֵילֵל is transliterated hêlêl or heylel and occurs only once in the Hebrew Bible, meaning shining one, morning star. The word Lucifer originates in Latin, meaning in that language, morning star, planet Venus or light-bringing. הֵילֵל in Greek is ἑωσφόρος (heōsphoros) “bringer of dawn”, for the morning star.
Later Christian practice came to use the word a proper name for the devil; as he was before his fall, thus Lucifer has become a by-word for Satan the Devil in the church and popular literature.
RQ reader question
Q medium question
C The Committee, the medium’s group of Guardian Angels Guides.
L Lucifer
E Erik (who says, “you didn’t think I’d miss an opportunity to pass some gas here, did you?)
RQ: Why does Lucifer get such a bad rap, but the Angel Samael is also known for holding both good and evil yet still stands by God and has a place in Heaven. I think he supposedly also took Lilith as a wife. Unless i misunderstand the writings about him, Samael is still considered as good, and Lucifer is generally accepted as evil.
I guess put simply, what is the difference between Samael and Lucifer that Lucifer is consider[ed] ‘split off’ and Samael is still a ‘God man.’
C: The negative reputation is human given; as with many aspects of religion and the institutions built around them or to create them. We mean to say, the institution chooses the religion to justify the institution and vice versa.
Other than a story told by humans to humans, what negative things on Earth have been perpetrated by Lucifer?
To offer the view of a fallen Angel requires a belief in a God, a central authority with power, control and ability over the believer. This is very true, if one’s belief creates it. If one does not believe in authority over all humanity, what being can fall?
The notion of fallen Angel carries much judgment, condemnation and classification. Who shall create the criteria of classification for inclusion or otherwise?
Mankind on Earth is free to select or reject the criteria it prefers; the great advantage of the limited perception a journey offers is the ability to create circumstance. In your true home of Heaven, you create circumstance for yourself, however never for another, against their preference. On Earth, however, the some of you may create environments for the others among you, completely against the preference of the subjects, in some instances.
The notion of Lucifer exists from the extension of this human view into Heaven, where it does not operate.
Q: There are examples of spiritual interference on Earth, aren’t there? Demonic-like things carried out by spirits with ill will, done purposely to create havoc for the observation pleasure of the bad actors?
E: Oh, hell yes, and by that standard, I am a devil!
C: Certainly yet the many of you are protected by your spirit guides, in nearly all instances. The rare few that occur do so often with your agreement, that you cannot remember on Earth.
Q: What do demons – souls with bad intent – do to humans, by unconscious consent or otherwise?
C: They provoke interpersonal conflicts. They are not interested in physical acts, many of which do not create the reactions they prefer, the truly vigorous reactions. The intense, heavy conflicts among humans erupt from ideas, what are called emotions, feelings and emotional pain.
Q: Do souls with ill intent use physical acts to create havoc or chaos?
C: Yes, often appearing briefly as a physical person.
Q: How common is this stuff?
C: Extremely rare.
Q: Some people will fear devilish things, and believe they can’t control them.
C: The sensation of fear is evidence protection insulates the fearful from any possibility. The subjects are unaware to a point you would call bliss.
Q: Esteemed Committee, can we ask Lucifer her/himself to answer questions?
C: Indeed.
Q: Erik, can you get the higher angel (Archangel?) in here for a chat?
E: Got a doughnut? OK, gimme a minute….. (Erik flies off like a cartoon character flash…)
Q: Esteemed Committee, while they’re gone, can you tell us about the imagery we so often see of Satan or Lucifer?
C: A human creation. There is some truth behind the visual appearance, yet it is adapted and modified to give the sensation of something sinister.
Q: I think there’s been a lot of writing about hierarchies and levels of spirits, angels, overlord archangels and so forth. Where does Lucifer fit in?
C: He fits where you chose to perceive him. There is no Heavenly hierarchy that matters to you, yet we understand humanity wishes to know of it, because mankind creates it. The idea of organization, as a counterforce to chaos, holds great appeal. The reality is, organization is an illusion, it is a chaos seen as arranged by human effort. It is still chaos or still organization.
Off Earth away from its limitations, it is immediately seen that everything is perfectly organized and no efforts are required to create it. Yet the human view is that organization must be constructed; only within the limits of human body perception.
We suggest Heaven be seen as a crowd of people. You may circle around the outer perimeter and see the arrangements, the configurations are very different even though the people in the crowd remain in the same spot relative to one another. Have them move around and mill about, as humans will say, and then the absence of organization is obvious to see, yet all of these people remain members of their families, groups of friends and work colleagues, to name just a few, despite the haphazard or absent organization the crowd displays.
Lucifer is a member of the crowd, yet retains also his and her relationships with her or his friends. In this arrangement, Lucifer is deferred to as a wise and experienced authority.
Q: Looks like Erik’s back with Beelzebub! Lucifer, my apologies for the crude reference, I suspect it doesn’t apply.
L: No offense taken, I am amused by this and no apology accepted.
E: I accept for him; done.
Q: Him or her? Lucifer, do you appear or identify as female or male, in Heaven?
L: Neither, however the human definitions of a male are what we will use, to not stretch your human language limits to breaking.
Q: So, as you already know, my spirit guides say the image surrounding you is a human creation.
L: Yes.
Q: What could this mean, a fallen angel?
L: What humans call ex-communication, expulsion from the group. This concept requires the departing soul to old value in acceptance. You would not be worried about expulsion from the local chapter of New Mothers, you would wonder how such a mistake could be made. Your reaction to notice of your revoked membership is not involved in the decision to kick you out.
The notion I fell out of favor requires the belief in a central, almighty and all powerful deity and also, my desire to be a member of a group such all powerful authority creates. Neither applies to me.
Q: Why doesn’t God apply to you?
L: We are all God; we all apply to one another. Consider a forest on Earth; can the trees expel one? You are as permanently a part of Heaven as a tree in the woods, and you never die or fall.
Q: In the human view of archangels, are you one?
L: Yes, inside the human society definition.
Q: What purpose does the idea you are a devil, a bad force and a foe of all good, do?
L: It creates a target for blame, a depository for defense and storage for condemnation. The creation of this concept prepares the terrain for planting of ideas and the planter can gain influence and a sense of accomplishment. Accomplishment of protection.
Bad things, often inexplicable, surround all humans, always. The urge and need to respond, prevent, heal, make better and improve are fundamental to human development so making Lucifer the demon worked to that end.
Q: Do you mind that you’re depicted as evil?
L: No; I know that I am not. Pictures create images, reality is not altered by someone else’s view. A tall mountain is not shorter because a satellite view from above, looking down vertically upon it, reveals not its true prominence.
Q: We could toss all reference to Lucifer as the Prince of Darkness and evil from all books, movies and whatnot, and what effect would there be?
L: Don’t do that! How boring could things become….the villain always improves things.
Q: Mr. Lucifer, continuing with the male image, thank you for coming to chat.
L: Your friend you must thank, for he is the linchpin to a such a growing segment of human awareness, that he will become the new prince.
Q: Erik, a prince?
E: Yes! The Prince of Prank…. Earl of Error, Duke of Dunk, Knight of Fright….you name it, I’m it.
L: Indeed and more. My appreciation and wishes for well being, for all. Good bye!
I’ve received so much positive feedback from those of you who have read or are reading the book. Some of you cried, many of you laughed, some of you stayed awake all night to finish it (because it’s really hard to put down!), some of you were sad to finish it and some of you said the book will surely break records. I hope so because I’m so proud of Erik, and the more souls he reaches, the better the world will be. Thanks for spreading the word! Oh, and I just realized I didn’t post Part Two to yesterday’s post. That’ll come tomorrow. My mind is going fast!