Good news! The site works. I decided that if it does go out again, I can always go to Starbucks to post things. It seemed to work there. Liquidweb, the hosting company, says it’s not from their end. They says it’s a worldwide problem. The Internet itself is suffering with hardware failure in areas. That’s so scary, isn’t it? I hope they’re renovating it! We’ve all become so dependent!
I want to announce Jamie’s next webinar class. This is an important one because so many ailments, physical or otherwise, can be healed through crystals. Each one has their own vibrational frequency, and, since we’re energy too, they can affect our frequency. Think of a tuning fork. If you bang it on the table and then hold it against a glass of water, the water starts to ripple. Watch this 9 year-old with his crystal grid. He was a healer in another life, no doubt.
Here’s the information:
Using Crystals for Vibrational Healing – A Web Class with Jamie Butler
Wednesday, August 20 at 6 PM EDT
Please go here to learn more and register.