What a crazy world we’re in now. It’s surreal. And although my usual lifestyle is that of Sheltering in Place, I can only image how it is for those of you who aren’t used to it. I send love and light and prayers for all of you who struggle with this, the financial strife and the anxiety that is overtaking our lives. I do plan to channel the actual virus (if that’s even possible,) so if you want to submit questions, EMAIL them to me at emedhus@gmail.com.
Before we get to the video for today, I’d like to remind you guys of the radio show tomorrow night. Erik’s Hour of Enlightenment radio show airs Tuesday at 4:00 PM PT/6:00 PM CT/7:00 PM ET.
This Tuesday, our guest for the show is Maria Johnson, Medical Astrologist. The topic: The Contribution of Astrology in Medicine (Astro-Diagnosis.) Below, she introduces herself, what she does and why she does it.
ASTRO-DIAGNOSIS is the science and art of obtaining scientific knowledge regarding disease and its causes as shown by the planets, as well as the means of overcoming it.
The main utility of medical astrology is to deliver an indication as to whether the cosmic effects extant at the time of a disease are likely to be beneficial or detrimental to the sufferer. Iatromathematics can be applied likewise in prophylaxis.
Being a medical doctor in surgery, emergency, and Ayurveda I discovered how to use Astro-diagnosis to figure out what had caused the serious health issues I had as a child. Eventually, I left my surgical practice to devote myself to a combination of holistic, Western medicine, Ayurveda and medical astrology. It has always been my goal to cure patients in a non-invasive method whenever possible even as an former surgeon.
My approach to medical astrology is scientific, and I do my own research. In other words, when I do an assessment, I concentrate deeply on the health factor and less perhaps on psychological subjects. Though, everything is interconnected and one does not preclude the other one.
Another important topic that we might discuss is to take our health as an important subject. Too many astrologers talk nonsense, harming clients by not having any knowledge of medicine. Not having that knowledge is like building a house without a foundation.
To connect with me, email me (Dr. D) at geoforce@zoho.com. Here is a YouTube that explains what I do: https://youtu.be/zx_or2LuteU
Then, after 20-30 minutes, Erik will take questions from listeners, and the answers will be channeled by Pamela Aaralyn. You can find out all about her and her awesomeness at pamelaaaralyn.com. Last, if you want to talk to Erik, call in to 646-716-9735.
You can also access the show through http://www.blogtalkradio.com/hour-of-enlightenment
Now, enjoy the video, beautifully channeled by Kim Voigt at embody-light.com.
By the way, I’ve used the YouTube auto-generated transcription feature to produce a VERY imperfect transcription. The best auto-transcribing apps cost too much money, so I hope you can get something out of this. Plus, I don’t have time to devote to proofreading and making corrections. I wish I did!
Hello miss Kimberly “embody-light” Voigt!
you guys in case you don’t wait to the
end because they’re impatient like me
please go to her site which is embody –
light.com. I will put it at the end of
the video as well so and also subscribe
and the notification bell so we are
gonna have a twin flames part 3 and bad
old me I live with the last one part 3
because I guess I can’t count me math
and so the last minute translates video
was labeled part 3 but I went ahead and
changed that so we’re good now this is
truly part 3 so and that’s gibberish Kim
Erik take his take it away
Erik I love you and I appreciate this so
much well and he says mom I love you to
pieces and he’s like he’s being a very
after our last twin flame recording I
kept bugging Erik because I felt like
there was more we could have talked
about I just wasn’t sure what it was
so a few days later him and I were
chatting and he he said he said well
stirred up by making that analogy that
you did in the first one again where if
you imagined plugging into source like
you were plugging into an outlet you
know that but when two twin flames plug
in together that is source emotion
that’s God’s love so he said start out
by explaining that to you yes cool okay
yeah do that he said you know tell her
to you know but you were asking about
other people reflecting the twin flame
back to you he said specifically to tell
you that you’ll see it in your husband’s
eyes when there’s an extra twinkle you
know I tell ya and those times that see
Matt seem magical he also says that you
see it in your grandchildren because
they’re such open loving
[Music]loving people he says you’ll see that
extra twinkle or you’ll see it maybe do
a facial expression or a mannerism that
was just like I used to do at that age
and he said no that that’s me mom
reflecting back to you oh that’s so
sweet that was fun and then I said okay
so tell me what you were talking about
at night I know a little bit about this
with my children but what what were you
talking about with the children of these
twin flame unions how how it’s a benefit
for them or they get an extra spark so
then he started telling me about and
I’ve known this also that okay there’s a
couple times that we merged back into
oneness with God or with source you know
that when we sleep that’s one of those
Oh provided it’s up for people that say
like they’re heavily intoxicated or
taking really heavy drugs they do not
they do not merge back into source but
that’s no good
that’s a definite disadvantage right so
normal people who are doing those things
merge back into source into oneness with
source while they’re sleeping
but people who are twin flames during
the act of intimacy when there’s no
space or time between them if a child is
conceived in that sacred union that
child has an extra spark if he’s saying
it’s like their spiritual DNA their
codons are activated much more easily
than a child that was conceived in a non
twinkling now that child in a non
twinkling union could not do that but
it’s just it’s more of a natural thing
for children that were conceived in the
twin clan Union so then so you started
talking about your two girls one ones
after in one studying to be correct yeah
and then and then
well this Christina is an
anesthesiologist then the next line is
Michelle who’s an ER nurse and the baby
the fifth kid is you know she’s Annika
and she is gonna be starting her fourth
year medical so it’s Christina and
Annika Michelle story will get to her
next back though the girls he was
talking about more specifically what he
said was they will have the ability he
says they’re kind of like going to be
bridges between the medical world and
the spiritual world they will have the
ability to stay very grounded and do
their job and then when they need to to
decipher across you know kind of cross
the dimension or the the bail
information and insight they need from
spirit and bring it back into
physicality he said like instantaneously
today he the example he said like he
said like from for me say if I was
channeling and had clients that day and
then went to go balance my checkbook I
would have a really hard time coming
down from the level of consciousness
that I was to go right into doing my
but he’s saying but those girls could
that’s the difference or he says like
you know say I’m doing a real say like
I’m working on my income taxes this
happened recently I’m working on my
income taxes and somebody’s texting me
and they want a session they want to
reading it
well I can’t just drop it and give you a
reading because I’m not there it’s like
I’m in the basement working and I have
to meditate and go upstairs and clear my
acts of math and government and all that
stuff I don’t like to deal with before I
do a reading yes I could do your reading
but it’s not going to be as good because
I’m not there in consciousness at the
time but so he says it’s a very easy
ability to switch back and forth okay
sorry I’m emailing like
I mean texting back my pool guy cuz a
little disaster here there turn the
wrong down that’s all I want to say but
Papa is in Norway and he said turn all
the valves to the right and I did and
anyway that’s me that’s those two yeah
so that doesn’t just apply to me how can
we you know expand or extrapolate this
information to others who may have a
Christina and Annika and there’s
children how can they tell how can they
foster that I mean whatever you need to
say well he says okay so he says you do
a good job at fostering it and a lot of
people do he said one of the ways you
can tell is things just seem natural for
them like I could use the example of my
oldest daughter she is completely not
into anything cited kick anything
channeling and yeah like that yeah she
is so she’s starting to now oh yeah
that’s cool after she after I told her
about the story of Sarah when I was
Sarah Goode and that she was my daughter
merci she could make sense out of all
that and she believed it so now she’s
starting to get into it she actually
thinks that’s pretty cool yeah but so
anyways so all these years she just said
that was the stupidest thing she’d ever
heard of what listen to it I wouldn’t
follow along but yet she’s in complete
alignment um you know just just her life
I mean if you just look at it everything
just unfolds for her naturally yeah
maybe God the day she got married was
some significant sacred Union day or
something and she
and that she didn’t know anything about
it her she has she has children and
she’s had to have c-sections so she
chooses the burbs for one of her
children and at 11 11 11 on 11 how about
knowing why or why you know she just
does things like that she’s just in
alignment Isis that where you would
recognize it and he says too that
they’re a little a little calmer don’t
get rattled by things as my oh that’s so
so are you saying that the product of
two twin flame unions it seems like
their life just unrolls more
effortlessly right twin blames an but
you don’t have to go there swish them
okay good go on you know yeah yes and he
started talking about my shot you know
Michelle is Michelle’s purpose is a
little bit different okay so to start
off he says I’ve ever explained this
purpose before we incur Nate we all
choose a purpose that’s specific to us
an individual and personal to us yeah
but that one thing that’s so important
that you overcome or learn or whatever
it is also has a big planetary impact so
for instance if you’re born and you’re
carrying a wound from a past life when
you heal that wound when you forgive you
take your power back you integrate it
and you release the other person from
responsibility that heals that memory in
the grid that’s in the earth so that
means that others that do not have the
ability to heal can download that grid
and use it to heal it also means
it repairs a planet so that new souls
coming in that memories neutralized it’s
not there anymore
because remember when we talked about
the fur they’re born and they can feel
it and so yes I’ll act out those things
so Michelle was working on her Akashic
record this time and it’s from her life
you know from the Holocaust oh yeah I
think he needs help with you some of the
things too to watch out for for like
people in that situation on the eboard I
asked Erik why does she get bored so
easily because he’s like episodes Gera
said personal intimacy so that came from
a past life so she doesn’t wanna slow
down so that she has time to think about
it oh yeah brave warrior yeah so okay so
he says so there’s a universal law that
yeah you and someone’s like or do
something where the time line ends like
in the Holocaust for all those people
that murder he said those murders you
get to come back into a new time line
it’s like a cosmic reset a do-over and
do this life so that it has a different
outcome so he says so that were there
for children
do you remember five children by okay
okay if I remember correctly yeah and
one of them was a make up apparently and
it’s a boy the win Annika was born
that’s when Michelle starts she was
eight that’s when she started having
having a lot of problems I think it
triggered that life it was very true
yeah well she broke her leg around that
time and that didn’t help
yeah yeah
so whenever a time line has been
disrupted you get to come into a new
timeline have a better
come so he said she will get to be with
all of those children that she was
separated from in those lives you know
there’s there’s Annika I got very strong
yeah I’m getting goose bumps the two
boys that she has now here oh yeah
oh he’s paying the other children they I
don’t know necessarily that they would
be her children they could be her
grandchildren nieces nephews someone
significant in her life so what he says
is that she will through normal her
normal everyday experiences like with
work neighbors family friends coworkers
there will be awkward there will be
situations she’s calling him
opportunities that present themselves
that are similar in nature to what
happened there and it could have been
like like when they came and captured
them like that kind of thing that you
know she’s the ER nurse so she has
somebody come in that was electrocuted
or something yeah yeah okay oh wow all
kinds of different things
yeah yeah yeah and so what it’ll be is
her ability to you know move through
those things that they feel traumatic
forgive take the power back integrate it
and release the other person from
responsibility and so I asked her well
what what are the kind of things that
somebody who’s had that kind of a tragic
ending what kind of things would they
see that would trigger them you know and
he talked about a couple things he
talked about feelings like you said
right gonna bus right remind them a lot
of people listeners or watches out there
they there’s probably a lot that
suffered in the Holocaust either was
killed there or suffered and then you
know survived but then you know died
other causes mm-hmm he told me another
thing would
I just I always think it was the power
line sizzling I don’t know if you guys
hear that down there but it’s some kind
of insect that Oh
powerline sizzling oh I don’t know so
many like noise like that or like Oh is
she afraid storms growing yeah you know
what she was afraid of trains going on
the train track and our other hazards
cutting the ready to readily readily
readily that’s the train of the
Holocaust and Annika there was a little
penguin toy when she was just crawling
that would go over the grout lines and
make that same sound and she would freak
out so we got to go yeah yeah back from
from the other thing he taught he told
me and it’s coming after the birth of
your children because your heart opens
in a new way and it’s been so hard on
your body
he says it’s often common after the
birth of a child to get reached a
favored by some of these these things oh
he also said that specifically you know
like anything to do with racism mm-hmm
would just tweet her son just she gets
upset like a lion defend anyone that’s
why and he said so she might have some
opportunities in her life where she does
defend you know somebody innocent or
somebody who’s being picked on or yeah
or she has a chance to stand against
that and there’s a side I can’t wait I
said oh yeah where is she gonna see that
everything oh he said well well know
just think about it per minute and he
reminded me of something when I was a
nurse I don’t even remember well what
year it was or what set of shots we were
giving but you know when you’re a nurse
and you’re giving a shot it’s all in the
flow it’s a flows yeah
for some reason this one immunization we
have I can give us a flu shot or
something maybe each one then when they
don’t remember every time I try to give
it I just say I I can’t there’s
something wrong here
I’ll ah but you stopped because I’ve had
these weird dreams where I’m trying to
spank my kid and I don’t spank okay and
I just get then I can’t do it so funny
oh my god yeah yeah oh and she said he
said he said for some reason you picked
up on maybe that that vaccine was maybe
maybe he says maybe it was just toxic
for you okay
maybe he said maybe it was toxic for
other people too and he said you just
picked up on it and it just wasn’t
flowing for it yeah he said she could
have things like that happen okay also
the other very common things is eating
disorder hoarding hoarding food eating
any kind of eating just okay so that I
can imagine right what are some things
that could help her with this and he
told me just to make sure she’s doing
the digestive care you know like teas
and that kind of thing whatever she
needs to do probiotics teas and he said
very important to do a liver cleanse
twice okay Wow so it’s amazing all kinds
of ways you can do that okay so then
damage I asked okay so what about Lucas
and he said well Lucas is still defining
himself in deciding who he is and what
he wants to do he is his own man and he
said to tell him it’s very important
that he always follows us her and then
he loves let me tell Alice siblings they
love oh yeah of course
but he said he doesn’t want to come in
and start saying things because he wants
Lucas to find out for himself because he
he says he felt like Lucas would feel
like he was riding in a shadow for Eric
like it would Joe yeah okay and Lucas is
going to do this this and this he said
Lucas gets to determine the others have
already started the process
Marren are working on it so it’s okay
for him to talk about it
well apparently Lucas was Christina’s
and during the Holocaust husband
Christina was a Catholic who helped
children Jewish children or maybe the
whole families escaped the Holocaust you
know escape the Nazis so and Lucas was
married to her but just uh okay he was
kind of like uninvolved she got pissed
at that that’s funny
yeah that is telling me you know how the
cost was like consciousness came in to
do it just like autism is a girl
consciousness a lot of balls come in to
volunteer to do that he said it makes it
makes sense that many of you would have
been in that life to end together and
you’re all back together you know you
came in as a group and you’re a group
again and this time working you know
supporting each other to work through
that okay so I don’t want to be selfish
I do want to extrapolate this to others
how can people out there who have not
had past life regression on that how
what signs are there that they can pick
up on that tell them that they or their
family member their children were
involved in that Holocaust group
well like the symptoms that we were
talking about oh we were talking about
he said they might be drawn to it he
said like remember that what he’s
telling me about that movie Schindler’s
List oh yeah
he said you may watch that and a person
who’s in the Holocaust and is caring he
said someone who’s resolved the trauma
is not gonna see it but somebody who’s
still carrying the trauma they may be
especially upset by that
yeah thing if they’re not sleeping if
having anxiety using and not just the
Holocaust for anybody that’s working on
in akashic record– what you’re gonna
see is a lot of drama
oh says you’re gonna see the same kind
of things coming back over and over and
over again I say when he says that’s
gonna be your biggest clue a lot of
drama and we’re the same thing keeps
type of thing keeps happening over and
over Norman okay let’s talk about what
you can do to help not only Michele but
other people you know I know that you
can regress them to that life right and
also you can take them to the Akashic
work on their spiritual DNA well I mean
you should be testing it because what do
I know
yeah there there are so many things and
Eric saying it depends on where the
person’s acts because he’s saying like
for okay so for like Michelle she’s
she’s supposed to be a thermal person
she gets to raise her children into
adulthood she gets to finish out that
light that was okay so she gets to do
that this time he’s saying she didn’t
really chart to be a medium or a psychic
or anything in this lifetime if she had
she would have to remember and go
not necessarily you wouldn’t have to
remember them all but you’d have to
remember to heal those memories and that
can get pretty intense and pretty hard
like with you yeah right great I it’s
about three weeks where I couldn’t even
get out about it before you know I’m
alright now it’s better to but but but
that was a really hard thing to go
through and he’s saying for Michelle
that wouldn’t help her yeah and so he’s
saying you can do a past life regression
so they can see those things but if you
do you have to do some kind of therapy
some forgiveness work and taking your
power back those kinds of things so he
says you can do that but then I’ve had
other people who have come
to me wanting to work on a past life
thing and well I’ll just tell you one
lady I had she was just about 80 and she
had a lifetime where she was held
captive by the Catholic Church and she
was like a sex slave for that well that
in this life or in another life in
another life okay giving birth to these
babies that they that they would take
and what they were doing is they were
actually smothering the babies Oh God
and so you know the guides told me it
would do no good to take her back to
that it would just traumatize her all
the more but what they said was in her
case just to give her a reading to tell
her about it and then to do the same
healing work we would have done anyways
and you told you help with that healing
work right mm-hmm how do you do that
like in the Michelle’s case you can
regress her sure he knows about this but
how would you help heal her well we
would have her you know I would have her
in a fifth dimensional space these other
individuals oh yeah
and then the forgiveness technique and
then help her the other he’d have to
take her to the next step where she
understood that this was a very brave
thing she did to come into this lifetime
and to me she basically made a huge
sacrifice yeah and it was for the
betterment of the planet so if you can
get her to shift it and see that because
you don’t want her in here’s what Eric’s
mean you know when she wouldn’t
necessarily want to go in there and find
out maybe that the boss that she’s
working with was the person that flipped
the switch yeah oh yeah how are you
gonna deal with that you know no no you
just want to face with people in the
dimension that did what you did with me
right right right
so he’s seen those kinds of things can
help another thing that can happen and
this is very odd it’s
some kind of entity lightening its
insecticide insecticide like a Pleiadian
thing that can follow families from
lifetime to lifetime and it’s not just
like one like someone has one entity
it’s like this thing would tend to talk
tentacles okay what maybe be attached
into some really dark family member
that’s playing you know the start role
and then yeah but it would have these
little tentacles that would lead into
other family members a story together so
sometimes you gotta go in and remove the
entities and clear the energy can you do
that mm-hmm
oh wow because a couple of mediums said
that when she kind of changed from being
so happy and sweet to real negative at
eight years old that the broken legs
being triggered about the past life that
lowers our vibrational energy so that
one or I think it’s just one negative
entity connected to her or that now
that’s gone maybe yeah
well then let me let me ask error
I’m feeling like yeah I just kind of
getting a yes oh good yeah okay but that
I have seen that happen in some families
it’s a very y’all if y’all have a maybe
if you have a family where there’s a lot
of drama and toxic relationships here
and there etc then it could be this
insect like being entity I think we
should call an orc in consult frankly
that you know that Kim can help you with
at embodies dot I mean embody – light
calm well I mean you offer so many
things just freakin incredible Wow and
you’re such a good tailor – thank you
well they used to help people out there
oh go ahead
I say the reason I trained you know
those modalities was because I had up
not knowing but I had one thing after
another it would help a little bit and
then I trained on it so I continued
could continue to work on myself and
offer it to other people so that’s why I
have so much training that’s awesome
that’s great I started a long time ago
so okay anything else that you can tell
people either who feel like they have
children and that are the positive twin
flame knees or the people who think yeah
I think I am a product of twin flame
unions or just anything Eric what do
people need to hear out there he says
they just need to stay in synchronicity
and flow the other thing you saying
about Twin Flames is you wanted me to
make this point it’s a vibrational match
thing yeah and you’re gonna naturally be
drawn together because a lot of people
think they have to go in and try to make
it happen or control the circumstances
he’s saying if you’re doing that you’re
ready for it it’s a natural thing you
will be drawn together it’s a magnetic
thing it’s supposed to happen in the
rest of my army yeah and he’s just
saying that most of the issues okay so
if it’s from a past life most of the
issues are going to present very similar
in a current life so if you deal with
that situation than you’re currently you
don’t have to go back into past lives
and learn it it’ll just take care of it
if you do it in this life what he’s
saying is if you’re somebody who’s had a
problem and tried dealing with all these
things in the current timeline and you
just can’t do it there’s a pretty good
indication it’s past life if you’re
gonna have to do like some quantum work
in different timelines and that is Wow
so there’s always a solution that is so
good yeah there’s all kinds of healers
out there there yeah reenacting an hour
and my family this timeline is it
reenacting whoa care there yes I mean
the children oh yeah okay he’s not
telling me that anybody is particularly
triggering her he’s kind of saying that
it would have been too close for comfort
for her to have like people that maybe
played out a negative role in that
lifetime that whole story that was a
send her over the edge he said yeah he
said he’s telling because it’s like this
it’s like it’s the memories there and
it’s under the surface you know and it
almost wants to come out but he’s saying
like particularly with Michelle with
what you told me she just keeps herself
so busy yeah so that it doesn’t come up
and then she loves work now our lean
Eric said that
her that’s her eldest from another daddy
split off from source directly and
didn’t really have any pastime although
that was interesting and somebody also
said that our kids especially you know
for example Michelle shows her parents
because she knew that we would be really
supportive and loving while she worked
out this very difficult you know exactly
you contracted with her to do that Nick
is her very sweet husband was he
involved in any of the that lifer
Nicholas Murphy I got a yes up man oh
how so as I’m trying to find out here
like a very close friend or neighbor or
something a beer okay
and I asked husband and that was a
definite no but a very close friend all
right somebody really relied on and
counted on for moral support and that
kind of thing
was it Jewish yeah okay okay well now
he’s on Jewish as you can be this so
funny all right well that’s good so you
guys I know this has been a lot about my
family but your hopefully gonna see that
there are so many people out there with
the same thing going on and it’s not
just the Holocaust like you said Kim
it’s also the the autism autism
collective and maybe some others Kim are
there some other Biggie’s world war two
I know that was exactly yeah Spanish
Inquisition yeah Eric is just telling me
one more thing he says don’t forget to
say this okay so we have two grids on
our planet oh no can do there’s the
third dimensional grid which is all the
chaos okay it’s the fifth dimensional
grid which is the peace the love the
understanding that’s where we all want
to be yeah when you are going through
these things when you’re having a lot of
trauma and chaos it’s cuz you’re hooked
into the third dimensional grid so what
really helps is to keep your energy in
the new grid in the 5 D grid as much as
you can because that keeps your
vibration high enough and then those
things don’t bother you yeah tell my mom
how it is for you because ok so like say
I wake up and I haven’t gotten enough
sleep and I’m a little crabby I’m in the
3d grid cuz I’m just being irritable and
crabby bitch here Eric saying bitchy
oh he’s not for me out
well I got my bitchy days too
so yeah so I’ll be like that and then
I’m I am in the third grade when I’m
like that then I’m still thinking about
my mother what she’d get all Messiah on
seeing them and what this person did and
what that person did yeah until I raised
my vibration and get into the 5d grid
then all that nonsense goes away it
doesn’t bother me I see the picture but
sometimes I have to work on it to keep
myself in there
it’s almost like if you happen and I can
drop back into it yeah it’s almost like
if you raise your vibration then you can
put yourself from victim mode to
observer mode can you help other people
learn techniques on how to I mean you
can raise their vibration with it but
how to waste a razor vibration mm-hmm
and one of the things I mean I just talk
them through but one of the things we
always do is you just imagine dropping a
grounding cord into the earth and you
just kind of feel it you know and and
grounding and just tell yourself you’re
connecting into the new 5d 300 and you
just make that connection and he says
practice practice listen to your
favorite stand-up comic I guess listen
to the music you love do the things you
like whether it’s painting or sculpting
or writing poetry that taps into a joy
right that’s it he’s saying that isn’t
exactly alright so he’s gonna see a
mission I was doing a really good job
but they’re always making one more point
do you remember when he first
transitioned and I don’t remember which
medium was channeling him but he said
something to the effect of he was
worried about Michelle because he left
earlier than he was supposed yeah
he’s worried that she wouldn’t be able
to do her job she was supposed to do
another purpose that was it that’s what
he was referring to oh okay he’s gradual
oh she’s uh she’s one of the best ER
nurses ever they love her and she loves
them and she’s just really so good she
has saved so many lives
anyway that’s awesome anything else you
want to share we don’t have to have a
whole hour but no no it was just that
personal stuff he came up with your
family and like I said it is personal to
you but he says but it’s the same thing
that happens in a lot of families and
relate all right so I think it helps
people when they to understand it when
they can understand it through real
people in real situations how it’s
actually everything that is true that is
true oh thank you I love you and Kim I
love you
you guys gotta check it out what you
just offer because it’s like a Chinese
menu right on embody that light calm and
I love you guys hit the like button if
you can if you didn’t go ahead and
subscribe thank you and I will hold on
to me too I love you baby yeah
Featured image courtesy of spiritualunite.com.
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