As Erik shares more about the nature of the afterlife, he offers his own viewpoint of the plight of the earth, particularly the United States. It’s interesting to have the political perspective of a spiritual being. Sounds like he’s already in campaign mode!
Channeling Transcript
Me: Now, some people wonder what the environment of the afterlife is like. I’ve heard that, you know, when you go to Heaven, you can actually have a real home with furniture, televisions, and so on. I think you said you had a little home for a while, Erik. So why is it that it looks almost like the earthly plane in some existences?
Erik: Yes, Lay-Z-Boys and pizza. Mom, that’s what our lives were trained for on the earthly plane. These are our memories, our thoughts, still wanting to be alive. These are our comforts, still wanting to be alive.
Me: Ah! Okay.
Erik: And so we create them. We create these comforts with those memory thoughts. Not everybody does, though.
Me: Yeah, yeah.
Erik: But it’s really wonderful.
Me: Yeah. And when you create such surroundings, that’s where your vibration is, more at an earthly vibration?
Erik: Yeah, and it’s great, because we’re never going to run out of space!
Me (laughing): I guess not! So, how do you meet other beings in the afterlife? Does there have to be some sort of connection like past lives?
Erik: No, there doesn’t have to be a connection, uh, I mean a past connection, cuz we’re all connected anyway. But there are these soul families that reincarnate together. They can be anywhere from really, really big to very small. And you’re greeted by your soul family when you cross over.
Me: Uh huh.
Erik: And of course they’ve made friends and you’ve made friends. You can just think of somebody, and they’re there. Just like when you think of me, Mom. Then I’m there. Oh, or if it’s somebody famous like Michael Jackson, you can just think of him and inquire to engage with him. It’s kinda like using a telephone, but you don’t really need a number.
Jamie and I laugh.
Erik: And we do have social events!
Me: Oh, cool!
Erik: We have music, we have, um, I guess you could call them dances, but they’re different. We have gatherings, talks. It’s kinda like how I’d imagine sitting on the steps of the Parthenon, like all the Greek philosophers sitting around talking about astrology—we have these talks and we talk about the faith and the fate of the Earth, and we talk about how we can be involved and how we can help.
Me: Oh, okay. Well, we need all the help we can get, I’ll tell you that!
Erik: The United States is still in a very, very bad position.
Me: Oh, gosh. I know. Well, I guess there are other places in the world that are even worse off.
Erik: I don’t know about that, Mom. It might be better off to have to scrounge for your water and not have a—
Jamie: Dang, Erik!
Erik: It might be better to scrounge for water than to have a government hovering over you and “taking care of you” that’s lying.
Me: Oh gosh, I know, I know. Awful.
Erik: It’s okay to rely on the comforts of the government when you really, really need it, but at the same time, the government needs to stop giving it to you, giving, giving, giving. The government doesn’t really care, at least most of the government doesn’t. They just want power, votes. It’s better to have a government that has faith in people to rely on themselves instead of enslaving them with a feathered nest all their lives.
Me: Yeah, it’s better to depend on yourself and your family and friends than to be under the control of the government, huh?
Erik: Yeah, that’s how we see it from our perspective too, Mom. Can you be sure to put that message out there?
Me: Oh, sure! Absolutely! When I see the corruption in our government, or any government for that matter, oh, don’t even get me started. (Pause) Oh, back to TVs, Erik. If you have TVs and you watch them, what programming do you have?
Erik: Well, since time doesn’t really exist here, we can watch very old programs, very new ones, and even programs in the future.
Me: Oh, wow! So, programs created on Earth. Right?
Erik: Earth, yes, and there are other programs from other existences.
Me: Oh, cool! So you watch reruns and pre-runs. Nice.