I know theses topics seem a little random and unrelated, and that’s because they are. This part of the transcript comes from the very beginning of the July 21st session with Kim. If you remember, I skipped this segment to get right to the Ask Erik questions since so many of you were eager for answers. As promised, here is that part of the recording:
Kim: Well, where would you like to begin?
Me: First of all, I want to say, ‘Hi, Baby! How are you doing?’
Erik: Hi Mooommm!
Kim laughs.
Me: How’s your girlfriend?
Erik: Great!
Me: You still have her?
Erik (chuckling): Whaddya mean do I still have her?! You think I would have blown it already?
Kim and I both laugh.
Me; Oh, and how’s Allie?
Kim: Allie?
Me: Yeah, she’s the girl about Erik’s same age that got killed when someone was playing with a gun. The guy thought it wasn’t loaded and…well, Erik and Allie were really close, and he took it very hard. In fact, that grieving over her may have played a factor in his own death.
Erik: Oh, Allie has been making the rounds, you know, playing, having a really good time. She’s going back to the earthly plane soon, so she’s like kicking up her heels right now. She’s going back to Earth, is gonna be a boy, and she’s actually gonna go back to that same family! It won’t be in the immediate family like her mom or her sister won’t be her mother, but she’ll be born into that same extended family. So that’s news!
Kim: Oh, Erik says he has a message for you, Elisa. Let me see what that is.
Kim: I’m just going to listen to him. He’s thinking. Oh, and he’s saying hello to ME! Oh, hi, Erik! Nobody ever says hello to me! (laughing hard) You know, it, uh, doesn’t matter. Thank you, Erik! (laughing again) Thank you for acknowledging my presence!
Kim: It’s about your health. Let’s see what he wants to say. Erik, Erik, you’re speaking a little bit slower than usual!
Erik: Yeah, yeah, you know how it goes sometimes.
Me (teasing): Well come on, Erik, chop, chop!
Kim: Erik, are you tired?
Erik: Yeah, kinda.
Kim: How can you be tired in spirit? I’m just asking.
Erik: Well, I had a big night last night.
Kim: But in spirit, without a physical body to recharge—
Erik (in mock frustration): Can we just get on with it?
Kim (chuckling): Okay, okay! Ooookay! Let’s see what he wants to tell you. (pause) Oh, he’s giving me a hug!
Me: Aw!
Kim (tearfully): He’s giving me a hug! Aw! Oooh! He says he was working, that’s why he’s tired! He says that now, because of your blog, a lot of people from all over the world want to talk to him—
Me: Wow!
Kim: And so he’s been trying to figure out how to do it.
Erik (laughing): It’s like that movie, Mom. That Jim Carrey movie about God.
Me: Bruce Almighty!
Erik: Yeah! Holy shit! There are a lot of people out there! So I’m trying to figure out how I can talk to everybody. I dunno, maybe I’ll put ‘em on a schedule, Mom. I dunno. If I do it like Kim, I’ll never get to everybody! You know, how she sets people up by appointment?
Me: Yeah.
Erik: And they’re only so many people she can talk to in a day, then her energy runs out. I’m just a little stressed out. I’m trying to figure out how to do it.
Me: I don’t want you to overwhelm yourself, Baby! You need balance there too! Is this all too much for you?
Erik: No, I’m not saying that! And I’m not asking you to help me, Mom. I’ll figure it out. I don’t want to give you more responsibility than you already have. You’re pretty much maxed out. But that’s just something I’m going to have to figure out.
Kim: So Erik, you don’t want any advice from Mom?
Erik: No. She’s got enough on her plate. But I wanna talk to her about her health. Your gallbladder. It’s gonna come out.
Me (sarcastically): Oh, great! Wonderful!
Erik: It doesn’t have to do with an issue you’re failing at. It’s just wearing out.
Me: Okay. Hey, I know! My whole body is wearing out, why should my gallbladder be any different!
Erik (laughing really big): That’s what happens when you get really old!
Kim laughs loudly.
Me (laughing): Oh, great. Thanks a lot, Erik! Now, I still have a lot of these Ask Erik questions. Can I start those, or do you have something else to say about my health?
Erik: Mom, I think you should just stop eating dairy stuff. Yeah, and you’ll get it out before the end of the year.
Me: Okay, no big deal.
Erik: You’re already having symptoms, aren’t you? You already know it’s going to shit, right?
Me: Yep, sure am! And my amylase level has been high off and on. Just waiting until I really need to deal with it.
Erik: It’s not going to explode or anything, Mom. And it’s not cancerous or anything really bad. Everything will go well with the surgery, no worries.
Almost a month has passed since this channeling session, and Erik seems to have hit his stride. He’s been visiting several of you in many ways, and I’m grateful to all of you who have shared these wonderful experiences. I have a feeling he’s worked out some sort of system, probably with the help or advice of higher level guides. I also sense he is no longer feeling stressed out. In fact, I bet he feels fulfilled and in control of his noble mission.
There is one thing I’m apprehensive about, and I believe this comes form Erik as well. As helpful and giving as he has been with all of us, he and I both want this lovely quest to remain pure in its purpose: providing solace, comfort and enlightenment to those who are willing and open enough to embrace it. This should never be about Erik, the psychic mediums or me. He should never be elevated to a cult icon status, because the message then would become a bit distorted. I think the beauty in this, our journey together, is the fact that Erik is imperfect. He has flaws, just as we all do. And it’s these flaws that connect us. It’s our many failures that help us understand and cherish the human experience. If we can embrace these human foibles, both ours and Erik’s, then the our mission of love and enlightenment will remain pure and clear.