The content we’ve been getting while filming for the documentary has been amazing! Paola has been interviewing many of Erik’s old friends and neighbors and the anecdotes they shared have ranged from sweet and poignant to downright shocking. I can’t wait until the film is finished and you guys can watch it!
So sorry that we couldn’t have the radio show last night. I hope you all caught my announcement yesterday morning. Poor Jennifer is sick with what sounds like strep throat. Keep sending her healing energy from time to time!
By the way, there’s still time to book a private session at my house with Veronica, or Vee (as her friends call her.) She’ll be dropping in for a mini stay here in Houston area October 24 – 27 AND she is offering only a handful of private readings.
Sessions are limited so be quick to grab your spot with her. Click here to book your private session with Vee
She will offer up Erik’s advice, as well as the guidance of the angels and the entire Spirit realm.
Okay, now for today’s topic: Everyone knows water is special and, through awesome channel, Denise Ramon, Erik explains why. Check out Denise HERE. In her readings, she give incredible detail. She gave Sean, Erik’s dear friend, such specific and validating information that he cried with happiness, knowing his buddy was still around.
Please subscribe to the channel if you haven’t already! I’m trying to get over the 100,000 point so I can get a verification badge. Not sure what that is, but it sounds important!!
Check out these photos of water crystals:
Here’s the transcript!
Elisa: Hello Denise. I miss you. It’s been so long.
Denise: It has been a while. I miss you. Erik is here. He’s very playful right now.
Erik: Hi Mama, I love you.
Denise: He’s just…he’s making me laugh. He’s very playful.
Elisa: Hi, my lovely boy, I love you. And you’re splashing around in water, I understand, because we are going to cover the very special topic of water. Water is kind of different. Well, I…you know what? I just want to start off with that. What is the thing about water, Erik?
Denise: Um, he’s showing me…he’s playing with the water, and he’s like…he’s able to manipulate it to where he’s like holding water in between both hands and just playing with it and stuff.
Erik: Water is what we’re made of, you know.
Denise: The water in us…he’s showing me how everything controls the water within us and with the planet.
Erik: Water’s just very healing. It’s because of how our body responds to the water. Just like they say, you know, drink water, keep yourself hydrated. People who don’t have enough water or people that have too much, but there’s a balance.
Denise: He’s showing me how there’s a balance of fluid within us that keeps us operating, um, like I guess…he makes me feel like where we’re more just balanced is how he’s saying it.
Elisa: I mean, water is really important for the chemical equations going on, the biochemical equations going on in our bodies to work, for one thing.
Denise: Yeah, cuz he’s showing me it keeps us balanced and everything.
Erik: That’s why it’s important to make sure you get healthy water.
Denise: And he says “clean”, but when he says clean, he’s talking about healthy water, um, because you have to be careful about some of the water you digest, and like the containers it’s in and just…
Elisa: Oh yeah, the bisphenols.
Erik: That’s why it’s so important that in other parts of the world where clean water is so important because they’re not able to balance themselves, and balancing themselves helps fight off infections, erosion.
Denise: I don’t know what he means by erosion, but he just says erosion.
Erik: It just heals, it just heals.
Elisa: Yeah, probably if, you know, if you don’t have enough water, then you get this desertification. Uh, not enough trees and grasslands, etc. to stop erosion from taking off. Should we take…is water grounding? Does it ground us?
Erik: Very much so. Very much so. Yes, it’s very…that’s one of the key elements of grounding is that.
Denise: He’s showing me water is a very good grounding because it kind of like, um, you know, and he’s showing me like if you get splashed in the face, you like “look”, it kind of grabs your attention. He’s showing me like that’s one of reasons why they spray water, like he’s showing me the boxers, you know, on them is to like bring them to. It helps bring them…makes them more coherent, I guess, is what he’s referring to.
Elisa: Yeah, an anti-concussion drug.
Erik: It’s very grounding. That’s why there’s such a love, why people always want to go to the water.
Denise: When he’s saying “the water,” he’s showing me like bodies of water, you know, and people, you know. He’s laughing. He goes, did you ever see a fist fight in water, like at the beach or the lake, he’s showing me. And I mean, I personally haven’t, but I’m sure there has been one, but…
Elisa: We like water features in our yards, like sound of fountains, I mean the sound of water. It’s just incredible how important it is to our lives. Now, I believe in the aquatic ape theory. I think that we used to be arboreal, I mean tree-dwelling apes, but then, um, I guess the savanna lands came and replaced the forest and so we had to go run to or crawl to, like, bodies of water, and that’s how…why we are bipedal because we had to stand up in water. It was easier to stand up in water. That’s why our nose goes down instead of out like gorillas. That’s why the hairs, the fine hairs on our back or the water flow kind of thing. That’s why we have hair on top of our head but very little hair other places. So, um, is that part of what connects us to water as human beings?
Erik: Very good, Mom. Very good. You’ve done your homework.
Elisa: I’m all that and a bag of chips.
Denise: Yeah, he’s like very good. He said yes, I’m like listening as you were talking, and he’s telling me yes, yes, and I found that fascinating.
Erik: Yes, but what you’ve got to remember too is we’re also…when you’re carried in the womb, you’re also carried in water in a fluid.
Elisa: Oh, yes.
Erik: And that’s why it’s becoming even more popular now for people to birth into water.
Elisa: Yes.
Erik: Because it’s a smoother transition and it’s not so rough, but yes, you definitely have a…you’re right about what you were saying.
Denise: I find that fascinating. I didn’t even know any of that and he said yes.
Elisa: Aquatic ape theory. Oh, watch the TED Talk for that lady, little old lady, she’s hilarious. Now, should we be drinking alkalinized water? I read a lot about that. I mean, what type of water should we be drinking?
Erik: The alkaline water is good, but there’s other ways you can do that yourself without purchasing it that way.
Elisa: Oh, yeah. Yeah.
Denise: He says the reason being is because of…and he’s showing me the water out of the sink or out of the hose isn’t the same. It is just not the same, and he’s not going to go into how many years ago or whatever. He says everybody knows that it’s just not the same. So, you do have to add to it. And when he says that, I’m sitting there going, well, to me, I just think that the tap water and the hose water doesn’t scare me, and he says but there are what people say, you know…there’s chemicals, there’s stuff in it. So that’s why and that takes away from what our body needs. So that’s why it’s good to have water that’s alkaline.
Elisa: Just put a little sodium bicarb in it or something?
Denise: Yeah.
Elisa: Not too much. You don’t want sodium overload. Is that what to do?
Denise: He said yes, but he’s also showing me, um, he’s telling me even what my partner does. She puts, um, a little bit of baking soda in it, but she buys organic baking soda, and I think she puts a fourth of a teaspoon in, um, shit, I don’t know. I know that it’s in a container that holds a full bottle of wine. So, whatever how big that is…
Elisa: Okay, like 750 cc? Almost a liter.
Denise: Yeah, yeah.
Elisa: I know my wine!
Denise: But, um, she says she can tell a huge difference.
Elisa: Wow.
Denise: A huge difference. And she even sweats now, and…oh, she’d die if she knew I was telling this on…but she didn’t used to sweat.
Elisa: Nobody’s going to know. Nobody.
Denise: You know, but Erik is saying yes, you know, that would be…that’s another way, he says, but there are other ways also to do things, and he’s showing me like, um, how people put some vegetables in their waters, and he’s showing me, like, cucumbers or lemons or that kind of stuff. It makes a difference, but he said you also have to be mindful of what’s in your tap water because there’s a lot of chemicals, and he’s telling me bleach is in the water, chlorine or something.
Elisa: I bet.
Denise: That smell…he’s having me smell, um, but he says, he goes, you can…he says there’s a lot of places that will test your water for free.
Elisa: Oh wow.
Denise: And you can just see what it is. And yeah, he says there’s a lot, but he says you can also put your water outside. He’s showing me, like, the sun energizes it. There is stuff to it about putting your water out during full moons and stuff like that, you know. He’s showing me you do want to cover it up though, because of the bugs or whatever.
Elisa: Oh, well that’s protein, dude. You just need to floss…floss afterwards.
Denise: Floss afterwards, yeah.
Elisa: All right, so, um, what about like Smartwater and some of these vitamin waters and all that stuff? I know you can sort of make an equivalent yourself, but like a Smartwater, which basically has I think electrolytes. Is that a good thing or is it silly?
Erik: These are things that make you feel good, so yes, it’s good for you because it makes you feel good. But you’ve got to be careful of what it’s packaged in because…
Elisa: Oh yeah.
Erik: Because packaging cancels out everything.
Elisa: Yeah, the bisphenol whatevers.
Denise: So, he’s making me feel like if it’s packaged in plastic, it cancels out because when it gets heated up…
Elisa: Any kind of plastic?
Denise: He’s telling me…he’s showing me pretty much…he’s showing me some kind of plastic that’s kind of green or whatever. I don’t know what that is. He’s showing me there are some that are plastic that are green.
Elisa: Those are good? Those are okay?
Denise: Yeah. Yeah, but he says…but you know, these waters, like, and he’s showing me the word…I’m not going to say the brand name, but they’re pretty popular brands that you can buy at Sam’s or Costco or other stores. He says those sit outside, and he says those kind of take out what they think…he says there’s no regulations on bottled water.
Elisa: Yeah, if they get heated up in some warehouse, what happens, you know? I mean, what sort of chemicals leach out from the packaging into the water?
Erik: And you digest that.
Elisa: Yeah, so we should just do like osmotic…what do you call it? Um, just osmosis, what…the one that is…
Denise: That’s what he’s saying – osmosis or where it’s…
Elisa: Reverse osmosis water.
Denise: Yes, because he’s showing me this system where, like, you can get one of those put on your own faucet or whatever.
Elisa: What about like the PUR…that kind of system? Does that take away a lot of the bad stuff?
Erik: It helps; it’s not a hundred percent. It helps. But if it makes you feel good and you feel comfortable with it, you know, it’s okay. It’s kind of hard to be a hundred percent with the purest and the best because of just how our environment is.
Elisa: As a doctor, I would say be careful about carbonated waters, like club soda, because they have a relatively high sodium content in it. And I think LaCroix probably does not, but some of them do. You have to be careful with that. All right, let’s talk about some of the weird spiritual aspects of water. I mean, water is just…it’s different. For example, it’s one of the few things that when you freeze it, it gets…it becomes a bigger volume. And you know, it has all the three different states like gas, solid, etc. Does water have consciousness?
Erik: Very much so.
Elisa: Well, let’s talk about that.
Denise: He’s showing me that’s like…when he was doing…when he was doing the water like that, he was showing me there’s a consciousness within that water. Mm-hmm. He said very much so, it has a consciousness.
Erik: Very much so, it has a consciousness. Yes, everything has a consciousness.
Denise: And he’s showing me how you can even…how you can talk to the water. I want to say meditate, but he’s saying how you can talk to the water and ask the water to bring all the goodness to you, the nourishment. Not just you personally, but like when you’re watering the plant life or…
Elisa: Oh, yeah.
Denise: Um, he’s showing me how people…there are people that get out when it rains, they do like ceremonies to thank the water, you know the rains for coming, and I don’t feel like he’s just talking like Native American people. I feel like the way he’s showing me there are people that, in other parts of the world, that do like a meditation or ceremony, more of a ceremony of appreciation for this water. And they’re doing this…they’re talking to the water. They’re thanking the water for what it’s doing and nourishing or whatever the water is bringing to them or for them. But he said, yes, water has consciousness and he’s telling me that the water is glad that you asked about the consciousness because so many people don’t even realize that. And when he’s saying that, I’m thinking, oh my God, sometimes when I leave the sink running and I’m like dumping something in the trash and I just leave it running and I’m like…now, I’ll be more conscious of that and he’s…
Elisa: I’m the same way. It’s like ever since I’ve watched this Barney thing. There’s a song like “don’t leave the water running when you’re brushing your teeth.” Oh God, I don’t want to disappoint Barney. So yeah, not doing it. All right, so, you know the Japanese dude with the thought experiments, Masaru Emoto. You know, he would give water with rice in it or whatever thoughts, different types of thoughts, like bad thoughts and just neglect the, um, water-rice combination or give it loving thoughts and it made a huge difference. So, thought, I guess, can influence water to some degree.
Erik: Yes, yes, because the water is…the water is a vibration also, so when you send out those thoughts to water, you’re connecting with the water and you’re sending that out there.
Denise: He’s showing me you…you can put really good loving thoughts into the water and drink it and just feel like you’ve had the best hug or whatever, or the best drink you’ve ever had in your life, or you can put out ugly thoughts or whatever your thoughts are and, he says, the water is going to taste horrible to you. And two different people can be drinking the same water and one person has a different experience…
Elisa: Yeah, because their thoughts are different.
Denise: Yes, because it’s the energy that you put into it because our thoughts are energy, it’s vibrational, and it gets put into the water and water’s vibrational. And he makes me feel like…and I don’t…he makes me feel like water is a very feminine-type energy…is what he’s making me feel.
Elisa: Well, we do get our water bloating. Well, tell me about that then.
Denise: He’s showing me how, um, how the feminine energy, and he’s showing me it’s both, but I feel more of a feminine flare to it. And I don’t mean a prissiness type, but it’s just the gentleness from it.
Erik: The water is here to nurture us, to heal us, to give us life, to give us food. It gives us joy. It gives us pleasure. Water does everything for us. It provides everything, everything.
Denise: And water is just extremely…and he’s showing me how the nurturing part of this water is the feminine energy that I’m feeling because it is very nurturing, all kinds of, um, water, whether it’s coming from the sky or the hose. I mean, just anything.
Elisa: Maybe that’s why people like I prefer baths, like bubble baths, you know. It’s like nurturing. You’re just wallowing in this feminine fluid. Ooh, that sounds kind of gross, whatever.
Denise: He said, um, he’s telling me, I’m going to leave it alone, Denise. Thank you.
Erik: But, um, yes, when you get into that water, your thought is you’re going into this bathtub to soak, and this energy is the…the water in itself is just hugging you, like it’s nurturing your body, and you’re able to absorb it because the water is not just making your skin wet.
Denise: He’s showing me that you absorb that through your skin, and while you’re absorbing that through your skin, it’s feeding all the other little cells and other parts that are going on in our body that I have no idea what it is, but to me I always think of our body inside as it’s like a whole other city.
Elisa: Oh, it is. Oh my God. Oh, the hierarchy is fascinating.
Denise: Yes, and he’s just showing me how when that water seeps in there, how they’re just going on and doing their thing. So, it’s kind of like they’re able to organize their whole town in there the way they want it organized because they’re getting what they need and that’s why we feel so good in that water, um, because it’s supplying that.
Erik: It’s making everything connect. It’s like people feel…people that drink a lot, and the next day they just want to drink a bunch of water. It’s because their body, this village inside is saying, okay we need this, we need that, you know, it’s like making a grocery list, but our body is saying this is what we need and stuff.
Denise: Um, that’s fascinating, Erik. Yeah.
Elisa: feel like I can channel better when I’m in the bathtub.
Erik: You can. And more people are able to channel, and more people are more fluid with their channeling because…
Elisa: Fluid? Of course.
Denise: I know.
Erik: because you’re grounded in there, because you’re in that energy of that. It’s a familiar feeling to you, and there’s a safetiness (safety net?) in it…
Elisa: It’s like being in utero again, in the womb.
Erik: Yeah, and everybody just wants to be by water. Everybody. Regardless of whether they live by the water or they don’t live by the water. Everybody wants to be by water.
Elisa: Yeah, take me away, man. I wanna be in the Cayman Islands, I mean, of course, I mean absolutely. All right. So, so, does it matter what kind of water you drink if you set an intention that it’s going to do you good, you know, or give some sort of appreciation or bless the water? I mean, I wouldn’t, you know, take strong sewage or anything, but I mean if you put the intention that it’s going to be beneficial.
Erik: That works. If you really are truly vibrationally believing what you’re saying, yes, because the water is picking up on that vibration.
Elisa: Yeah, but you really have to believe it.
Erik: Yeah. Yeah, it’s kind of…yeah, you have to know that, yes, by me putting this in here, this is going to take care of it and respond to your vibration. More and more people are catching on to what the vibration is as opposed to lip service. It definitely can do that. Yes.
Elisa: Is water most beneficial at a certain state – chilled, as found in nature? Does freezing or boiling affect it? In other words, this person’s saying…is the water in coffee less beneficial than iced water? Or anything? I mean, is there a certain state that is better and certain states that we need to avoid?
Denise: Well, he says…this is what he’s saying about the ice water and the coffee. You have other chemicals in with the coffee and the water that’s mixed with the coffee, so, you know, that’s…you have to take that into consideration.
Elisa: Yes.
Denise: And as opposed to ice water, you know, he says there is something to, um…he says in the Asian culture, he’s saying, where they drink it room temperature. They don’t drink ice water because of how it is with your body. But he says if you feel good, though, drinking ice water, and that’s what makes you like, oh, this is so good. He says then drink it.
Elisa: I know. When I went to Europe as a little kid, it’s like, you want an ice cube in your water? Oh my God, you’re going to die!
Denise: Yeah, and yeah, I’ve had people…I’ve had an acupuncturist tell me that my body was hot and I needed to drink tap water or warm water. Of course, I’m like, no. But, um, and they can tell by your tongue or something like that.
Erik: It’s all up here. We tell ourselves so many things, but there’s nothing that takes the place of pure water. If you go to the mountains and you drink that water coming off of the mountain, that water’s going to taste much different.
Elisa: As long as the goats are not, like, upstream pissing in it and giving you giardia and coccidia, whatever, that’s fine.
Denise: Yeah.
Elisa: Gotta go to the very top. I’m kidding.
Denise: Yeah, but their water is very different, he says. It depends on where you’re getting it, and he says…um, he’s saying, Denise, a lot has to do with your intent and how you feel about everything. He says that plays a big part because you do get people who are paranoid about this and that, and I agree with him because sometimes I can get myself on a tangent, and then I don’t know what to do.
Elisa: Oh, me too. Yeah.
Denise: And then I’m just like forget it all.
Elisa: Yeah, forget it, we’re eternal things. What’s the worst that could happen? Okay, so do other alien races have something that is not water but is equivalent in the way we’ve been talking about?
Erik: We are all made from some form of water.
Elisa: Water, H2O water, right? Even alien forms?
Denise: He says all. This is what he says, all.
Erik: We are all made from some form of water. That is part of our ingredients in making us, and that is one of the things that we have in common.
Denise: He said yes, he’s telling me yes, you know…I don’t know if other beings drink water like we do or put so much emphasis on water as we do, but he is telling me that it’s part of the ingredients of how…
Elisa: Of life?
Denise: Yeah, of how everybody is made. And he said that goes back to how we’re all connected also.
Elisa: Yeah, wow. So, but there are probably some other life forms that are not carbon-based. Maybe they’re silicon-based or something. Are there? And if so, do they still need H2O?
Denise: He says not all are carbon-based, like how people are going to think, like how we think it is. But, um, he says they don’t need water like we do. You know, it’s not…
Elisa: Not as much or not at all? I mean, maybe they want sulfuric acid running through their veins, I don’t know.
Denise: He makes me feel like their water is…on some level, water is essential to them. I don’t know if it…but he doesn’t…he makes me feel like it’s not…like they’re not required to drink eight glasses of water a day.
Elisa: Oh, okay, yeah.
Denise: But he’s telling me all that all, he says all, um, have that same ingredient as water. So, I don’t know. You know, they may not have as much, the moon may not affect them like it affects us, and they may not, they may not have the tides on their, their planet or whatever. But it…but it does…but the water is…water is a part of them. Yeah, he’s showing me the vibration.
Elisa: Well, is there anything we can do or mix with water that we haven’t tried that would benefit us or the plants that we feed, the animals that we…that we give water to? I mean, what is your advice, Erik? Got some water. I need it for myself, my dog, my plants. What do we do? Besides saying thank you, old fluid one.
Denise: Erik’s joking right along with you.
Elisa: Of course he is.
Denise: Um, you know, he’s showing me that, um, he keeps saying it’s about having, just having respect for it. And then with the water, he’s saying, you know, um, we should really create…
He says one of the things is we try to grow things or try to have things in our town or state or whatever that are not, um…this isn’t where they’re from, you know.
Elisa: Oh yeah, not native.
Denise: Yeah, native is what he’s saying.
Elisa: Yeah, exactly.
Denise: And he said if we would stop doing that, he’s showing me that, um, water wouldn’t have to work so hard because everything is balanced on what grows where and what’s supposed to be where, so they’re all balanced. And he says, and they don’t worry about are they going to have enough water.
Elisa: Okay. So, but so, uh, a quarter of a teaspoon of bicarb in 750 cc of water, right? Is there anything else we need to add? Either substance-wise or thought-wise or motion-wise or anything to the water we drink or that we feed to other life forms?
Erik: Give it your blessing.
Denise: He says, you know there is always, um, he says you know there is something, he’s showing me now where people are putting crystals in a bottle in the water and that crystal’s energizing that. He says that, that does, you know, that does put stuff into the water.
Elisa: Oh yeah. Oh, should we put certain crystals in water?
Denise: He says it’s whatever one that makes you feel good, but he’s showing me more like quartz-type crystals in there.
Elisa: Yeah. Okay.
Denise: And the way he’s showing me, I feel like it’s more the closer to the raw form the better because he’s showing me how we kind of strip away things from it once we get it real nice and polished. Um, I’m asking him, how about a diamond in there?
Elisa: Yeah. Well, I heard that if you put a penny or some pennies in water and hang it on your doorframe that flies will not enter your house.
Denise: He was showing me that earlier. He was showing me that earlier. I didn’t know what that was. But if that’s…he was showing me that, but I was like, but he said yes, it’s true. Um, and I’m asking him why that’s true, but I want to answer your question, but he’s saying, um, but you know, people are putting crystals, you know in there and he’s saying, um, if your intent is to put something in there because it’s making…that feels good to you, he says, then you need to put that in there because that makes a huge difference. He’s telling me people do Reiki on their water, and he goes, that makes a huge difference, you know.
Elisa: That’d be cool to make a water company with beautiful reverse osmosis water Reiki-infused. Put a little CBD oil just in case.
Denise: Wouldn’t that be awesome?
Elisa: Yeah. So, where is the closest planet to us that has plentiful water?
Denise: When you said that, he’s telling me…um, he’s showing me Mars has water on it, he’s showing me that the moon has water on it, but it’s not as fluid as like this planet. He’s showing me, um, uh, and I guess he’s naming these because I may know them. He’s showing me, um, he shows me that Venus has water on it, he says, and it’s also been discovered that Saturn has water on it.
Elisa: And it might not be surface water. It could be, you know, drilled down for it.
Denise: Correct, but he’s showing me all the planets, but he’s showing me all of them have water on it. And so, when I ask him – and he even says in some form or another there’s some fluid in, on, with the sun even.
Elisa: Wow. Water on the sun? I can’t imagine. It’s so hot.
Denise: I know. And he’s…but the way he’s showing me…I mean, he says it’s fluid but I’m like, of course, it’s fluid, but I feel like, um, he’s showing me how there’s water in the sun. There’s water in…
Elisa: Inside? Maybe at the core? I don’t know.
Denise: Yeah, in the planet itself, there’s some. And he’s showing me, you know, not, not a bunch, but maybe it gets a lot of sun from the humidity, Erik.
Elisa: I don’t know. So deep in the sun somewhere.
Denise: There’s…he’s showing me there’s fluid in there because there’s water.
Elisa: Okay, that’s cool.
Denise: I don’t know if it’s drinking water, but it’s water.
Elisa: I’m not going to get close enough to figure it out. All right. So, um, are there any health advantages to living near the ocean or any other body of water for that matter?
Erik: Yes and no. Yes, because the water, you know, it is very healing, and it doesn’t matter if it’s by…what kind of water you live by, whether it’s fresh or salt. Yes, because…especially when you can hear the water because it’s very calming.
Elisa: Yes, I was wondering about that. How much is the sound versus the actual water itself? The sound is for the ears, but I guess getting into the water would be the part where the actual water comes into play. But what do I know?
Denise: Well, and he’s saying the reason being, he says, is because…he’s showing me like how the fresh water when you go into these freshwater lakes…he’s showing me you’re not just getting your skin wet. The water is…you’re absorbing that water too. And he’s showing me how that’s…it just nourishes all these…the inside of your…the city that’s within your body, as I call it, and it’s helping that all to function well. And, you know, you drink some of that water whether it’s freshwater or saltwater.
Elisa: Ew, I don’t want fish piss.
Denise: And the saltwater, he says that the minerals from it, you know, um, you know, the salts is so different from…there’s no comparison to that salt. And um, he says that in itself is very healing to the skin and very soothing, and um, he says, and people just feel so good after they go to the beach. He says there are some that don’t like the sand or whatever, but it’s just very healing. He says now, of course and the sound of the water and the waves of the water, how it makes…
Elisa: Well, what would that do? Does it do something with one or more chakras, the sound of the waves? Um, yeah.
Erik: It just helps you to kind of center your thoughts, so that things can start getting aligned, and also there’s a safetyness. People feel safe in the water, and that’s regardless of…
Elisa: Unless there’s, yeah, Jaws in there, but…
Denise: Yeah, he says, but he says, but that’s like, you know, it doesn’t matter if you’re ankle-deep or not. Because he says some people don’t like the water because they don’t how to swim or they had a bad experience, or something is a bleed-through or something through another life. But um, he says it…but the sound itself, but it’s being there in the water and also feeling the elements from the water, even though you’re not in the water getting wet. And he’s telling me this goes for fresh and salt. You’re still getting the elements from the water also. Your body’s picking that up also.
Elisa: Okay, interesting.
Denise: Because he’s telling me it’s kind of…we’re all connected to it, so we can’t help it.
Elisa: Yeah.
Denise: Yeah. Sorry.
Elisa: No, no. So, um, we can heal water, right? So, can we, I mean, I guess, so that does that mean we can heal the water in someone’s body or does water even need healing? This comes from a blog member, so I might not be doing it right.
Denise: Um, what he says…what I feel like that blog…Erik is saying what that blog member wants to know is…the water itself, the water like in open bodies of water and stuff like that, he says, right now don’t need healing but the water within us, he says, that doesn’t necessarily need healing. He says that goes into our emotional, into our emotional state that needs that, but he says you can heal water. And he’s showing me, and I feel like this person may well also know, you can heal the water by setting your intentions. And when he’s showing me that, I feel like you can even go to the ocean and set your intentions of how you want the water to be. And um, cuz, I guess, cuz there’s a lot of controversy, Erik? And he said, yeah, because of how the oceans are and stuff and how people are polluting the lakes with their boats or their aftermath, their paper products, I guess, or plastic products. But he says you can go out there and put your intention in there, and it will definitely help to heal the water. He says there are people out there now doing that…that are helping to heal the water and that’s why there’s so much attention being brought about, um, with the plastic products, and the oceans and stuff like that.
Elisa: Exactly. Like that one that they make bracelets, which I donated to.
Denise: I have one of those.
Elisa: Yeah, me too. So, water is not only healing, but it also needs to be healed. Any other advice on how we can help our oceans?
Erik: The biggest thing is have respect for the water because when you have respect for something, you treat it with love.
Elisa: Yeah. All right, I only have three more quick questions and we’re almost out of time. So, make it quick. I don’t want to take too much of your time, Denise. But all right, so this one guy wants to know if water is actually the veil. He believes so. Uh, he says that he set up this Facebook group called “Water is the Veil.” Um, he’s posted information and videos about the special qualities of water. You guys need to check that out – “Water is the Veil.” So, he also has personally found that water noise with its ultrasonic sound capabilities is the best for carrying EVP messages – electronic voice phenomena messages. So, what do you have to say to that, Erik?
Erik: The last part of that isn’t the truth.
Elisa: The EVPs? But what about being the veil then?
Erik: It’s not the only thing, but it’s a big part because water plays a big part in everything.
Elisa: But the actual veil between us? Is water a part of that? Oh sorry, sorry.
Denise: He says everything, everything from this planet to other planets to other beings…that’s the…we’re all connected with the water.
Elisa: Okay, so but that boundary between our world and your world, Erik. Does it have anything to do with water?
Erik: Yes.
Elisa: How so?
Denise: He says because…he’s as fluid as water.
Elisa: Oh, okay.
Denise: He says he’s as fluid as water. And so when I…he’s saying…I’m asking him, is that why it’s easy for people to see things while they’re in the bathtub or at a lake or…he says…he says it has to do with because you’re in a healing element, and your brain kind of calms down, I feel like, and he says you’re fluid and he’s, like, he’s fluid.
Elisa: Erik, are you saying that water helps us get that fluidity that allows us to see across the veil but is not the actual veil per se?
Denise: He’s…he’s…
Elisa: I mean, maybe we don’t have the vocabulary to understand this and that’s fine.
Denise: And I have a short one. So, he’s…he’s telling me, like, we have the ability to know that there’s the other side. But I just feel like we don’t have the capabilities, or we’re just not there to really be full on to the other side or what people call heaven, you know, whatever, you know, like, be over there like a hundred percent. Um, but, um, but he says there are people that know how to move in and out of that fluid and…
Elisa: Well, how’s water involved in that?
Denise: He says because, um, because of the movement, he says. The way he’s showing me…
Elisa: Fluidity.
Denise: Yeah, that’s what he’s saying. So, when he’s telling me that, I’m going okay, so I’m going to try that.
Elisa: Yeah. All right. Two quick ones, real quick. What lesson…what’s the main lesson we are to have learned by water scarcities in certain parts of the world and what can be done? Well, that’s not a quick question, but go ahead. It’s 6…sorry.
Denise: That’s okay. He says…he’s telling me the water scarcity is not really scarce. It’s just that we think that it’s scarce.
Elisa: Yes, scarcity is an illusion, yeah.
Denise: And he says it’s really there and he says, and it brings up a lot of fear around the scarcity, but he says…but there is a lack of water, of the availability of water, of what is…free-flowing as how we know in a lot of parts of the world, but there are places there that have water.
Elisa: All right, so what lesson is there behind that?
Denise: He’s showing me that it’s about, he says, working together, like learning to work together.
Elisa: Oh, I got that, like a global cohesiveness, to try to work together to help these…these segments of population where water is, you know, scarce. Overall, it’s not scarce. It’s abundant, but in those local areas. Okay, last two. I never drink…I almost never drink water. I don’t know what it is. I’m…what is that? And you know, a lot of people are like that. They don’t drink water. They just…it’s boring, I don’t know.
Erik: Because we get a taste of other flavors.
Elisa: Yeah, but is it bad? I mean, you know, it’s not good to have your only fluid as the wetness of whatever food and caffeine and you know, things like that.
Erik: True. But we don’t need as much water as we think we do.
Elisa: Oh, okay. I had a feeling. And we don’t need as much food, either.
Erik: No.
Elisa: So, last question. Can you get Masaru Emoto? He’s on that side with you, Erik. Can you get a message from him just about water in general…what the most important thing that, you know, he can tell us? And then that’s it.
Denise: When you said that, Erik says to enjoy it. He said to enjoy it. And you know, it’s funny, Erik always, not always but a lot of times in sessions where people have contacted me because of Channeling Erik, Erik will pop in because a) they want him to and so he’s here, but he will always say, “Appreciate the physical things,” and he always says, “Like the water on your hands when you’re washing them.” He always gives that analogy.
Elisa: Wow.
Denise: Always, yes, and I just…when you said that and he just said to appreciate it, to appreciate it like it’s almost…Erik is telling me that…I get the feeling from this person, Erik is saying, we don’t appreciate the water. Like we take it for granted. Like, you know, we flush the toilet every time we pee or something, and it’s like have respect but have appreciation for this.
Elisa: So, you’re not just wanting us to wash our hands so we don’t get pinworms, right?
Denise: No, he’s…
Elisa: I’m kidding.
Denise: Oh, and Erik always uses that analogy, like enjoy…
Elisa: That’s so important. And so, Emoto is saying the same thing. That’s his message.
Denise: Yes.
Elisa: Enjoy and respect and bless and don’t take, you know, take it for granted.
Denise: Yeah, like, you know, and the way they’re saying it is I feel like it’s like when I go to the grocery store and I’m buying produce, I always silently thank all the farmers.
Elisa: Yes.
Denise: And the people that pick the fruit and I thank them for giving me such an abundance to pick from.
Elisa: Absolutely.
Denise: I didn’t have to climb on a ladder, 10-foot ladder or whatever. And so, he’s making me feel like the same with this water, like really give thanks and appreciation because water is consciousness, they’re both telling me. And I feel like this man knew water had consciousness.
Elisa: Yeah, sounds like it. Yeah.
Denise: Yeah. Water has consciousness.
Elisa: Yeah. Anything else you want to say, Erik? I love you. I will say that to you.
Erik: I love you.
Denise: Erik’s doing balloons, um, so, filling them with water. So, I feel like he’s…
Elisa: Uh-oh, water balloons. Oh, we’ve had a lot of water balloon fights in our backyard.
Denise: Yeah, he’s doing that right now. He’s just…he says everybody just get out and then…he’s saying enjoy this water, enjoy this, but enjoy life, Erik is saying. Enjoy life, enjoy life.
Elisa: But put sunblock on but reef safe. I’m worried about the sunblock that now is destroying reefs. So, we have to work on that. All right, thank you.
Denise: Yes. Yes.
Elisa: Yeah. You guys, check out Denise Ramon at, which I’ll put it right here. Love you guys.
Denise: Love you.
Erik: Love you, Mama.
Elisa: Bye.
Denise: Bye. Thank you.
Elisa: Thank you.
Denise: Bye.
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