Erik on Therapy and Past Lives

First of all, I would like to thank everyone for all the love you’ve showered me with. I feel so honored to have each and every one of you in my life, because you are all so wise and enlightened. Sorry for the moment of weakness and know that your encouragement has lifted me up tremendously. I will be strong for you, my friends and fellow travelers, because we have crossed each other’s paths for a divine reason: to learn from one another and to help spread love and enlightenment to the world. Our mission is so much bigger than any individual, including any hurt feelings or grief. That said, all systems are go! So let’s continue with the next segment of my June channeling session with Kim and Erik.

Me: Erik, can you tell me a little more about the therapy you went through when you crossed over? It’s hard to imagine spirits lying on a couch in a therapist’s office talking about childhood bullies and strict parents. How does it all work?

Erik: I had individual therapy just like on the earthly plane where I would go sit and talk, But it’s a little different in Heaven, because the therapist talks a lot more here. I’m real familiar with how therapists talk on Earth, you know, how they try to get the patient to talk and come up with realizations. Here, it’s a combination, though, a give and take. And it’s private just like on the earthly plane. I lucked out cuz my therapist was really hot.

Me (chuckling): Yeah, I remember you telling us she was cute.

Erik: Yeah, and they also conduct group sessions, and this is especially good for souls returning to spirit who have committed suicide or had a violent death like a murder or an accident and also souls who had a very swift illness. These are all kind of shocking to the soul so they have to “regroup” in group.

Me: Ha, good one, Erik!

Erik: It’s a shock to the emotions even if a soul has a destiny to die in that certain way. They still need therapy to help them get beyond it. But therapy here in Heaven is usually really fast. Souls are really eager to heal and move on. That’s very different from therapy on the earthly plane cuz here, we want to heal much faster and are willing to heal much faster.

Me: What kind of therapy do souls get? Can you tell me in general terms what sorts of things are talked about?

Erik: I don’t know about therapy others have had. I can only tell you what sort of things I talked about. She helped me see how some of my past lives affected my last lifetime. And Mom, it really felt good! It felt so good to let go of all of that. I’ve been thinking and thinking about it. I can’t get over how many issues I’ve been lugging around and how heavy it all was! It’s amazing how human beings can even put one foot in front of the other and live their lives lugging all this heavy baggage behind them. You don’t know how much shit you’re carrying around; you don’t know how heavy it all is until you go through regressions on Earth or until you get over here and get into therapy. It’s just amazing how quickly you can let it all go, how you can acknowledge what you went through and then let it all go! I still can’t get over it.

Me: You can disconnect emotionally from it once you see it. I tried so hard to get you to do past life regression, but you wouldn’t bite. But I don’t know if it would have made any difference.

Erik (shrugging): I was closed. I had no idea. I didn’t want more work. Now I realize you were trying to help me let go of things that were slowing me down, not creating more obligation on top of the pile of shit I had to do. I couldn’t get that then, but now I understand it completely.

Me: I’m glad you get it now, Baby.

Erik: Thank you, Mom, for trying to get me to go, and I’m very sorry I didn’t. I think it would have helped me.

Me: Yeah, I think so too. But as long as your happy and at peace now, that’s all that counts.

Erik: Yeah, that’s true.

Me: Erik, can you tell me a little about the life you had before the most recent one?

Erik: You talking about the World War II one?

Me: I guess. Was that the last one?

Kim: Erik, so what was…he’s nodding like he’s saying, “I heard, I heard.” He’s thinking. What are you thinking about, Erik?


Kim (laughing): He’s looking at me, it’s really funny; he’s looking at me as if, “If I was ready to share, I’d be sharing. Give me a moment.”

Me (laughing): Oh! I can just see him!

Kim: Erik, I guess my question was…I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to push you or to be impatient.

Erik (laughing hard and speaking with mock sarcasm): Oh God forbid!!!

Kim (chuckling): Okay, very funny. I was just wondering if you had forgotten. It appeared as though you were choosing your words.

Erik: Well, yeah! I was just thinking back on everything I saw and everything that I’ve let go of.

Me: Hmm.

Erik: Mom…

Kim: He’s thinking. His brow is furrowed. Is this something you don’t want to talk about, Erik?

Erik (in mock exasperation): Hell no, no no! Just wait a minute, will you? The thing that I carried with me from the lifetime before my last one as Erik Medhus was that…I was male.

Kim: He’s showing me to himself as a young guy.

Erik: I came away from that lifetime feeling a great obligation for other people, feeling responsible for others. So when I came into the lifetime as Erik, I had this heaviness, this weight hanging on me. I felt this responsibility to make other people feel happy and move forward, uh…more than that…for them to survive.

Me: Yeah I know you had that same kind of burden in other lives you shared with us. Were you in the war, then?

Erik: Yes. I was Polish. I was a Polish Jew. Let’s see, I was kind of tall, dark eyes, dark hair. I had just had my bar mitzvah so I was like 13.

Me: Oh my gosh, so young!

Erik: It was around 1940. I spent time in the Warsaw ghetto before I was taken to Auschwitz. I was separate from my entire family. I had a real big family and I was real real close to my sister. So I was by myself in the camp, and I stole food to pass out to other inmates. I chose to help others. And I’d hide people I knew were gonna be selected to go to “the rooms.”

Me: The rooms?

Erik: Yeah, the rooms where they would be gassed.

Kim: So Erik, you were quite the facilitator in that lifetime.

Erik: Yeah.

Kim (touched): Oh, he has tears running down his face.

Erik: I wasn’t able to save as many lives as I wanted.

(long pause)

Erik: Hey, I just realized something, Mom!

Me: What, Sweetie?

Erik: In that lifetime, I had nothing to live for, but I did everything I could to survive. In the lifetime as Erik, I had everything to live for, but I took my own life.

Kim: Erik, what do you come away acknowledging?

Erik: Give me moment.


Erik: The key is to choose to joyously survive even when you’re not faced with a life threatening situation, to have a renewed commitment to the earthly plane, living and doing as much for others without feeling a heavy, negative responsibility. I realize why I was frustrated and angry. I was angry at myself, not with you, not with Pappa, not with Lukas or my sisters. It had to do with anger at myself for not being able to save everybody. And I didn’t realize that until I had therapy in Heaven.

Me: Now I can understand why you hated the responsibility of school and work and things on a to-do list. And doing past life regression would have been just another obligation to you, like you said. What sort of decisions or plans did you make before you came into this last lifetime?

Erik: To be male. To work through certain issues. To have a life’s work. I chose you and Pappa to be my parents; I chose my sisters and brother.

Me: I remember you told me once that you felt you were here to teach people how to live in the moment. Remember that? We were hanging out in the courtyard in front of the garage.

Erik: That’s exactly what I’m talking about. I’m kinda sad I didn’t do that. You know, coulda, woulda, shoulda. But what’ll help is me and you writing a book, Mom.

Me: Well, Erik, we all have things that we coulda, woulda, shoulda.

Kim: Absolutely!

Erik (nodding): But I really fucked up. I really fucked up. As long as you remain on the earthly plane, you still have a chance to make a difference. But I can still have a presence on the earthly plane through you, Mom.

Me: We’ll be a team. I’ll do whatever you want to make a difference in the lives of others, Baby.

Erik: I know, Mom. I love you.

Me: Love you too. I love you so much.

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Elisa Medhus

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