I know many of you are eager for an update on Raylene’s condition, but we’re having a difficult time getting any information from her mother. Furthermore, her mother doesn’t want us to set up a GoFundMe page, but many of the other mediums have stepped up to volunteer to take her booked sessions on, and medium, Denise Ramon, will do the Erik Q&As 7/2, our next session. I’m so proud of all of them, stepping in when a family member really needs them. And I want to give a shout out to Paulina Hill, who has worked like a dog to shuffle her schedule and rearrange the bookings. Here’s a message from Paulina:
Dear Community – your outpouring of Love and Light and so much more for Raylene is truly something to behold.
We have Mediums stepping to gift her clients with appts, a few clients are donating back payments but of course there are client requests for refunds. Paulina has told me that Erik says your collective Love is having a positive impact on Raylene, even though the final decision of what occurs next is hers obviously. So keep it up…Having said that we don’t know what expenses she will have when she hopefully returns to us. Some of you are asking to donate for her to use when she comes back to us. Obviously if she doesn’t return, her family could then use it to cover her expenses. We will keep you posted on Raylene’s condition as it changes; we’re trying to confirm an update and will share more we hope soon…for those requesting this link here’s how you can donate directly to Raylene’s PayPal account: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?token=l8-KAh8ceeWAnFeIIvne9ipWEwEAAwx-NnQKUyx7moibBBcVQ8fp5myFe5P2CjxG5-LJK0&country.x=US&locale.x=US
We’d be so appreciative if you’d donate whatever you can, and please keep sending her prayers and healing energy.
Don’t forget that tomorrow at 6 PM CT is Erik’s Hour of Enlightenment radio show. In Thursday’s show, before taking calls from listeners, guest, Carrie McCray, will discuss psychic phone lines. Then, Veronica Drake will channel Erik when he takes questions from callers. Call 619-639-4606 15 minutes prior to talk to Erik. I’ll see you among the list of callers and I usually go down the list from first on. If you’ve tried to get on to talk with our boy more than 4 times, email me at emedhus@gmail.com and I’ll see what I can do. Honor system, though! http://liveparanormal.com/channeling-erik/
Below is the interview with my father. I had so many questions that I had to do two different sessions. Much of what he has to say is very healing and we can learn from it all.