I’m so sorry the site was down pretty much all day yesterday! I explain below.
In today’s main video, I will give all of the details that you guys wanted to know about what I went through up above the tree line in the beautiful but often inhospitable tundra of Norway. But first, I want to share last night’s radio, the topic of which is very apropos to my experience. The questions from listeners and the answers channeled by both Raylene and Kim were excellent, and we can all learn from them. Click on their names to find out more about them! One caller asked Erik for advice about how to handle a legal situation. Her husband died in a car accident when she was 14 weeks pregnant with their child. She said that her in-laws are suing for custody of the now 2 month-old baby girl, presumably because she has bipolar disease, although well-controlled. The husband came through asking her to reach out to his parents and to know that it’s okay to cry. (you’ll hear the entire conversation in the show below.) I told her the best thing to do was approach them with love. They’re grieving, too, and they probably just want the last tangible piece of their son. I asked the caller to try to let the grandparents know that they are needed and that her daughter needs both of them in their lives in an environment of love, not contention. Well, it worked like a charm. Check out her email!
Calling his mom is what worked. A simple call…. I can’t believe it.
On top of everything else our family endured, we returned home to find our beloved cat, Ringo, in very rough shape. He was curled up next to the water bowl with his face in the water, sipping from time to time. I picked him up and noticed he had lost a profound amount of weight and he was clearly jaundiced. I knew it was something bad. I immediately rushed him to the vet where they drew blood for analysis and administered fluids. Later that night, the vet called with the devastating news. Nearly every organ was in failure: his liver, kidneys, thyroid, pancreas and more. We waited for my husband to come home and returned him to the vet’s to be euthanized. I sobbed and sobbed. Too much in such a short period of time for me plus I adored Ringo. He was more like a dog. He came when called, spoke when spoken to, and he was very afraid of rain. Even drizzle. When any rain started, he would begin to cry, so I had to hold him wrapped up in a warm blanket. The day after we got back from our trip, it was raining, but he didn’t move or cry. That was the last piece I needed to know he was in trouble. Here are his lab results and videos of his last moments. We were very blessed to have 11 wonderful years with him. Lukas, his daddy, made a movie with some clips and pictures. (The one with the caption “He’s Dead Inside” referred to the fact that he was in a kitty coma, very tired. It has nothing to do with his final state of health, but he couldn’t erase it.)
Enjoy the video for the day:
Here are some pictures and videos, including one where Rune and I found my little patch of death and I re-enacted the scene.

The Rescue Helicopter

My Pathetic Shoes
The Vast Norwegian Tundra
Re-Enactment on my Little Death Patch

My Experience was all over the news

More News
I wanted to upload a lot more videos and photos, but I keep getting an HTTP error. When my hosting company tried to fix it, the entire site crashed, as mentioned before, so I’ll just assume the Universe (and Erik) want me to stop boring people!
Please be sure to watch my YouTubes and even revisit some old ones. Even if you watch just a few minutes, it gives me a bit of ad revenue. It isn’t much, but it helps. Unfortunately, YouTube has changed its algorithms so that the revenue is less than half of what it used to be before February of this year. Bummer!
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Watch our Tuesday night Radio show: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/hour-of-enlightenment
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