As promised, our little guy on the inside did some more research and found out additional information about the spiritual basis of certain disease. In future sessions, he shares even more details and discusses diseases yet to be covered.
Channeling Transcript
Me: Okay, now I’m going to go through different illnesses and their spiritual basis. We’ve covered them with another channel, so real quickly, Erik, tell me what else you’ve learned. Why else do people get arthritis, for example?
Erik: Arthritis sucks balls, Mom.
Me (chuckling): Yeah, I bet it does. Your grandfather, Popi, hurts just about everywhere, every day.
Erik: Are you having a pity party for yourself?
Me: No, no! I just have a little bit in my left thumb from an old injury, but two MSM a day, and I don’t have a smidgeon of pain.
Erik: You make a good point. If it’s caused by an accident—arthritis can be from an injury like you had, by repetition, or by the breakdown inside the joint. The breakdown can be because of age or an immune or chemical reaction, or—
Me: Yeah, but I want to find out more about the spiritual basis for it, Erik. Like why would someone’s body be wracked with osteoarthritis, for example.
Erik: Well you have to look at why they got arthritis and where they have it.
Me: Oh.
Erik: Because sometimes people will get arthritis in the shoulders, elbows, wrists and fingers.
Me: Right.
Erik: And that is someone who can’t—
Jamie listens for several seconds.
Jamie (to Erik): Oh, good. I see.
Erik: —these are people who can’t engage in their environment, who can’t reach out.
Me: Oh, wow! (Ah, I’m such an intellect.)
Erik: They pull away, pull IN instead. And they can’t GRASP ideas or physical things. They zip up and shut down.
Me: Okay. What about the hips, backs, knees and, well, I guess those bigger joints of the lower extremities?
Erik: If you look at arthritis in the back or hips, that’s when you’re looking at support. Sometimes—but only sometimes—this means they can’t support other people, let alone themselves. Sometimes it’s the “loss of a backbone.” Of course there are other reasons like I told you before. Now, the lower legs like toes, ankles, and knees, that’s their grounding mechanism, their ability to move forward and make changes. Sometimes these people get really, really stuck, almost, uh, stuck more in fear. Can’t move on; can’t make that change. If we look at arthritis in general, the most common spiritual cause is working yourself to the bone, no pun intended. Finding out where it is in the body can give you the core of what you’re ignoring. When people ignore or resist life lessons, they get on a hamster wheel and go for repetition, repetition, repetition in whatever is in their comfort zone. It wears them out, it wears their joints out.
Me: Okay. What about cancer? What else have you learned? I’m talking about in general, because I know there’ll be regional differences.
Erik: Cancer can be about emotional neglect. Of course we have to look at where it is in the body.
Me: Yeah, I know, but I don’t have time to go into that kind of depth, so we’ll go on. What about—(I hear Jamie talk) Oh, go ahead.
Jamie: No, I’m just telling him to let go of my throat. It’s so itchy right now!
Me: Oh, no!
Jamie: Today—Erik is different, today. It’s almost like he’s got batteries in him, or—
Me: The Energizer Bunny!
Jamie: Yeah, he’s messing with me; I couldn’t get in the office; my throat is going crazy.
Me: Well, maybe he’s just excited. He gets really excited about surprises, and this is a surprise session for him. (Jamie had a last minute cancellation, which I accepted the night before.) That could make him all keyed up.
Jamie: Yeah, that would fit it.
Me: He’s like a little boy in a toy store or candy shop.
Erik: Candy, that’s it! (Erik had a big sweet tooth.)
Jamie (chuckling): He says he’d sacrifice toys for the candy and day!
We all laugh.
Me: Okay, what about heart disease, Sweetie?
Erik: In general, heart chakra—incapable of loving self. And commonly people with heart disease are holding grudges. They hold emotion in. They hold shit in and it becomes too much and wears and tears at the physical.
Me: Wow! (Jeez, I really need to expand my vocabulary.)
Erik: And it’s ironic because most people, in general, who have heart attacks are better about loving other people. They just can’t love themselves.
Me: What about diabetes?
(Long pause)
Erik: Really, diabetes deals with—-
Jamie (to Erik): Core? What do you mean, core of the body? Core issues? (pause) Oh, yeah, because it deals with blood?
Erik: How the blood feeds and nurtures the body. On any type of diabetes, you have to look at how it comes. Is it because they’ve abused the way they feed themselves and how they haven’t exercised, or is it because they’re predestined to have the diabetes?
Me: Yeah, like my sisters—one has passed on—but my living sister developed diabetes even though she’s a health nut. She’s always been really good about what she eats, about exercising. So she has the form of diabetes that is like autoimmune, where she produces antibodies that attack the cells in her pancreas that are supposed to produce insulin.
Erik: The one I think is most interesting is the one that’s hereditary. Anything that’s hereditary is about you carrying over the work of your family. “Hereditary” doesn’t necessarily mean it HAS to stay hereditary. You know how it is, Mom. You get tested one day and they tell you, “Yes, you have the gene,” but with the belief that humans have, you believe it; you have faith in it, and you can’t adapt to it. If you really believe it’s etched into your fate, you won’t get rid of it. But that’s such bullshit! You can change that gene to go away.
Me: Yeah, the biology of belief. You can change your DNA!
Erik: Yeah, and you can heal yourself.
Jamie: He’s tagging different emotional values to the diabetes.
Erik: They’re not feeding it right—it’s just stuffing your face. It’s neglect; it’s avoidance.
Me: Are you talking about type II diabetes, the one that is not usually controlled by insulin?
Erik: Yep. So avoidance, don’t like conflict, just trying to get away.
Me: Okay, interesting. What about type I diabetes, the one that is controlled by insulin?
(Long pause)
Jamie (to Erik): What is it, Erik? Say it; talk! Never known you to be quiet!
Jamie: He’s kind of using his hands, and he’s thinking.
Erik: The autoimmune disorders—and let’s just leave type I diabetes to the side—but there are other diseases that autoimmunity can cause—
Me: Uh huh.
Erik: But that would be the root of the matter behind that kind of diabetes. That type of the disease would be like a side effect of autoimmunity. The autoimmune deal is—you know how some people operate with such vast amounts of space between their heart and their head?
Me: Oh, yeah!
Erik: And even more vast amounts of space between heart, head and soul. That regulation of the space or that communication across that space between heart, head and soul is supposed to be on “autopilot.” That says it all there. That should happen on its own. When that breaks down, too much space—just imagine the vacuum cleaner cord is 25 feet long and you go 26 feet and it unplugs from the wall at that point.
Me: Ah!
Erik: You may pay attention heavily to the physical body, but not to the emotional, the spiritual or the mental.
Jamie (to Erik, chuckling): Why?
Erik: Screw the mind, body and soul.
Jamie: Why?
Erik: Three dimensional, man! Why is everybody stuck on this three dimensional plane? It’s mind, body, soul—mind, body, soul, emotions. Why do people think the soul and emotions are the same thing? It’s not! There are four dimensional needs.
Me: So with type 1 diabetes, for instance, you can have too much space between emotions and the other three dimensions?
Erik: Yes!
Me: Wow!
Erik: And so when something automatically breaks down; the cord comes off the wall, that’s when you have to pay attention to it.
Me: Yeah, so I was going to ask that, actually, whether eczema, acne, autoimmunity, allergies, and even clumsiness is really a sign that the soul is not very comfortable in the physical.
Erik: Yes, absolutely.
Me: Okay. What about AIDS/HIV?
Erik: Several things here. One is disrespect.
Me: Disrespect toward a group?
Erik: Disrespect toward the individual, disrespect toward life.
Me: Oh, the individual who has the disease is being disrespectful?
Erik: Yes, sometimes that’s the case. They can be disrespectful of their own life. Also, AIDS has helped people come together, respect each other’s bodies, respect the emotion, respect intimacy.
Me: Okay.
Erik: And it’s not like, “Almighty God came down to smite all those who wanted to have sex.”
Me: Oh, no, of course not!
Erik: Hell, no, it’s not that! But back then, it was a time in the world where sex wasn’t appreciated and respected. It’s just about appreciation and respect, not about punishment.
Me: Yeah, promiscuity was the thing back then.
Erik: Yep, everybody was a lil’ ho. Esackary.
Jamie and I laugh.
Me: Okay, oh, one more thing. Alzheimer’s and other types of dementia.
Erik: I LOVE people with dementia!
Me: Huh?
Erik: I do, Mom! Look at the people who get it! They lead these incredible lives whether they’re mean or not mean—whoever they were—and they get to a certain age, and they’re given the gift of being a child again.
Me: I bet they long to go Home, though.
Erik: Yeah, desperately. The neat thing of it is that you become humble. You get to ask for help again.
Me: Is that sometimes a lesson for them?
Erik: Oh, yes! And sometimes that’s a lesson behind a few of the cancers, too.
Me: Oh!
Erik: When you hang on for months and months on end, but you can’t totally take care of yourself, you have to be humble enough to rely on everybody else to keep your ass alive.
Me: Yeah. (Pause) It probably can be a lesson for the caretaker, too, huh?
Erik: Completely. They learn to distinguish helping someone out of love rather than duty.
Me: So each disease can have so many possible spiritual roots.
Erik: Yep.
Me: Okay, how do we cure all of these illnesses?
Jamie (laughing): Erik does: this “game show host” kind of a thing, like, you know, you hit the big red button. “The question of the day!” But he’s loving it.
Erik (with pretend theatrical self-importance): And how DO you heal these diseases?
Me: Oh my god.
Jamie: He’s being a ham. But in the state of him being a ham, he makes a good point. It’s not about looking at WHAT they’re doing to the body, because what the disease is doing to they body is the side effect of that disease.
Erik: It’s like watching a fire take off through a meadow. You can see the path, and you can say, “Okay, here is where it’s been and here’s what it’s done, where it’s going, so what do we do?” In doing that, you completely turn your back on what’s igniting the fire. It’s really about getting to Source. Your own Source inside of you.
Me: Yeah, so spiritually diagnosing what’s going on is important.
Erik: Spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically. Get all four in the same room! You know what? If it requires you to have your psychotherapist, your physical doctor—
Me: Your Reiki masters, your energy healers, yep.
Erik: Yeah, you might need them to all be in the same room, figuratively. If that’s what it takes, then… Unfortunately, the United States isn’t too keen on that kind of crap.
Me: Oh, that would b so awesome if we could have some sort of integrated team approach.
Erik: Yes! If we could have the ability to orchestrate and have our health care system provide that full compass of support like they often do in Asia.
Jamie and I started the celebrity channeling today, and it was awesome! Erik brought River Phoenix and Kurt Cobain across. I also got additional information about dark energies and the concept of nonlinearity in the afterlife and how that meshes with Erik learning new things (which seems to be a linear progression of sorts.)
Also, Jamie is almost ready to present the Atlanta trip details to us. I’ll let you know when she does. By the way, she DOES have Skype, so if you book any sessions with her, you can record it (not to mention saving some dough on long distance!) Just ask for her Skype user name if and when you schedule a session.