Today I have a treat for you. Blog member and poet extraordinaire, Danielle N., has worked hard to craft five pieces of literary art that helps us deal with grief and loss. For me, each one evoked unexpected and powerful emotions. Read them slowly, soak in the words and note the feelings that bubble to the surface. I will share the other pieces one by one over the next few weeks.
Cut the Cord
Cut the cord
who told you
you could
cut the cord
the silver cord
Cord of light and gold
cord of wrong and right
cord of illusion and sight
cord of black and white
cord of blood and love
cord of bitter
cord of sweet
cord that pulsed
next to your mama’s heart
Cord your papa
fertilized. Cord your
sisters waved magic
wand fingers over?
Who told you
you could craft
a never ending song
of heart break and pain.
Cord, the whole of creation
labored to bear into being.
Who told you you could?
Ahh. In a blue print
written in the stars
it’s ok ma, I’m only dieing
Bob Dylan sang. |
The Silver Cord
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