Kate Sitka channels Erik’s wisdom and wit yet again. Thanks, Kate! I usually choose the titles last – for this title, Erik gives me a picture of his head on He-Man’s body, a cartoon from my childhood, called “Masters of the Universe”. He is, like, totally cut y’all. I also have to say that when…
Ascended Master-Baitors
Erik Skywalker So my dear, mutual Erik friends, our young man got me good. Oh yes, he did. I didn’t think it would happen, but wow. WOW is all I can say. When I began talking to Erik, I received a number of kind-hearted emails “warning” me of Erik’s impending antics. Get ready! He’s such a…
Wow, Your Ego is Huge!
Enjoy another stellar post by guest blogger, Kate Sitka! I receive emails regularly from people who are learning to communicate telepathically; it’s really common to express this anxiety, this weight of the world, this sense of immense possibility and responsibility. They want to live up to their potential, and a lot of the time there’s…
Chillin’ with Jesus
Here’s another great post from Kate, one of our guest bloggers–and so timely, too! Be sure to visit her blog, “Psychic in Training”! I’ve had conversations with other psychics about what I’ve come to call The Jesus Thing. See, spirituality has become so intertwined with religion over the last few thousand years, that some psychics who…
Kicking Fear in the Ass
Sorry to post so late, guys. I’ve been at the track showing solidarity for my husband, Rune, during his motorcycle racing competition and of course there was no Wifi! Fortunately, guest blogger and medium, Kate Sitka came to the rescue channeling Erik’s insight on a very powerful topic. Fear. Enjoy. Kicking fear right in the…