The human experience can be, well, Hell on earth, can’t it? Since this blog’s inception, I’ve received numerous emails from members who say that Channeling Erik and its members have saved their life. Literally. Some had even planned to commit suicide that same day, but were drawn to type something into the Google search line and up pops the blog. For others, their lives were saved less abruptly and for many their spiritual lives have been saved. Most recently, Stanley has been brought from the brink of suicide–and I want to thank you all for helping. Were it not for you and your willingness to unconditionally embrace and love, to take those who suffer under your wing, the world would be a darker place indeed. You have all saved lives, even if by just being part of our collective. How wonderfully powerful is that? If you have a personal story about how the Channeling Erik family has affected you, please share!
Again, if anyone is in the Atlanta area, I urge you to attend Erik’s first event at Jamie’s Love and Light Center. It’s only $25 and should be raucous fun. Come prepared with questions for Erik! And now for the next part of the February 18th session. I found this one particularly fascinating, and I hope you do too!
Channeling Transcript
Me: Why do we have to go through the human experience? Why can’t we just evolve in the spiritual realm?
(Pause as Jamie listens to Erik)
Jamie laughs at what he says.
Erik: That would be nice, wouldn’t it? Yeah, screw all this, let’s just do it here!
Me: Yeah, I vote for that.
Erik: But Mom, you know that’s not the point.
Me: Oh, I know. I’m just framing the question for some of the readers who have asked.
Erik: The whole point of really learning—the purpose—is actually having a place where you can learn. Just think about it. Spiritual beings, they don’t LEARN—they REMEMBER.
Me: Oh, yeah.
Erik: They remember how to access the information and absorb it.
Me: Yeah.
Erik: There’s a unity between past, present and future. There’s no struggle or challenge to learn—only a challenge to remember. So on earth—BINGO! We can erase parts of what we already remembered, we can incarnate on the earthly plane, and we can learn from that struggle between good and bad.
Jamie: Whew! He’s talking so fast; I can barely keep up!
Erik: There is some truth to that statement, “You don’t know what you have until it’s gone.”
Me: Yeah, sure!
Erik: When you’re in spirit, you can’t fucking get away! You can’t get away from anything! And frankly, you don’t want to get away.
Me: Of course not.
Erik: That’s just who you are. It encompasses you; it feels great. So it’s a little about learning by having respect for where you come from and what you have in the spiritual realm. Also, on earth, it’s a place—
Jamie: Oh, this is so cool! I’ve never heard this before!
As she conveys what he says, she starts stumbling on the words, giggles and says, “Oh my god, I’m stuttering now!”
Erik chuckles endearingly.
Me: Stuttering? Oh, you need some reefer then!
Jamie (laughing): Stop right now and light up!
Jamie and Erik laugh.
Erik: Earth is a place that’s a lower dimension, and even though heaven is multi-dimensional, there are endless dimensions out there. So there are other races and, um, you know, groups of people or beings who are in separate dimensional levels that we can’t access while we’re in spirit.
Me: Really?
Erik: Yeah! But when we reincarnate to earth, we’re incarnating into a fixed dimensional plane.
Me: Hmm!
Erik: That’s why you have Pleiadians, Lemurians, people from the earth, the heavens, the stars—we can all be in one place right there on earth. It’s a true mixed community.
Me: Yay, diversity!
Jamie: Ah, I’ve never really thought of it that way!
Me: Sort of like a gathering place, like a school with a diversity clause.
Jamie: Yeah, makes me like this place a little more!
Me: Yeah!
Erik: So we get here and other races of beings are doing the same thing, like, “Oh, let’s get together and meet there on earth! How about Paris, France? We can all be on the same dimension!” And the others go, “Okay. Let’s meet up and party.”
Me: That’s so fascinating! I don’t know how much of a party it is sometimes. It’s always BYOB, that’s for sure. But, yeah, differences can be great learning tools for all of us.
Erik: Yes.
Me: And I guess you really can’t evolve too much in the spirit world, because not only can you not interact with other races and beings and learn from them, but you also don’t have that duality. You completely know who and what you are. It’s like you know everything about organic chemistry, because you’ve absorbed the contents of the textbook thoroughly. You know the theories like the back of your hand, but you have to take the lab to completely grasp it from the experiential standpoint. Or you can read a recipe about brownies and understand how to make them, what they look like and all that, but until you bake up a batch and taste them, you really can’t totally understand the whole “brownie concept.”
(Yes, Iola, I’m thinking about Andy. He’s probably the one that gave me that example!)
Erik: That’s true! I love that example!
Me: Oh great. Now I’m hungry. So much for the fasting!
Me: Anything else you wanna add, Baby?
Jamie: He says he was messing with the cat.
Me: Yeah, Ringo’s at the door again meowing. I think Erik knocked him over. And the other day, I think he goosed our Russian Blue, Bluebell, because she was at a complete standstill, then all of a sudden she lets out this startled “Yeeoooow,” jumps up a couple of feet and darts away.
Erik: They’re so awesome.
Me: Yep, I bet cats are easy to mess with.
Erik: Yeah, they’re so sensitive to spirit. They’re just so much fun to play with.
Me (yelling out): Oh, hush up, Ringo! He’s crying. He’s just a big baby, a real scaredy cat.
For all of you planning to attend the July 8th-10th Channeling Erik workshop in Atlanta, here’s an email I received from Weedie, Jamie’s wonderful assistant. I know others are researching lodging options as well. If anyone lives in Atlanta and is willing to help those who can’t afford to stay in a hotel, shout out. We will want to hang out in the evenings and have fun at the hotel, though, and I’m sure we can bunk up several to a room. I’m going to rent a big car so I can’t help ferry people, if you trust my driving (gulp). I know some will drive to Atlanta and can ferry people too. Just let us know if you can do that!
Hi Elisa,
I am happy to help with hotels. I had told Jamie this early on, but then I thought that Steven was working on that (I’m not sure who Steven is, but I take it that he lives here in Atlanta). I’m sorry if you’ve been waiting on me to nail this piece down.
I was looking at this property:
Emory Conference Center Hotel –
It is close to the office and that current “rack rate” is $149.00/night. Once we have an idea of the number of rooms needed, I’d be happy to negotiate a group rate.
Alternately, there is the Emory Inn (same general location) – look for it on the same website:
It’s rack rates are $97.00/night; however, the reviews on TripAdvisor are mixed.
Unfortunately, Atlanta requires a car. We are not a very cab friendly city…there is no “hailing” ever.
Let me know if either of these options sound good to you. Or if I should look for something else.
Take care,
Again with a reminder:
Mark your calendars for my upcoming interview on The Sheila Show Tuesday May 31st at 7:35 P.M. CST. Here is the link for the interview:
Please join us! I’ll remind you again the day before and the day of the interview.
And now, I can’t resist closing with a YouTube video Pat just sent me. It’s so inspirational! Thanks Pat!