Joan Rivers and Erik Antics

Kristina is in New York at a leadership conference in New York City and heard Joan Rivers speak during lunch. Afterwards, they met and talked at length about their tragic experiences losing family members to suicide. You may or may not recall that Joan’s husband killed himself years ago. Anyway, Kristina went on to tell Mrs. Rivers about our blog, her brother, Erik, and the healing phenomenon it has become. She eagerly asked for all the information, then held Kristina in a warm embrace. There are no coincidences, so we’ll see what comes of it. Mrs. Rivers is big on suicide survivorship, so perhaps we can help her help others and vice versa.

And now for more Erik antics. This one is from our beloved Only4Love, Kathy. I’ll post our email exchange below, but I will create a separate topic in the forums for you to share your encounters with Erik or other deceased.


From Kathy:

O.K…….. the shape shifting just happened again to me and this I feel was Erik……not so much as I feel as… I know. I had read your message yesterday morning and it was a very comforting knowing that I am not going crazy and what I have been feeling is actually a knowing.

When I was reading your message I felt Erik was around me and he was happy I got the message. Later on that day I had to go get my daughter Abbey at the bus stop at the end of our street and so I was driving around the corner and I was all of a sudden was thinking about how much snow we have and it would be nice for people coming here to see this snow if they are normally not around it… people traveling from other places of the world that do not have as much snow……..But me myself…. I am just plain tired of it…….I look up and there is this younger man in his early 20’s and he had a grey hoodie on (no winter coat in 30 degree weather) with jeans and the hoodie was pulled up around his head and I could not get a look at him to easily……At that second …… I thought was that Erik? It just popped into my head……I said to myself… why did I think that …I did not see his face and why would Erik be walking down my street?

Then I remembered about the shape shifting thing and how he said it is very possible for them to take human form……..I let the thought drift and picked up my daughter and my neighbors and while I was dropping them off I saw this same guy coming towards us…..The girls sat longer than normal in the car and were talking to me about something and this guy looks directly at me “when I stopped and then I stared at him to see who he was”……he then smiles at me and my daughter told me as he was walking by he waved…. I did not no this until I got home……..we have no young men of this age in are little cul de sac…..I have never seen him…..but I felt I knew him. When I saw him he had dirty blond hair and lighter colored eyes. He resembled the pictures that you have on your site of Eric. But ……the hoodie was around his head so I could not judge correctly. I said to Abbey have you seen that man around the neighborhood?……..she said no.

My neighbor Emma…who is 12….out of the blue and at that second says…you know what Mrs. Keith….one day when I was gong to my grandmothers house with my mom … I saw a man walking down the highway and when I got to my grandmothers neighborhood a few minutes later he was there and I pointed it out to my mom. It was as if he flew to the neighborhood.

Now……..I was not talking about anything that I was thinking a few minutes before….. how I thought it was Erik …..why would I…. these kids do not understand these things and they would think I was a crazy nut mother from up the street.

When she said this … was confirmation that it was in fact him……..I still had a hard time believing it until we got home my daughter said mom that man was not someone from here……I said what? She meant from this planet…… I then precede to tell her what I was thinking earlier.

I had this urge to go onto YouTube and the group One Republic came to mind so I found a song that I thought I would like not knowing exactly who this group was or the song I had picked. It was called Stop and Stare….I will send you the video……I feel it was a message from Erik….it may not make sense to you but for me it did.

When I get these instant thoughts in my head and there is know obvious reason for me to believe in what I see or hear in my mind

because there is no follow up confirmation just a subtle heart knowing……..I deny what I see and feel is real. Because of this a lot of clear knowing people have these issues I feel and they end up going off the deep end and turn to fear instead of acceptance which causes imbalance. It is hard to know the truth if there is no explanation for this truth.


Click on the YouTube video at the bottom and you’ll understand how amazing this “coincidence” is. You’ll see a guitarist that looks like Erik and also a guy in a grey hoodie.

From Me:

This is so cool, Kathy! My son-in-law’s sister, Amber, has had the same experience a couple of times. A guy who looked like Erik appeared out of nowhere. It’s easy to over-analyze and create doubt, but the feeling of “knowingness” is very distinct. Subtle, but distinct. I feel it in my chest. It’s like I KNOW when something is true or real even if there are no facts to back it up.

From Kathy:

Elisa…..I actually got a feeling of lightness or of weakness……with this knowingness……just like what happens with my grandmother….this was very real.

From Kathy

Elisa….Funny… I was just on a website for highly sensitive people and wrote a message to the lady who runs it. I am in no distress…..I just feel that there is something I need to do for these types of kids and people like myself. I do worry a about my youngest she is a lot like myself but….I am doing the best I can with what I have. I do know that my guides are hovering around me trying to get me do something to help others though.

Something else I need to tell you….

This morning I took out my mystic eye board which is a pendulum board and I ask for some clues…… Erik was there and asked him a few questions……..I said what should I do with what I am feeling and I got…..ASK MOM……..this was after I wrote to you……….I said is there anything else you wanted to say……and he said……..ENJOY ILLUSION………?…..he then said…….YOU ARE PICKING NO INCORRECT CHOICES………..I said is there anything else………….and I felt he was going to say something sarcastic…………he…..then …..said…….GET-SOME-BALLS……lol…….lol……OMG………!?@#?!!?@##…………I said O.K……….~ Hot Shot~……..what kind of balls do I need to get……….and do not even say some BIG ones………..I then had an image of the BIG BALLS at the gym he was at with the other blog member………I then received ~P-R-E-T-T-Y~ L-A-R-G-E O-N-E-S with the emphasis on the PRETTY …… new name for him is ………….HOT SHOT…….sooooooo funny……..I now know why he has been talking about balls so much ….he thinks some of us do not have any ……….so he is using it as a symbol to get our attention…..

Thank you for your suggestions I will figure something out……


I have a nasty flu-bug so excuse all typos. I just don’t have it in me. I hope to be better tomorrow so I can post another part of a session, but I also have to take Robert to his appointment, so I’ll do my best. Meanwhile, if you haven’t voted for our blog on the 2011 Bloggies (and you know who you are, slackers!) please do so now. I’d really, really be grateful. Winning wold mean a lot of publicity and therefore a chance to spread the love to others. And that’s the whole point, right?

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Elisa Medhus

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