More on Who We Are

Sorry about the short post. I’m going to be in the medical center taking my dad to the cardiologist, so God only knows how long that’ll take!

Channeling Transcript

Me: Okay, now, Erik, I asked who I am; so who are you? Why were you “chosen” for this job, this work.

Erik: Chosen? Hell, I volunteered!

Me: Volunteered? Okay.

Erik: Mom, what about Pizza tonight?

Me (laughing): Trouble focusing there, boy?

Erik: No, I volunteered. I wanna help prevent other people from committing suicide, you know? Right now, I’m working—I can’t remember if I told you this or not—I’m spending some of my time working with groups that take crisis calls, you know, like hotlines for people who call in thinking about killing themselves.

Me: Okay.

Erik: I work with them so that they’ll know what to say to get them past a difficult moment.

Me: Have you had a history of doing anything like this, uh, the work you and I are doing together?

Erik: Nope. This is my first stab at it. Mom, I really had no idea what I was capable of! Ah, I get the biggest joy out of working with as many people around the world as possible—like you, Mom. I just love this shit, I really do! I never could have come this far if I had stayed on the earthly plane.

Me: Awesome. That’s awesome, Erik!

Erik: I’m sorry you and the family had to suffer so much, though. It’s like ya’ll sacrificed a piece of yourself for me so that I could do some major good.

Me: Aw, Sweetie, you know I’d do anything for you, even if it means losing you, physically. I can’t say it’s easy, just that it’s worth it to me if it’s what’s made you feel the joy you couldn’t find here. I’m so glad you’re happy now.

Erik: I love you, Mom.

Me: Me too, Babycakes.


Erik: You don’t understand how people rely on the blog and how they look for new entries. They look forward to it every day. You underestimate the effect it has on people, Mom.

Me: Really?

Erik: Yeah, so Mom, you gotta work on it every day!

Me: I try!


Me: Okay, now I also want to ask in general terms, who are we? Listen to this statement and tell me if it’s true: We are consciousness moving through various perspectives, experiencing ourselves.

Erik: Yeah, that’s one part. We’re everything and we’re part of everything. We’re part and whole. That’s why one part affects the whole, why one person’s actions has  a ripple effect. Mom, Mom, you’re looking for one finite truth, but every soul has a different truth.

Me: I guess so. I really like to wrap things up in a tidy little definition but…

Erik: We all must choose our own reality.

Me: Okay.

Erik: Because we can adjust our reality, change our reality by the way we’re thinking and what we’re feeling.

Me: Exactly, and our beliefs, right?

Erik: Yeah. Everything is fluid. Nothing is static.

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Elisa Medhus

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