To my wonderful Channeling Erik family: Here is a message that Erik has intended for you as channeled through Jason:
I have a message from Erik for the both of us and those in the “Family”.
Remember how Robert and I talked about Erik learning different ways of manifesting himself?
Well he’s been practicing what I think is called independent direct voice. Meaning sound outside of the head. Although whether or not this can be heard by more than oneself is not in my knowledge right now. What I mean is that the sound will appear to be outside of oneself unlike telepathy.
Remember how I told you the other day I heard him calling my name in the room to me from a distance? Well, last night I asked my guides and Erik if this week, could I have a dream where him and Jil and I were all hanging out. And then remember it the next morning. But at the time I was thinking, well.. A dream. But what happened is:
Around 4 am. I was awoken by a loud noise and a garbled voice. I was so startled that I woke up immediately. And I thought, Sh*t that was Erik. I wasn’t expecting a Lucid dream. Then around 5:30 I was awoken by the softer sound of music with Erik’s voice over it. (it was NOT my alarm. That goes off at 6 am and is classical music, this was NOT). He was giving me detailed instructions for hearing him right after the time of deep sleep when I got back from “astral-out of body travel” and waking. Some of which I can’t recall because I wasn’t expecting it. He told me to lay on my right side and listen between 4- and 5 am. Something about facing south and to “Expect a sound or music” and know it might be him. And to instead of being startled to accept it and let it happen. Try as hard as I could to remain calm at first noise, and keep my eyes closed. To try and let my breath be steady and calm, and go within myself at first noise. Then to acknowledge with soft quiet thought the visit and softly listen.
Then today on my walk I “walked and talked” with my Teacher and he said that it was indeed Erik and I asked if I could tell you. And he said yes, it was intended as a message for the “family”. I asked if I could check with and ask Erik and he said of course. And so I did, and Erik confirmed. Saying, “Dude, tell mom. Tell her to keep an ear out but not to expect it, chill as much as you can, cause I wanna try a few things out”. “Practice”. I asked him to clarify the mornings message. But he said, “No, I am not gonna cause I want you to learn to remember and practice giving into the experience without fear or expectation and then share it”. And he and my Teacher talked to me about it for the rest of the walk. When they were done I was buzzing in so much energy, my head was litterly swimming and I felt slightly dizzy. I knew this was all correct.
So, yea. I just need to pass that along. Please let me know if you or anyone else hear these things. It was “his” voice. And it sounded externally in the room to me. Not in my head like telepathy. Ok, gotta eat now.