Channeling Transcript
Me: This next one is from Hiro.
Kim: Can you spell his name for me?
Me: Yeah, it’s H-I-R-O. And he lives in Dubai, is like 62-63. He is very interested in a young man by the name of Karl Umrigar who died at the age of 19. His mother, Nan Umrigar, is around 75, started receiving messages from her son through automatic writing. She’s written a book about it, Sounds of Silence and other books, I believe. Uh, she lives somewhere near Bombay. Hiro says Karl is receiving guidance and solace from a guru by the name of Meher Baba who died at age 75. He says Karl and Meher Baba act sort of like a team in Heaven to help thousands of souls with comfort and guidance in their Heavenly life. Hiro wants to know if Erik has met Karl and Meher Baba. If he has, do they plan to work together in any way?
Kim: Okay, uh—
Me: That’s a mouthful, huh?
Kim: Yes. Okay, Erik wants to say something.
Erik: Mom, the way Karl and Baba work together is the way I’m going to be working with Robert.
Me: Okay.
Kim: So Hiro is asking if he can work with Karl and Meher Baba?
Me: No, he’s asking if Erik has met them and is or will working with them. Does he know about the work they do?
Kim: Oh, now I understand!
Erik: Oh sure I do. In fact, I’ve been to a couple of their classes. What a synchronistic question! Those classes were another reason I got all fired up. It made me think, “What could I do? What could I do?” beside the work I do with you, Mom. What could I do? SO that’s one of the reasons I started having this relationship with Robert. We’ve worked together in past lifetimes besides him being my dad before. He’s also been a teacher for me, a very kindly teacher. So I’ll be doing some work like this with Robert, and I’ll be doing work with others, but I’m excited about working with Robert cuz we’re gonna write books and I speak through him when he acts as a transchannel. So yeah, I’ve been to some of the classes Karl and Baba have given, and they inspired me to do more.
Kim: I’m hearing that Erik is getting a lot of inspiration from a number of different sources in Heaven. And Elisa, I want to mention this: for the people who read your blog—
Me: Um hm.
Kim: And they say, “Well isn’t that a coincidence that, you know, Erik, you know, we just got through talking about Erik moving forward and then you ask about this, this, you know, Karl Umrigar and Meher Baba and “well he’s been to their classes and dut, dut, dut, dut.”
Me: I think Hiro is intuitive. He’s probably channeling all of this.
Kim: Absolutely, and everything is so synchronistic—
Me: Oh, yeah, nothing happens by mistake, by accident.
Kim: Correct. So I’d like your readers to know that everything is really synchronistic, and—
Me: Oh, they know, they know. Most, or maybe all of them are very enlightened and have a lot of spiritual knowledge.
Kim: You’re going to be asking about things that Erik wants shared with others. SO in other words, the people that you ask about, Elisa, are going to present information, insight, messages, awareness that Erik wants promoted at that particular time.
Me: Oh! So you mean Erik somehow channeled a message to Hiro to contact me and ask that question?
Kim: Exactly.
Me: And the same with Robert? He wanted me to know about the work Robert and he are going to do, so he somehow channeled to both of us a message to connect?
Kim: Yes, precisely. And of course, their guides work with Erik to help.
Me: That is so cool!
Email from Nan Umrigar
Dear Elisa
Mr. Hiro XXXX had contacted me about your son Erik. I read about it with much interest, but since you were already in touch with him, I thought it best not to disturb the connection in any way. However, after I read that he already knew about Meher Baba, I decided to ask Karl more about him. Here is the message I received today. Love Nan
Dear Elisa,
Your son is really a great guy ——–
I know that he is already closely in touch with you through different channels, and I am sure that to have him personally tell you so many different things must indeed be a great joy to you. At present, he is only a guest, and it is absolutely lovely to have him with us, but he has a choice for his next step, whether he would like to work with us, to get more devoted to the cause of making people happy. He has so much potential that I would really like to make him realize the beauty of being with Baba. If he so desires, he can be of great help to us in all that we are so desperately trying to accomplish.
He is really a sweet tempered soul and very eager to please. He is so enthusiastic in everything he takes up that it is a pleasure to have him with us.
Thank you for the contact, Ma’am
Meher Baba’s blessings on both of you too.
Love Karl.
My Response to Nan
Oh my Dearest Nan, your Karl has captured Erik’s spirit perfectly. Erik has said he attends lectures/classes held by Karl and Baba, and this has inspired him to do what he’s now doing with the visits to Jason, Robert, and other blog members. I’m very proud of both of our boys, though the loss of Erik in the physical is still very difficult for me.
I just finished reading your first book and it was wonderful. I am also struck by some similarities: Erik has been riding horses since he was four years old and, according to his teachers, had immense natural talent. He also had no fear. When I look at Karl’s face on the cover of the book, I see Erik’s face. His lips, his brow, his soulful eyes. For a brief moment, I wondered if Erik was Karl reincarnated, but of course, that’s not likely.
My job right now is to facilitate and transcribe. Unfortunately, I do not share your same gift of channeling through writing, but that’s okay. Perhaps I can develop it. But I plan to continue to write the book, “Channeling Erik” and am working with a screenwriter to create a movie or TV series. It is very important for me to keep my part of the mission pure. I want this to be about the spiritual awakening of others. It is not about me or Erik or any one being, it’s about trying to make even a small dent in a sleepy collective consciousness. I know I may not see the fruits of my labor in this lifetime, but I hope to help Baba, Karl, Erik, you and others move things in the right direction. The blog members and I decided that if a book or movie does materialize from our efforts, all monies will be funneled into a foundation that will deliver spiritual services to those in need: Reiki, past life regression, channeling sessions, spiritual education, etc: to orphanages, halfway houses, foster homes, prisons, schools, etc. I’m wracking my brain to think of ways to broaden our reach, but the Universe is perfect and when the time is right, opportunities will avail themselves to us.
Thanks for all you do to help a world in pain. Thanks for being who you are, for sharing Karl and Baba with us, for sharing your wisdom and love.
Hiro’s Email
All this seems to be a wonderful synchronicity- May our Guru- Sainji- Babaji bless and protect us all to be 100% safe and secured- serving mankind – in the most self-less manner possible- regards- Hiro