These next several posts come from the channeling session that took place July the 16th. I just received the CD recording in the mail yesterday. I know you all are eager to find out the word for word information Erik and various guardian angels provided, so I will try to post two a day, unless I’m completely swamped with the often menial chores of my so called life. 😉
Marcelle’s Question
My question is directed to my mother and niece who are both gone and almost died the same day but not the same year.
I want to know, if possible, do they come to visit any family members and if so, who and how often are they here. My mom’s name is Joann and my niece’s name is Nichole. I am 47 and Nichole was 22 (not sure, sorry!) and Joann was 57, city is Cleveland
Thank you, Erik!
Channeling Transcript
Erik: Hi Mom!
Me: Hey Sweetie! How are you doing?
Erik: Good, I’m good.
Kim: Well, Elisa what would you like to start with today?
Me: I have a lot of “Ask Erik” questions, so many, in fact, that I’ve had to temporarily suspend it on the blog. So many people are either hurting or hungering for information or both!
Erik: Bring it on, Mom.
Me (laughing): Okay, the first one is from Marcelle. She’s 47 years old and lives in Cleveland, Ohio. She wants to ask about her 22 year old niece, Nichole and her 57 year old mother, Joann. Both died in Cleveland.
Kim: Okay now Erik is bringing Marcelle’s guardian angels forward so he’s going to have them provide that information. Sometimes he gives us the information himself and sometimes he likes to defer to the guides.
Me: Okay, that’s fine.
Kim (laughing very loudly): Erik is showing me this picture…he is SO FUNNY! (laughing continues for awhile) He’s sitting in what looks like a throne, and he’s sitting there, and he’s got what looks like a crown on, and he’s chuckling about being “ready to receive his public.”
Kim and I both laugh.
Kim: Such a cute sense of humor. People who did not know what a cute sense of humor he has might think, you know, that he’s serious about it. But of course he’s so irreverent, it’s just so funny!
Me: That is too funny, and so like Erik!
Erik: Marcelle’s angels say that the mom, Joann has come to visit her a lot. She’s visited her in her dreams. She’s also been present during Marcelle’s waking hours. It’s when Marcelle has believed in her peripheral vision that she’s caught sight of shadows or beams of light, and she’ll turn and there’s nothing there. But she knows there was something in her peripheral vision. This is the beginning of her being able to tangibly interact with her mom. Now, her mom, Joann, is getting ready to come back to the earthly plane, and when she does, she’ll no longer be available to speak with Marcelle. It’s gonna be like June or July of next year, 2011. So if Marcelle wonders, “What happened to Mom? We’ve been talking; I’ve developed my ability to channel her over the last month, how come she’s gone?” That’s because she reincarnated.
Me: Oh, yeah, sure. That makes perfect sense.
Erik: Now, her niece. Let’s see what Marcelle’s guides say about her. (pausing to listen) Nichole is going to remain here in Heaven for some time to come. She’s not returning to the earthly plane for a long, long time. She was really happy to shed her physical body. She was only 22 years old, but boy she was happy to get rid of her physical body! She was depressed and was in pain before she passed.
Kim: Elisa, do you know how she died?
Elisa: Oh, no I don’t. Sorry.
Erik: Depressed and in pain. That’s what they’re saying. It was her destiny to live that length of a life and retreat back to Heaven. She’s very happy and stays real busy here. She’ll be here when Marcelle passes in many, many years to come. Oh, and I know you have lots of people on your list, Mom, but Marcelle’s angels want her to know this: It’s very important for her to go for regular mammograms, because she’s gonna have a lump taken out on the right. But this is not something that has already happened. This is why they wanted to come through and give us all the information.
Me: It’s not happened before?
Erik: No, it is yet to come. That’s what they’re saying. She doesn’t have anything wrong now.
Me: Okay, that’s very important information! Thanks Erik.
Erik: No problemo.
Stay tuned later today for the answers to Jodi’s question!