Venting time. I hate British Airways. Okay, so hate is a strong word, but… I know I should send them thoughts of love and healing, but hell no. I’m human and very flawed. We were supposed to leave for Norway Sunday, but OMG, 10 friggin’ inches of snow fell on London, so the flight was canceled. I can only imagine the Brits, “Oooo cherrio, talley-o, old chap. What’s all this blooming white stuff everywhere! This is bloody hell! Let’s all go to the pub and get pissed. So what if those bleedin’ Yankee wankers get their panties in a twist.” Um, it’s called a freaking snow plow.
So we rebook for Tuesday and find out this morning that the flight, again, is canceled. Wednesday? No. Word is, after Christmas, things look bloody good. Mmmkay. Furthermore, although this is the time when customers need the most help, they aren’t accepting phone calls, and they’ve closed down that part of their website that allows for rebooking. “Go through your original booking again,” they say. So I call American Express Travel (God bless ’em) and after being on hold for two hours, they tell me British Airways won’t talk to them either. There’s nothing they can do.
No worries, though, because we booked a flight through SAS leaving Wednesday. Three days cut from our vacation. Triple the price. Don’t you just love Amex credit card disputes? British Airway is sucking up the difference. Ha!
Okay. I feel so much better. Now for the topic at hand. Thanks for listening and, as they say in Norway, God Jul!!!! (I’ll kiss Santa Claus (Jule Nissen) for you while I’m there. It’s either that or a stinky moose.)
Channeling Transcript
Me: Why can some psychics, like you, channel spiritual beings who have reincarnated, who are incarnate, while some can’t? One of the psychics I use says that once a soul has reincarnated, she can’t pick up on them, uh that we can’t communicate with them or maybe she just can’t—I’m confused. Is that the case?
Erik: It wouldn’t be the—
Jamie (laughing): Back up, Erik!
Jamie (laughing even harder): He does, “Jamie, ya gotta keep up with me! If we’re going to do this, you gotta keep up with me!”
Me: Aw, go easy on poor Jamie, Erik! She’s like me; she’s only human!
Jamie (still laughing): Yes, Erik, I’m only human! (pause) Ah, he’s rubbing his hands through his hair!
Jamie and I both laugh.
Erik: Okay. (pause) It’s mostly two things: The perception, the belief system of the channeler—
Me: Um hm.
Erik: If they have a belief system that if someone’s reincarnated and that the soul is one entity and that time is point A to point B, then you’re correct. They’re not going to be able to tune in.
Me: Ah!
Erik: Because they’re blocking themselves. It does NOT mean they don’t have the talent; it’s just because they’re blocking themselves.
Me: Oh, sure. Boy, everything seems to be about perception and belief.
Erik: Uh, secondly, if the reincarnated spirit wants it to be where he can’t be communicated with, then he can remove himself from availability.
Me: Oh, I see!
Erik: So you can look and look and look, but still can’t tune in and find them. There are some times when they reincarnate, but the spirit of who they were is right there watching over themselves—
Me: Oh, wow.
Erik: They’re still watching over their family; they can still be involved. Remember, Mom, were multiple selves in multiple dimensions so it wouldn’t make any sense that we couldn’t have that two-way communication with people just because one of our selves are in a body. And also, since there is no time in our dimension, just imagine, you have different parts of yourself in different bodies, and in spirit from, in different ages in history, in different parts of the future, and in different dimensions all at once.
Me: Wow, just wow. I wish I could think of a more intelligent retort, but, well—wow!
Erik: And a lot of times, they reincarnate—
Me: Um hm.
Erik: But they don’t express it to anybody else, and they stay in spirit. Cuz Mom, you think the—reincarnate—just saying the word right there means that time is linear.
Me: Oh, yeah!
Erik: And so, it’s hard to talk about this topic without having the appropriate words, but it suggests that you are one, you’re born, you live, you die, you go to Heaven, you decide, “I pick that family,” you go there, and you do it again and—it’s just the perception of being human. Forward and backward. Time is not tick tock, tick tock.
Me: Yeah, it’s a slinky.
Erik: Yeah, it pulls apart, it comes together, it pulls apart, it comes together. So in our world, you can perceive it as being born, getting bigger, growing older and dying. If you want that, you CAN experience it, but mostly, Mom, we get here, we pick an age we like, and we stay that way.
Me: Oh, okay. Cool!
Erik: But if you want to have that, “I’m growing old” with you, then you can choose that. Some souls do this to kind of keep in sync with their families who are still on the earthly plane in bodies.
Me: You might not remember, but a while back, I asked about Tracy who lost her son Adam?
Erik (teasingly): Jamie might not remember, but I do.
Jamie: Erik! You’re just being mean!
Jamie and I laugh.
Me: So Adam died as a passenger in a car accident and the driver was the only one who showed up. And now, Adam is in the body of Charlie, Tracy’s grandson, and yet, sometimes Adam will come and visit her. I’m just wondering, does this happen when the baby’s asleep or— It’s just that Tracy feels like even though she gained a grandson, she’s lost a son. She feels like the “real Adam” is gone forever.
Erik: He can still come back and visit her!
Me: Yeah, yeah. Does the baby, uh, Charlie, have to be asleep?
Erik: No, the baby can do it in consciousness.
Me: Oh, okay, good! Interesting.
Erik: Babies are awesome!