Around four o’clock in the morning, I received a pleasant surprise–a visit from Erik. I was lying down on my left side facing away from the edge of the bed hovering somewhere between the sleep state and the wake state when I suddenly felt a presence behind me. In my peripheral vision, I could easily make out a human form, although clearly not a sold one. The essence, the personality, the physical shape was all Erik. I smiled and told him I was thankful for his visit. He stood there smiling quietly for several minutes. I didn’t dare turn to look, because I know from experience that spirits are easier to visualize with the peripheral vision and often fade from sight when you look directly at them. Why? Does it have something to do with differences in the way certain regions in our brain or retina perceive various vibrations of energy?
After my younger sister, Denise, passed away from complication of diabetes in 2001, I had a similar experience. Again, I was lying half-awake facing away from the bed’s edge at around four or five in the morning. I’m not sure why spirits choose the most god-awful times to visit, but I believe it has something to do with how quiet and receptive our minds are. Anyway, alongside my bed sitting on a small settee I could just make out a human form. It felt like an older male, very wise and peaceful. He gave off a bluish glow and radiated love and encouragement. His energy was indisputably that of Mr. McAnally, an old family friend who did various carpentry jobs around my childhood home from time to time. Denise was only around four years old when he began working for us, but, despite the age difference, they developed what would eventually become a life long friendship. During the time she was all into being a cowgirl wearing toy six-shooters and a cowboy hat, he build her a wooden horse. When she was a teenager, she’d visit him at his home in Round Mountain, Texas and they’d hunt and fish together. Denise often went to him for advice, because he had so much common sense and wisdom, and he loved her unconditionally. When he died, she was crushed.
As Mr. McAnally’s spirit sat quietly next to my bed, I telepathically received a strong message that Denise was there with him. He was taking good care of her, and she was doing just fine. After making sure I understood, he slowly faded away.
It must be difficult for spirits to appear in physical form on the earthly plane. Their energy vibrates faster than ours, well above wavelengths in the visible spectrum. So in order to manifest to us, they must slow down that vibration tremendously until the reach wavelengths in that part of the electromagnetic spectrum perceptible to the human eye and brain. In Mr. McAnally’s case, he was able to slow down to the blue part of the spectrum.
At this point, I could care less about what wavelength Erik comes in. Purple, rainbow, yellow with red polka dots, green with fuchsia stripes, I’ll take anything. I just want him back in some way, shape or form.
Many of you have written me wishing for more signs or manifestations from departed loved ones. From what I understand, you can make it much easier for them if you send frequent thoughts of love, if you visualize them in your mind, and if you give them virtual hugs. I’ve tried all of this, and the results have been dramatic. Erik says that interacting with spirits gives them the opportunity to practice working with their energy so that they become more skilled in physical manifestations on the earthly plane. No doubt they enjoy the love and attention too!